

河合 晃
Akira Kawai
森 暁
Satoru Mori
Study of interfacial reaction and mechanical properties of copper wire materials by adding a small amount of additive elementsAbstract
宮崎 順二
Junji Miyszaki
A study of the extension of photolithography by utilizing improvements of photomask technologyAbstract
安江 孝夫
Takao Yasue
Research on evaluation of semiconductor surface and device reliability using scanning probe microscopyAbstract
佐藤 充
Mitsuru Sato
A study on functionality characterization of thin-film resist and relating materials for emerging lithographAbstract

論文概要 / Abstract

河合 晃
1994年 博士論文





まず、研究手法として代表的な接着要因である表面エネルギーの釣合いに注目し、接着挙動を解析している。又、金属基板との接着に多いとされるWBL(Weak boundary layer)理論や、熱応力解析手法として有限要素法を取り入れている。新規の表面解析手法として原子間力顕微鏡(AFM)を導入し、接着力の起源である表面力(原子間力)の解析を行っている。










森 暁
2012年 博士論文








第6章では, Cu-Ca膜中のCaは,純Arスパッタガスによる成膜では膜にほとんど含有されないが,酸素を添加したスパッタガスでは膜のCa濃度はターゲットのCa濃度に近づくことを明らかにし,この機構を解明する。10数種類の二元系銅合金ターゲットの成膜試験結果を基に,気化潜熱の小さい添加元素は物理吸着し難く,さらにCu中への固溶限も膜組成に影響を及ぼすことを示す。




第10章では結論を述べる。 本研究であらたに得られた金属薄膜・極細線加工プロセスに関する知見によって,今後の銅配線材料のみならず,新たな異種材料間の接合技術の開発や,その技術を応用した金属とセラミックス等の複合材料開発,およびμmレベルの微細部品開発のブレーク・スルーに資すると結論する。

Study of interfacial reaction and mechanical properties of copper wire materials by adding a small amount of additive elements
Satoru Mori
2012 Doctor thesis

Copper is employed as thin film interconnects for liquid crystal displays. Effects of small amount of additive elements in the film have been studied to improve adhesion to oxide substrates and other properties. Though the elements play an important role in interfacial reaction between the film and the substrates, mechanisms of the reaction with gaseous elements in annealing atmospheres haven’t been studied sufficiently. Meanwhile, gold bonding extra-fine wire has been used for semiconductor. Recently high purity copper extra-fine wire whose hardness and other mechanical properties are close to gold has begun to be employed as substitution of the gold wire for economical reasons. One of the weak points of the copper wire is that the loop shape stability is inferior to that of the gold wire. Effects of small amount of the additive element have been studied to improve the loop stability. Thus, small amount of additive elements are very important to investigate the mechanism and improve the properties of these copper interconnects.

The main objective of this thesis is to clarify the effects of small amount of additive elements on the copper films and the copper wire by the interfacial reaction, solution, diffusion and segregation of the elements.

This thesis consists of 9 chapters. First chapter is introduction. The effects of small amount of additive elements are discussed in this chapter. Copper oxide is formed at the boundary between the substrate and the film during heat treatment in nitrogen, and adhesion of the film is generated by the oxide. However, the degree of the adhesion decreases and the film can be easily removed after hydrogen annealing, which occurs in associated with micro-void formation at the boundary. It is clarified that the importance of the durability of the adhesion against the hydrogen annealing. And, it is also shown that the loop stability of high purity copper bonding wire is improved by rising the recrystallization temperature.

In chapter 2, it is stated that the mechanism of adhesion enhancement of pure copper and copper-calcium alloy films by the nitrogen annealing. Though the pure copper film doesn’t react with SiO2 and doesn’t adhere tightly even if annealed at elevated temperature, 800ºC, the pure copper film does tightly by annealing in nitrogen at only 300ºC. The copper-calcium alloy film adheres tightly to SiO2 at the lower temperature, 200ºC. The durability of hydrogen annealing is improved by the nitrogen annealing of copper-calcium alloy film at 400ºC. The mechanisms of these results are clarified by the results of analyses of the interfaces. These results indicates that small amount of additive element (calcium) strongly effects the interfacial reaction between the copper film and the substrate.

The effects of the oxygen content of the sputter gas on the film properties, for example, oxygen content, adhesion, resistivity, are discussed in chapter 3. A copper film deposited from a copper target which contains cuprous oxide is also investigated in comparison with the film deposited from a pure copper target in the sputter gas with oxygen.

In chapter 4, interfacial structure of a double layer copper film, composed of an under-layer deposited on SiO2 in Ar-10vol%O2 followed by an upper layer deposited in pure Ar, is investigated. Addition of oxygen to the sputter gas generates fine grain structure with Cu2O in the under-layer. Cu2O dissolves in the SiO2, and forms CuO-SiO2 eutectic during the deposition. The dissolution of Cu2O in SiO2 must increase anchor effect and adhesion.

In chapter 5, it is demonstrated that sputter-deposited films with an intermediate oxide layer produced from a copper-calcium alloy target are adhesive even after hydrogen annealing. Annealing in the atmosphere with hydrogen, water generated from the intermediate oxide layer is stabilized by calcium at the interface. That is, micro-void formation is prevented by small amount of additive element, calcium, in the film.

Depositing in pure Ar sputter gas, calcium concentration in the copper film from Cu-1at%Ca target is only a few hundred wt%ppm. But on the contrary, depositing in Ar-10vol%O2, the calcium concentration in the film is close to that in the target. The mechanism of the results is studied in chapter 6. More than a dozen of copper binary alloy film compositions are compared with those of targets. From these results, it is indicated that the latent heat and maximum solubility of calcium in copper are smaller than other elements, which inhibit the adsorption of calcium on copper film.

In chapter 7, film stress which affects the film adhesion is discussed. It is revealed that addition of oxygen in Ar sputter gas changes the film stress from tensile to compression. And it is also shown that the double-layer film consisting of these can make the stress decrease.

In chapter 8, it is discussed that the application of technical expertise obtained from copper bulk study regarding small amount of additive elements, B, is applied for improvement of mechanical properties of high purity extra-fine copper (99.9999at%Cu) bonding wire. It is known that making the solid solution of the small amount of additive element, B, raises the recrystallization temperature and strengthens the wire, and separating B from solid solution lowers the temperature and causes softening of it. Addition of small amount of B as a solute element to the wire increases the recrystallization temperature, and stabilizes the loop shape stability. It is clarified that a boll which formed at the end of the wire softens and increases the bondability.

Conclusions are stated in chapter 9. The findings of thin metal films and extra-fine wires process can contribute as technical breakthrough not only for future copper interconnects in electronics, but also for future bonding process for heterogeneous materials and future materials for metal-ceramics composite materials and microscopic parts.

宮崎 順二
2010年 博士論文



A study of the extension of photolithography by utilizing improvements of photomask technology
Junji Miyazaki
2010 Doctor thesis

It would be advantageous for leading-edge semiconductor devices to shrink beyond the resolution limit imposed by photolithography. The most advanced lithography process is approaching its physical limits and several extension technologies such as extreme ultraviolet lithography or double patterning lithography have been proposed. An optical projection system is used in the semiconductor lithography process. The photomask is the plate from which electronic device circuit patterns are transferred to the wafer to create semiconductor chips. Characteristics of the photomask can strongly impact lithography performance since it is part of the optical system. We would like to present an extension of photolithography by utilizing improvements of photomask technology. Another application of photolithography is also important as an extension of photolithography. Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) are expected to play a key technological role in the development of various new devices. Anisotropic wet etching is widely used in MEMS fabrication processes to fabricate the three dimensional structure. As this etching has a different etching rate for each crystal lattice face, it is known that the etched window shape changes during etching. We would also like to present characteristics of anisotropic wet etching from the view point of mask fidelity.

Backgrounds of this thesis are described in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, the impacts of photomask accuracy on lithographic characteristics are discussed. There are two major requirements for the photomask: one is control of mask pattern size variation, and the other is substrate flatness. It is known that a line edge roughness (LER) of the mask pattern with a spatial frequency higher than a cut off frequency of the projection optics does not cause pattern size variation on a wafer. However, it is found that the LER with a spatial frequency higher than a cut off frequency affects aerial image contrast, which worsens the process window of lithography. A low spatial frequency of substrate flatness variation could result in image plane deviation (IPD). It is demonstrated that the flatness of the exposure area after tilt and curvature correction directly corresponds to an image plane deviation on a wafer. We propose a new specification of substrate flatness based on this knowledge to improve IPD on the wafer. In Chapter 3, an attenuated phase-shifting mask (att-PSM) with a single-layer absorptive shifter film is developed. The optical parameter of this film can be controlled by the condition of film deposition. A new shielding method was also developed using a sub-resolution pattern at a surrounding area of the exposure field. It is important to control phase and transmittance for att-PSM lithography. A relationship between phase error and best focus position is demonstrated. Requirements of phase and transmittance control are also indicated. In Chapter 4, a double patterning lithography utilized to break the resolution limit of lithography is investigated. There are some barriers concerning evaluation of the photomask for double patterning because it includes a hard mask film deposition and a dry etching process. We proposed a new photomask evaluation method for double patterning to analyze the photomask performance with an easy and simple procedure using a double-exposure technique. Results showed this method is useful in determining the impact of mask overlay and pattern size error on double patterning lithography. We evaluate the current mask performance using this method and demonstrate that both overlay and pattern size error is capable of meeting the requirements for double lithography. In Chapter 5, an anisotropic wet etching method for crystal silicon is investigated. Anisotropic wet etching has a different etching rate for each crystal lattice face, and the etched window shape changes during the etching. The fidelity of the mask shape is investigated. Deformation during etching for a circular mask is demonstrated, and a new simple mask correction method is proposed. It is shown that this correction method is useful in making a trial MEMS device. It is also important to understand printability of defects. The impact of opaque-defects on an etched structure is investigated. It is shown that a minimum defect size which does not affect the final structure is around half of the total etching depth. Finally, in Chapter 6 we summarize results and present a guide to extend photolithography by utilizing photomask technology.

安江 孝夫
2006年 博士論文


第1章では走査型トンネル顕微鏡(STM)や走査型トンネル分光(STS)を用いて、イオン注入されたシリコン基板表面のナノメーターオーダーの形状変化を評価すると共に、フッ酸洗浄により水素終端したシリコン基板表面の局所的な電気特性を明らかにしている。最初に、イオン衝突がシリコン表面に与える形状変化を真空中STM用いて評価した。イオン衝撃を加えることにより、シリコン表面に異なる凹凸が現れ、20~200keVのイオン注入エネルギー範囲では、表面凹凸差がエネルギーの増加と共に増加し、クレーターの深さも増加することが分った。次に、STS によりフッ酸洗浄により水素終端したシリコン基板表面の局所的な電気特性を明らかにした。微分コンダクタンスの面内分布から水素終端領域と酸化領域を明確に区分し、前者領域のI-V特性が典型的ショットキー・バリア・ダイオード特性を示し、バンド曲がりに基づくMIS理論により説明できることを明らかにした。一方、後者の酸化領域では電子伝導は表面準位に支配され、フェルミレベルは表面でピンニングし、電圧降下が半導体と酸化膜間で生じていることが分った。

第2章では、原子間力顕微鏡(AFM)を用いて表面微細形状を観察すると共に、Force-Curve測定法を併用して微細形状と表面吸着力との相関性を調べ、半導体用レジスト密着性への影響を定量化した。最初に、SC1洗浄による表面マイクロラフネスの変化をAFM 観察し、SC1洗浄が表面マイクロラフネスを増大させ、これに伴い酸化膜中電荷の捕獲効率が増加し、MOSトランジスタ動作におけるホットキャリア効果の影響を受け易くすることが分った。また、化合物半導体であるInGaAsP上のInPエピタキシャル成長面のAFM 観察も行い、成長初期過程で下地中Asの外部拡散によりInPの結晶性が乱れること、十分な膜厚に達すると明瞭な原子ステップが現れ、<111>方向に走ることを確認した。次に、AFM探針を試料表面で上下させるForce-Curve測定法をプロセス条件の異なる反射防止膜(ARC)用TiN 膜に適用し、フォトレジスト密着性が表面ラフネスや表面吸着力に強く左右されることを定量化した。また、GaAs ICプロセスにおけるSiON膜上のレジスト剥がれ不具合の原因調査にも適用し、レジスト密着性が良好な膜ほど表面マイクロラフネスが小さく、吸着力が大きいことが分った。更に、本手法を面内で展開し表面付着力分布測定法を考案し、InP表面にHBr処理+水洗処理を行った表面や、InGaAsP基板上のレジスト表面の付着力分布を可視化し、分布が材質により異なることを明確にした。

第3章ではSTMやAFMの機能を合わせ持った走査型プローブ顕微鏡(SPM)を用い、電界誘起酸化法で局所加工したシリコン酸化膜の電気特性を明らかにすると共に、走査型プローブ顕微鏡のプローブ電流をモニタすることにより,酸化膜の絶縁破壊現象を直接評価する方法を開発し、絶縁耐性が製造プロセスの違いにより影響を受けることやパターン内で位置依存性を持つこと、ドライエッチングの有無が酸化膜信頼性に影響を与えることを明らかにした。最初に、SPMを16Mフラッシュメモリのトンネル酸化膜に応用し、絶縁破壊の90%が分離酸化膜のエッジ部分に集中することが分った。これは、エッジ部分のトンネル酸化膜が、自身の薄膜化やシリコン界面でのキンク等の物理的要因により絶縁耐圧が低下しているためであり、従来TEG による電気特性結果とも一致している。次に、SPM探針を用いて局所加工したシリコン酸化膜の電気特性を測定した。加工領域では、酸化膜成長による「膜厚増加」と「電流値減少」が見られ、I-V特性のFNプロットが直線性を示し、伝導メカニズムがFNトンネリングであることを示唆した。また、直線の傾きから算出したバリアハイト値は、通常のMOS構造の値と一致した。一方、非加工領域のFNプロットは直線からずれ、電子伝導は直接トンネル理論によることを示した。次に、13nm 厚のシリコン酸化膜絶縁破壊特性を評価するにあたって、酸化膜中キャリアの影響を受けない絶縁耐圧測定を行った。その結果、耐電圧差は16.5~16.7Vの0.2V(1%)以内で、ほぼ均一となった。本手法を基板結晶の異なる二つの酸化膜に適用し、両者の絶縁破壊中心電圧が0.2Vずれることから、基板結晶が絶縁耐圧に影響を及ぼすことを検証した。さらに、絶縁破壊電圧がパターン内で位置依存性を持つことも分った。これらからシリコン酸化膜の絶縁破壊電圧が、酸化膜自体の絶縁電圧と、界面構造の不均一性や不完全性両者に影響を受けていることが分った。最後に、膜厚9.5nm のシリコン酸化膜の経時絶縁破壊特性について調べた。測定結果をワイブル・プロットし、印加電圧サイクル数に対する累積不良率を求めたところ、不良率が直線上に分布し、形状パラメータが印加電圧によらず一定で、故障モードが変わっていないことから、酸化膜の経時絶縁破壊特性測定にも十分適用できることが分った。本手法を、プラズマ・ダメージを加えたものと加えていない2種類のシリコン酸化膜に適用し、両者の平均寿命が、実用である1~6MV/cmの電界強度領域において異なり、プラズマ・ダメージを加えることで膜の平均寿命が短くなることが分った。


Research on evaluation of semiconductor surface and device reliability using scanning probe microscopy
Takao Yasue
2007 Doctor thesis

High integration of semiconductor memory advances and an endless development competition is developed among the chip makers in the world. According to the scaling law, the silicone oxidization film thickness used with a MOS structure transistor is still thinner. Thereby, the electrical field intensity in a film increases and interface structure with a substrate has big influence on transistor characteristics or reliability. For this reason, it is very important to clarify the influence catches quantitatively a detailed form change and local characteristic change which a semiconductor manufacture process exerts on the semiconducting material surface, and this form change affects the device characteristic. In this research, from an above-mentioned viewpoint, evaluation of various semiconductor surfaces and device reliability was done using a scanning probe microscopy (SPM) in which a surface detailed form change, local adsorption power, the electrical property, and partial processing is possible.

In Chapter 1, while evaluating form change of the nano-meter order of the silicon substrate surface by which ion implantation was carried out, the local electrical property of the silicon substrate surface which carried out the hydrogen terminus by HF acid washing is clarified using the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS). First, the surface flatness change exerted on the silicon surface by the ion collision, which is one of the semiconductor process technologies, was evaluated using STM in vacuum. By adding an ion collision to Si (100) surface, clearly different unduration from the surface that did not add ion bombardment appeared. It turned out that surface micro-roughness increases with the increase in ion implantation energy, and ion implantation energy also increases the depth of crater along with it in the range of 20keV-200keV. Then, STS was applied in order to clarify the characteristic of the partial oxidization silicone surface, which carried out the hydrogen termination. Lateral distribution of the differential conductance in current imaging tunneling spectroscopy (CITS) images revealed the existence of two parts in the silicon surface, namely Hydrogen-terminated area and oxidized area. The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics in the former area represent that of an ideal Schottky barrier diode, which can be explained by the metal-insulater-semiconductor (MIS) theory based on the band bending on semiconductor. In the latter area, however, the I-V curve is symmetric and no band bending is observed. In this case, conduction is dominated by the surface states, and most of the voltage drops between the metal and semiconductor occur across the oxide layer. Through the present CITS work, surface undulation as well as the distribution of locally oxidized areas has become clear. From the distribution within a field of a differential conductance, Si surface was clearly classifiable into the hydrogen terminus area and the oxidization area.

In Chapter 2, while observing surface detailed form using the atomic force microscope (AFM), the Force-Curve measuring method was used together, the correlativity of detailed form and surface adsorption power was investigated, and the influence on the photoresist adhesion nature for semiconductors was quantified. First, AFM observation investigated change of surface micro roughness by SC1 washing, and it investigated about the electron capture center of Si/SiO2 system resulting from micro roughenss. It turned out that SC1 washing increases surface micro roughness, and with increase of this surface micro roughness, it also turned out that the capture efficiency of the electric charge in an oxidization film increased, and it is easy to be influenced of the hot carrier effect in MOS transistor operation. Moreover, AFM observation was performed to the surface, which grew InP epitaxially on InGaAsP that is a compound semiconductor. In an initial process of epitaxial growth, since As in InGaAsP of a ground was spread outside, it checked that the crystallinity of InP was confused. On the other hand, when sufficient film thickness was reached, the clear atomic step of InP appeared and it also checked that this atomic step was running in the <111> directions. Next, the absolute value of the force committed between a measured sample and probe was calculated with the Force-Curve measuring method at the time of AFM observation. A Force-Curve measuring method is the method of measuring the amount of bending of the canti-lever to the amount of direction displacement of Z of a sample by changing the relative position of the sample surface and probe. This technique was applied to the TiN film for anti reflective coating (ARC) with which process conditions differ, and it applied to quantitative evaluation of relationship between micro-roughness and adhesion force on the surface of a film. Consequently, it became clear quantitatively that the adhesion nature of the photoresist of the TiN film for ARC is strongly influenced in surface roughness or surface adsorption force. Moreover, the Force-Curve measuring method was applied to cause investigation of the photoresist-peeling fault on the SiON film in a GaAs IC process. The photoresist adhesion nature of a SiON film was strongly influenced in surface roughness or surface adsorption force by the surface micro roughness evaluation using AFM, and the surface adhesion force evaluation by the Force-Curve measuring method, surface micro roughness was as small as the film with good photoresist adhesion nature, and it turned out that surface adsorption force is large. Furthermore, the Force-Curve measuring method was developed in the field, and the distribution image measuring method of surface adhesion was developed. With this measuring method, the adhesion distribution on the surface which was performed HBr processing + flush processing on the InP as-grown surface, and the surface of a resist pattern of the InGaAsP substrate surface was clarified, and it caught clearly that the adhesion on the surface of a sample changed with quality of the materials.

In Chapter 3, using SPM having the function of STM or AFM, the electrical property of the silicone oxide which carried out partial processing by the field induced oxidizing method was clarified. By carrying out the monitor of the probe current of a SPM, the method of carrying out the direct valuation of the dielectric breakdown phenomenon of an oxidization film was developed. It was shown clearly that dielectric strength has position dependability within being influenced by the difference in a manufacture process, or a pattern by this technique, and that the existence of dry etching affects oxidization film reliability. First, SPM was applied to the tunnel oxidization film evaluation of a test element group (TEG) pattern and a memory cell pattern produced by the process flow of 16Mbit flash memory device. In the observation result of a series of tunnel oxidization films, it turned out that 90% of the breakdown generating part is concentrated on the edge portion of a field separator oxidization film, and it is easy to carry out the dielectric breakdown of the oxide film of field separator edge as compared with other portions. This reason is easy to generate breakdown according to physical factors, such as kink at Si-SiO2 interface, or a tunnel oxide film's own thinning in a field edge portion. This is in agreement also with the general knowledge from the electrical property result of having used the conventional TEG pattern. Next, using SPM, we have modified a silicon surface and measured its I-V characteristics. In the modified area, both an increase in film thickness and a decrease in current caused by field-induced oxidation (FIO) have been observed. The I-V characteristics of the FIO film show a good fit to a Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling current model. The barrier height determined by a FN plot shows a good agreement with that of conventional MOS structure with thermal thick silicon-oxide. Furthermore, the applicability of SPM in the dielectric breakdown characteristics of silicon oxide has been demonstrated. Our study demonstrates that the measurement on the oxide is free from the effect of trapped charge created by FN tunneling when a sufficient distance is maintained between the measuring points. In this condition, for a 13nm-thick oxide, the dielectric breakdown voltages were found to be so uniform as to fluctuate only 1%. We applied this method to oxides on the wafers from two different vendors, and found that the dielectric breakdown strength of the oxide depends on the difference on the Si substrates. We also applied this method to a square oxide pattern surrounded by a field oxide, and the result was that the dielectric breakdown strength of the oxide on the edge is lower than the one in the center. And finally, the applicability of SPM in the time dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) characteristics of silicon oxide has been demonstrated. Our study demonstrates that cumulative failure rates by the Weibull plot of TDDB measurement results for 9.5nm-thick oxide were found to be straight lines and shape parameters were not based on bias voltages, but they were almost fixed. These results indicate that failure mode within the limits of these voltage conditions has not changed and the SPM method can be applicable to the evaluation of TDDB characteristics of silicon oxide. We also applied this method to oxides on a silicon substrate surface with and without damage by plasma etching. The life expectancy in a real working voltage domain was searched for, and it presumed that a difference arose in these.

Many knowledge about the detailed form change on the surface of a semiconducting material, local adsorption power, or electrical conduction and the dielectric breakdown characteristic of oxidization film is acquired by this research, and it is thought that it contributes to the improvement in reliability of the device in the latest future semiconductor development.

佐藤 充
2006年 博士論文




A study on functionality characterization of thin-film resist and relating materials for emerging lithography
Mitsuru Sato
2006 Doctor thesis

Continued demands for miniaturization of features for fine patterning also requires increasingly thinner resists. This two fold task, reduction in feature size and reduction in resist thickness, demands more refined characterization of resist especially in the lights of nanotechnology and emerging lithography. This thesis addresses the characterization of resists for electron beam (EB) lithography and immersion lithography. In the case of EB resist the characterization was carried out with a direct write electron beam exposure tool and a SCALPEL system developed by Bell Laboratories in the US. The studies involved working with patterns around 100 nm on a simple stack of 350 nm resist. It seemed that the available process latitude and pitch dependency of the evaluated resists could pose limitations to any high-volume manufacturing process. In the case of immersion lithography the resist characterization involved resist component elution that could adversely affect the quality of resist patterns, as well as could also cause contamination to the lens of the exposure tool. Regarding resist component elution, it has been successfully characterized for the detected elution molar amount of less than one part per trillion where the characterization was carried out for a film thickness of 200 nm, and where the elution amount was normalized with one square centimeter of resist film. The studies also pinned down the information on the structural dependency of film on photo acid generator (PAG), and the differences among the various base polymer types. From the standpoint of resist process modification, a presoaking procedure was found to reduce the elution of PAG ions in unexposed region by around 90 %. However, the presoaking did not seem to reduce the elution of ions in the exposed region of resists. For the topcoat characterization of substance penetration, an indirect method with fluoric acid (HF) etching on silicon substrate was developed and was employed to examine a 30 nm thick film of hydrophobic material. The advantage of this indirect approach was to be able monitor rapid changes in the film, as if taking and saving pictures of the continuous changes onto silicon substrate. From the result of the HF concentration dependency investigation it was learned that the HF aqueous penetrated the topcoat under the mechanism of diffusion. Results form Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) studies suggested that the penetration occurred through the meniscus of topcoat aggregates where the printed circular patterns on silicon surface were observed. The diffusion coefficient was found to be 1x10-17 m2/s in the case of a 30 nm thick film on a substrate where the substrate was dipped into a 0.5 wt% of HF solution at 20℃.