博士論文 Doctor thesis
- 菅原 司
- 均一なナノ多孔質ポリイミド膜の製法と実用化に関する研究論文概要
- Tsukasa Sugawara
博士論文 Doctor thesis
- 森 暁
- 微量添加元素による銅配線材料の界面反応と機械的特性に関する研究論文概要
- Satoru Mori
- Study of interfacial reaction and mechanical properties of copper wire materials by adding a small amount of additive elementsAbstract
博士論文 Doctor thesis
- 宮崎 順二
- 高精度マスク技術による光リソグラフィの延命化に関する研究論文概要
- Junji Miyszaki
- A study of the extension of photolithography by utilizing improvements of photomask technologyAbstract
博士論文 Doctor thesis
- 安江 孝夫
- 走査型プローブ顕微鏡を用いた半導体表面およびデバイス信頼性の評価に関する研究論文概要
- Takao Yasue
- Research on evaluation of semiconductor surface and device reliability using scanning probe microscopyAbstract
博士論文 Doctor thesis
修士論文 / 卒業論文リスト
修士論文 Master thesis
- 門叶 柾樹
- 高分子電解質膜/ポリイミド複合材料を用いた燃料電池(DMFC)デバイスのクロスオーバーの研究論文概要
- Masaki Togano
- Study on crossover in the Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) device based on polymer electrolyte membrane/Polyimide composite materialAbstract
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- 田中 優佑
- フレキシブルプリント基板(FPC)の作製プロセスの最適化
- Yusuke Tanaka
- Fabrication process and optimization of flexible printed circuit boardsAbstract
修士論文 Master thesis
- 柴﨑 雄汰
- TiO2光触媒によるシリカ/カーボンナノチューブ複合材料と選択的構造形成に関する研究論文概要
- Yuta Shibasaki
- Silica / Carbon Nanotube Composites material and Selective Structure Formation by TiO2 PhotocatalystAbstract
- 谷川 直樹
- MOSデバイスによるマイクロ流路内の微粒子凝集性の解析論文概要
- Naoki Tanikawa
- Analysis of fine particle cohesiveness in microchannel by MOS deviceAbstract
修士論文 Master thesis
- 高垣 信巨
- サイドエッチング制御による多層膜リソグラフィに関する研究論文概要
- Nobuhiro Takagaki
- A study of multi-layer lithography by side etching controlAbstract
- 竹見 拡
- CLSM法による高分子/無機基板界面への極性溶媒の浸透解析と高分子のナノ凝集制御論文概要
- Hiromu Takemi
- Penetration Analysis of Polar Solvent into Polymer/Inorganic Substrate Interface by CLSM and Nano-aggregation control of PolymerAbstract
- 長谷川 渓太
- トンネル電流による単分子吸着の反応解析と単一電子素子への応用
- Keita Hasegawa
- Chemical Reaction Analysis of Single Molecule Adsorption by Tunneling Current Measurement and Application to Single Electron Device
- 山浦 樹
- 非周期ひずみ下での機能性ポリイミド/Cu界面の疲労解析と接着性の向上論文概要
- Itsuki Yamaura
- Fatigue Analysis and Adhesion Improvement of Functional Polyimide / Cu Interface under Aperiodic StrainAbstract
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- 山田 竣平
- 植物電位計測によるバイオコントロール
- Shunpei Yamada
- Bio control by electric potential of plant
修士論文 Master thesis
- 佐藤 亮介
- ゲート絶縁膜中の欠陥抑制と極薄膜化に関する研究論文概要
- Ryosuke Sato
- Study of low defect reducing and ultra thin high-k gate dielectric filmAbstract
修士論文 Master thesis
- 丸山 智大
- 凝集/付着エネルギー制御に基づくシングルナノスケールの高分子膜形成に関する研究論文概要
- Tomohiro Maruyama
- Study on Formation of Single Nanoscale Polymer Film Based on Cohesive and Adhesion Energy ControlsAbstract
- 矢木 菜摘
- 3次元液体マイクロチューブネットワークの構築と高機能化論文概要
- Natsumi Yagi
- Construction and Functionalization of Three-dimensional Liquid Microtube NetworkAbstract
- 山根 克明
- バイオミメティクス型マイクロノズルによるリソグラフィ技術の高品位化論文概要
- Katsuaki Yamane
- Development of biomimetic nozzle by High-quality Photo Lithography TechniqueAbstract
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- 大屋 幹
- マイクロチャネルの構造と流体制御
- Motoki Oya
- Structure of the Micro Channel and the fluid controlAbstract
修士論文 Master thesis
- 白瀧 穂高
- Au/機能性樹脂/Si半導体キャパシタ素子による有機アルカリイオンの浸透挙動解析論文概要
- Hodaka Shirataki
- Analysis of Organic alkaline ion Intrusion Behavior by Au/Functional resin/Si Capacitor DeviceAbstract
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- 髙﨑 大輔
- Viscous Fingering現象の高機能化を目指したハイブリッド制御論文概要
- Daisuke Takasaki
- Hybrid Control to aim at highly functional Viscous FingeringAbstract
修士論文 Master thesis
- 中野 弘基
- 機能性高分子薄膜の凝集構造のナノスケール制御とデバイス応用論文概要
- Hiroki Nakano
- Nano Scale Control of Aggregate Structure in Functional Polymer film and Device ApplicationAbstract
修士論文 Master thesis
- 国井 弥子
- リソグラフィによる表面ナノ分子構造制御とヒトの触感センシングへの応用論文概要
- Yako Kunii
- Surface nanomolecular structure control by micro lithography and application to human tactile sensingAbstract
- 窪田 直也
- ナノフリクション制御に基づく表面電位応用素子に関する研究論文概要
- Naoya Kubota
- Study of surface potential application device by nanofriction controlAbstract
- 篠崎 雅也
- 気液界面制御による液中動作型マイクロ生体燃料電池の開発論文概要
- Masaya Shinozaki
- Liquid environment type micro bio fuel cell operation by gas-liquid interface controlAbstract
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- 石原 皓一
- 溶存酸素分離機構を有する液中動作型燃料電池論文概要
- Koichi Ishihara
- Fuel cell operation in liquid by composing separation system of dissolved oxygenAbstract
修士論文 Master thesis
- 大谷 翔吾
- 微細構造電極を用いた緑葉植物の等価回路解析論文概要
- Shogo Ohtani
- Equivalent circuit analysis system of plant by using microfunctional electrodeAbstract
- 大塚 和俊
- 光リソグラフィによる積層型マイクロ多孔チューブ構造の開発論文概要
- Kazutoshi Otsuka
- Development of micro porous tube in laminating structure by photo lithography techniqueAbstract
- 桜井 洋輔
- プロトン伝導膜/触媒電極構造のパターン化によるマイクロ燃料電池の小型化・高機能化に関する研究論文概要
- Yosuke Sakurai
- Study of minimization and functionalization of micro fuel cells by micro patterning of proton conductor / catalytic electrodesAbstract
- 野口 悠太
- 薄膜マイクロヒーターのパターン化による局所加熱システム論文概要
- Yuta Noguchi
- Local heating system by micro patterning of thin film micro heaterAbstract
- 福本 有輝
- 植物電位モニタリング用システムの開発論文概要
- Yuki Fukumoto
- Development of monitoring system for plant potentialAbstract
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- 鎌田 隼
- 光活性表面で制御する機能型マイクロチャネルネットワーク論文概要
- Shun Kamada
- Functional micro channel network composed with photoactive surfacesAbstract
修士論文 Master thesis
- 相場 崇
- 有機/無機ハイブリッド型MEMS構造の開発論文概要
- Takashi Aiba
- Development of organic/inorganic hybrid-type MEMS structureAbstract
修士論文 Master thesis
- 森田 直也
- 燃料電池における高分子電解質膜/触媒ナノ粒子間のナノ界面制御論文概要
- Naoya Morita
- Nano interface control between the catalyst nanoparticle / polymer electrolyte membrane in fuel cellAbstract
- 森永 和也
- 多電極を有する小型燃料電池(DMFC)の高機能化論文概要
- Kazuya Morinaga
- Higher performance of micro Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) composed with multi-electrodesAbstract
修士論文 Master thesis
- 大畑 俊輔
- MEMS技術を用いたマイクロ燃料電池(DMFC)の出力安定化論文概要
- Shunsuke Ohata
- Electrical power stabilization of the micro direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) with MEMS techniquesAbstract
- 小野 哲矢
- MEMS機能を有する基板表面での微小液滴の付着制御論文概要
- Tetsuya Ono
- Adhesion control of micro droplet on Functional MEMS substrateAbstract
- 笹崎 大生
- マイクロバブル型MEMSメモリの開発論文概要
- Hiroki Sasazaki
- Development of MEMS memory by microbubble operationAbstract
- 山田 昌佳
- 超音波駆動型MEMSによる微粒子群 (疑似血栓) の分散化論文概要
- Masayoshi Yamada
- Dispersion of condensation particles (artificial clots) by MEMS under ultrasonic vibration controlAbstract
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- ヌル イッザティ ビンティ ザカリア
- 超音波を利用した気液界面制御論文概要
- Nur Izzati Binti Zakariah
- Control of the gas-liquid interface by ultrasonic vibrationAbstract
修士論文 Master thesis
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
修士論文 Master thesis
- 田中 大祐
- 機能性電極による気液界面制御型マイクロ燃料電池の開発論文概要
- Daisuke Tanaka
- Development of micro fuel cell based on gas-liquid interface control with functional electrodeAbstract
- 山路 貴司
- ダイヤフラム駆動型マイクロ流体制御MEMSの開発論文概要
- Takashi Yamaji
- Development of micro fluid MEMS controlled by micro diaphragmAbstract
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- エクスリヤ ペットプーチャイ
- 組み合わせ型太陽電池デバイスの作製論文概要
- Eksouriya Phetphouchay
- Fabrication of the combined solar cells deviceAbstract
- 田中 竜太朗
- はんだBGAに形成される微小ボイドの挙動解析論文概要
- Ryotaro Tanaka
修士論文 Master thesis
- 黒田 真吾
- 電界制御型うなり振動プローブの作製と地盤振動スペクトル検出論文概要
- Shingo Kuroda
- Development of new beat system under alternative electric-field control and application to vibration spectrum detection in tremendous earthquakeAbstract
- 倉野 一俊
- カプセル型MEMSの構築と帯電浮遊微粒子の捕獲・再飛散抑制論文概要
- Kazutoshi Kurano
- Fabrication of capsule type MEMS for capturing charged micro particles floating in air without release from capsuleAbstract
修士論文 Master thesis
- 有賀 智崇
- 表面張力制御による3次元微細構造の破壊抑制と混合濾過システムの開発論文概要
- Tomotaka Ariga
- Destruction analysis of 3-dimensional micro structure by controlling surface energy, and development of mixing and filtration systemsAbstract
- 鈴木 健太
- 基板と液滴とのコンタクトライン近傍での濡れ/乾燥挙動の解析論文概要
- Kenta Suzuki
- Analysis of wetting and drying behavior in vicinity of contact line at substrate and droplet interfaceAbstract
- 森内 貴広
- 表面硬化層内の高分子集合体の凝集制御によるレジストパターンの微細化論文概要
- Takahiro Moriuchi
- Miniaturization of resist pattern by controlling polymer aggregate of hardened surface layerAbstract
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- 中長 英明
- 大気中放電デバイスの集積化論文概要
- Hideaki Nakacho
- Integration of discharge device perating in atmosphere
- ノルバヤ ビンティ ハサン
- 原子間力顕微鏡(AFM)によるHamaker定数の測定論文概要
- Norbaya Binti Hasan
- Hamaker constant determination from Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)Abstract
- ムハマド シャリーザ サフィルツ ビン カシム
- はんだバンプの機械的特性の解析論文概要
- Muhammad Shahreeza Safiruz bin Kassim
- Mechanical properties analysis of solder bumpAbstract
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- 竹石 知史
- 位相シフト法による高アスペクト比パターンの形成論文概要
- Tomofumi Takeishi
修士論文 Master thesis
- 石川 厚志
- 原子間力顕微鏡を用いたナノ凝集体への溶液の浸透メカニズム解析論文概要
- Atsushi Ishikawa
- Intrusion mechanism of liquid into nanocondensed matter analyzed by using Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)Abstract
- 遠藤 穂高
- 微小気泡の移動制御を利用したマイクロシステムの開発論文概要
- Hotaka Endo
- Development of micro system applied for moving control of micro bubbleAbstract
- 新山 雄俊
- ナノスケール固体における非接触変形のメカニズム解析および相互作用斥力による変形抑制論文概要
- Takayoshi Niiyama
- Mechanism analysis of non-contacting deformation and restricting deformation due to repulsive interaction force of solid in nanoscaleAbstract
- 山中 雅貴
- 微小液体メニスカス形状制御を利用した表示デバイスの開発論文概要
- Masaki Yamanaka
- Development of display device using form control of micro liquid meniscus bridgeAbstract
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- 中島 賢治
- 基板上の微小液滴形状の動的特性解析論文概要
- Kenji Nakajima
修士論文 Master thesis
- 坂田 誠
- 三次元構造内における液体メニスカス挙動解析論文概要
- Makoto Sakata
- Meniscus behavior analysis in macro-size three dimensional structuresAbstract
- 根本 忠哉
- 荷重点制御型シェアモード法を用いたはんだバンプの接合性解析論文概要
- Tadachika Nemoto
- Bonding analysis for solder bump by load point controllable shear peeling method(LCSM)Abstract
- 平野 正人
- ナノスケールにおける純水とレジストパターンとのメニスカスが及ぼす相互作用解析論文概要
- Masahito Hirano
- Nano-scale analysis of meniscus interaction between pure water and resist patternAbstract
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- シャハリール アカマル ビン ハリール
- ポラリスコープを用いた固体材料の応力解析
- Sahril Akmal Bin Halil
- Stress analysis of the solid material using the polariscopeAbstract
- ムハマド ラムリー ビン オトマン
- 気液混合体の誘電特性解析
- Mohd. Ramli Bin Othman
- Dielectric characteristics analysis of gas-liquid mixturesAbstract
- チュドリー エムディ ズバエル アクタル
- AFMを用いた微小固体の機械的特性解析論文概要
- Choudhury Md. Zubair Akhter
- Mechanical characteristic analysis of the minute solid using AFMAbstract
修士論文 Master thesis
- 丹治 隆志
- 原子力間顕微鏡(AFM)を用いた数10nmサイズの高分子集合体の凝集性解析論文概要
- Takashi Tanji
- Cohesion properties of polymer aggregates of several tens nano-meters size analyzed by Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)Abstract
修士論文 Master thesis
- 井上 大輔
- 原子力間顕微鏡(AFM)を用いた微細レジストパターンの倒壊挙動解析論文概要
- Daisuke Inoue
- Collapse behavior of micro resist pattern analyzed by using an Atomic Force MicroscopeAbstract
- 岩田 敏幸
- FT-IR-ATR法を用いたSi基板表面相の不均一分布の解析論文概要
- Toshiyuki Iwata
- Analysis of ununiformity distribution on Si surface layer by using a FT-IR-ATAbstract
- 小井土 順一
- 薄膜コート法による多層膜の欠陥検出および応力分布解析論文概要
- Jun-ichi Koido
- Stress distribution analysis and defect detection at multilayer film due to thin film coating methodAbstract
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- 国安 浩平
- はんだバンプの付着特性における剥離角度と基板表面粗さの最適化論文概要
- Kohei Kuniyasu
- 福原 信也
- ATR-Auプラズモン共鳴を用いた表面特性解析論文概要
- Shinya Fukuhara
修士論文 Master thesis
- 阿部 貴人
- 原子力間顕微鏡を用いた高分子集合体の破壊挙動解析及び付着力解析論文概要
- Takato Abe
- Analysis of destruction and adhesion force of polymer aggregate by using an Atomic Force MicroscopeAbstract
- 磯部 亮
- HMDCプラズマ重合法によるサイドウォール型リソグラフィー技術の開発論文概要
- Makoto Isobe
- Development of lithography technique with side-wall by HMDS plasma polymerization methodAbstract
- 原 朋敬
- インピーダンス法を用いたエポキシ接着層の破壊挙動解析論文概要
- Tomonori Hara
- Destruction beehive of epoxy adhesive layer analyzed by the impedance methodAbstrac
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- 小林 繋紀
- MOS構造のC-V特性測定による誘電膜の特性評価論文概要
- Shigeki Kobayashi
- 本間 隆幸
- 半田バンプの縮小化におけるシェアモード剥離法の評価論文概要
- Takayuki Honma
修士論文 Master thesis
- 森池 教夫
- 走査型プローブ顕微鏡を用いた微細レジストパターンのマニピュレーション技術の開発論文概要
- Norio Moriike
- Study for manipulation of micro resist-patterns by using a scanning probe microscopeAbstrac
- 澤永 裕司
- 原子力間顕微鏡を用いた局所帯電法による微粒子群(粒径100nm以下)の凝集力制御論文概要
- Yuji Sawanaga
- Analysis of wetting and drying behavior in vicinity of Contact line at substrate and droplet interfaceAbstrac
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- 平野 克
- 走査型近接場光顕微鏡(SNOM)の作製論文概要
- Mamoru Hirano
修士論文 Master thesis
- 金子 悦久
- 原子力間顕微鏡を用いたKrF対応化学増幅型フォトレジストパターンの機械的物性解析論文概要
- Yoshihisa Kaneko
- Analysis of mechanicalpProperty of KrF chemically amplified resist pattern by using atomic force microscopeAbstrac
- 川神 淳子
- 原子力間顕微鏡(AFM)探針とシランカップリング処理した固体基板間のVan der Waals 力解析論文概要
- Junko Kawakami
- Analysis of Van der Waals force between atomic force microscope tip and substrate treated with silane couplingAbstrac
- 西崎 芙美
- メニスカスコントロール法による数10nmクラスの局所陽極酸化技術の研究論文概要
- Fumi Nishizaki
- Study of water-meniscus control to fabricate local anodization pattern of several tens nanometerAbstrac
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- 金川 栄三
- カンチレバー方式による湿度センサーの開発論文概要
- Eizo Kanagawa
- 酒井 鉄平
- 表面エネルギー制御による微小気泡の生成機構論文概要
- Teppei Sakai
- 武田 亘史
- フリンジ観測による固体表面及び薄膜上の汚染分布解論文概要
- Koji Takeda
- Analysis of the contamination distribution on the solid and thin film surfaces by observing the Fringe pattern
修士論文 Master thesis
- 川上 喜章
- AFM微細探針による直接剥離法と溶液浸透モデルによるレジストパターンの接着挙動解析論文概要
- Yoshiaki Kawakami
- Adhesion analysis of photoresist pattern by direct peeling method with AFM micro tip and by liquid intrusion modelAbstrac
- 関 明寛
- ギャップ内の高分子膜に生じるViscous Fingering変形と接着性論文概要
- Akihiro Seki
- Correlation between adhesive strength and viscous fingering deformation of polymer film interposed by two substratesAbstrac
- 堀口 博司
- 原子力間顕微鏡(AFM)探針と微粒子間のVan der Waals力の解析論文概要
- Hiroshi Horiguchi
- Analysis for Van der Waals force between Atomic Force Microscope tip and micro particlesAbstrac
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
修士論文 Master thesis
- 芦田 安立
- 原子力間顕微鏡(AFM)を用いた固体の表面自由エネルギー解析論文概要
- Yasuharu Ashida
- Analysis for surface free energy of solid using an Atomic Force microscopeAbstrac
- 岡田 彰
- ミクロンサイズの幾何学的凹凸表面を用いた液滴の濡れ挙動解析論文概要
- Akira Okada
- Wetting behavior of liquid drop on geometrical rough surfaceAbstrac
- 小泉 延恵
- Cu薄膜のAl膜に対する接着挙動解析 ~レジストを接着剤として用いた引っ張り試験~論文概要
- Nobue Koizumi
- Abstrac
- 西村 知巳
- 固体表面での微小液滴群の付着挙動及び工学的干渉縞による汚染解析論文概要
- Tomomi Nishimura
- Condensation property of micro droplets on solid surface and contamination analysis by the optical fringe methodAbstrac
卒業論文 Bachelor thesis
- 関屋 さとみ
- 原子力間顕微鏡(AFM)によるフォトレジスト膜表面の摩擦挙動解析 ~周期パターンの歪検出~論文概要
- Satomi Sekiya
論文概要 / Abstract
第6章では, Cu-Ca膜中のCaは,純Arスパッタガスによる成膜では膜にほとんど含有されないが,酸素を添加したスパッタガスでは膜のCa濃度はターゲットのCa濃度に近づくことを明らかにし,この機構を解明する。10数種類の二元系銅合金ターゲットの成膜試験結果を基に,気化潜熱の小さい添加元素は物理吸着し難く,さらにCu中への固溶限も膜組成に影響を及ぼすことを示す。
第10章では結論を述べる。 本研究であらたに得られた金属薄膜・極細線加工プロセスに関する知見によって,今後の銅配線材料のみならず,新たな異種材料間の接合技術の開発や,その技術を応用した金属とセラミックス等の複合材料開発,およびμmレベルの微細部品開発のブレーク・スルーに資すると結論する。
Study of interfacial reaction and mechanical properties of copper wire materials by adding a small amount of additive elements
Copper is employed as thin film interconnects for liquid crystal displays. Effects of small amount of additive elements in the film have been studied to improve adhesion to oxide substrates and other properties. Though the elements play an important role in interfacial reaction between the film and the substrates, mechanisms of the reaction with gaseous elements in annealing atmospheres haven’t been studied sufficiently. Meanwhile, gold bonding extra-fine wire has been used for semiconductor. Recently high purity copper extra-fine wire whose hardness and other mechanical properties are close to gold has begun to be employed as substitution of the gold wire for economical reasons. One of the weak points of the copper wire is that the loop shape stability is inferior to that of the gold wire. Effects of small amount of the additive element have been studied to improve the loop stability. Thus, small amount of additive elements are very important to investigate the mechanism and improve the properties of these copper interconnects.
The main objective of this thesis is to clarify the effects of small amount of additive elements on the copper films and the copper wire by the interfacial reaction, solution, diffusion and segregation of the elements.
This thesis consists of 9 chapters. First chapter is introduction. The effects of small amount of additive elements are discussed in this chapter. Copper oxide is formed at the boundary between the substrate and the film during heat treatment in nitrogen, and adhesion of the film is generated by the oxide. However, the degree of the adhesion decreases and the film can be easily removed after hydrogen annealing, which occurs in associated with micro-void formation at the boundary. It is clarified that the importance of the durability of the adhesion against the hydrogen annealing. And, it is also shown that the loop stability of high purity copper bonding wire is improved by rising the recrystallization temperature.
In chapter 2, it is stated that the mechanism of adhesion enhancement of pure copper and copper-calcium alloy films by the nitrogen annealing. Though the pure copper film doesn’t react with SiO2 and doesn’t adhere tightly even if annealed at elevated temperature, 800ºC, the pure copper film does tightly by annealing in nitrogen at only 300ºC. The copper-calcium alloy film adheres tightly to SiO2 at the lower temperature, 200ºC. The durability of hydrogen annealing is improved by the nitrogen annealing of copper-calcium alloy film at 400ºC. The mechanisms of these results are clarified by the results of analyses of the interfaces. These results indicates that small amount of additive element (calcium) strongly effects the interfacial reaction between the copper film and the substrate.
The effects of the oxygen content of the sputter gas on the film properties, for example, oxygen content, adhesion, resistivity, are discussed in chapter 3. A copper film deposited from a copper target which contains cuprous oxide is also investigated in comparison with the film deposited from a pure copper target in the sputter gas with oxygen.
In chapter 4, interfacial structure of a double layer copper film, composed of an under-layer deposited on SiO2 in Ar-10vol%O2 followed by an upper layer deposited in pure Ar, is investigated. Addition of oxygen to the sputter gas generates fine grain structure with Cu2O in the under-layer. Cu2O dissolves in the SiO2, and forms CuO-SiO2 eutectic during the deposition. The dissolution of Cu2O in SiO2 must increase anchor effect and adhesion.
In chapter 5, it is demonstrated that sputter-deposited films with an intermediate oxide layer produced from a copper-calcium alloy target are adhesive even after hydrogen annealing. Annealing in the atmosphere with hydrogen, water generated from the intermediate oxide layer is stabilized by calcium at the interface. That is, micro-void formation is prevented by small amount of additive element, calcium, in the film.
Depositing in pure Ar sputter gas, calcium concentration in the copper film from Cu-1at%Ca target is only a few hundred wt%ppm. But on the contrary, depositing in Ar-10vol%O2, the calcium concentration in the film is close to that in the target. The mechanism of the results is studied in chapter 6. More than a dozen of copper binary alloy film compositions are compared with those of targets. From these results, it is indicated that the latent heat and maximum solubility of calcium in copper are smaller than other elements, which inhibit the adsorption of calcium on copper film.
In chapter 7, film stress which affects the film adhesion is discussed. It is revealed that addition of oxygen in Ar sputter gas changes the film stress from tensile to compression. And it is also shown that the double-layer film consisting of these can make the stress decrease.
In chapter 8, it is discussed that the application of technical expertise obtained from copper bulk study regarding small amount of additive elements, B, is applied for improvement of mechanical properties of high purity extra-fine copper (99.9999at%Cu) bonding wire. It is known that making the solid solution of the small amount of additive element, B, raises the recrystallization temperature and strengthens the wire, and separating B from solid solution lowers the temperature and causes softening of it. Addition of small amount of B as a solute element to the wire increases the recrystallization temperature, and stabilizes the loop shape stability. It is clarified that a boll which formed at the end of the wire softens and increases the bondability.
Conclusions are stated in chapter 9. The findings of thin metal films and extra-fine wires process can contribute as technical breakthrough not only for future copper interconnects in electronics, but also for future bonding process for heterogeneous materials and future materials for metal-ceramics composite materials and microscopic parts.
A study of the extension of photolithography by utilizing improvements of photomask technology
It would be advantageous for leading-edge semiconductor devices to shrink beyond the resolution limit imposed by photolithography. The most advanced lithography process is approaching its physical limits and several extension technologies such as extreme ultraviolet lithography or double patterning lithography have been proposed. An optical projection system is used in the semiconductor lithography process. The photomask is the plate from which electronic device circuit patterns are transferred to the wafer to create semiconductor chips. Characteristics of the photomask can strongly impact lithography performance since it is part of the optical system. We would like to present an extension of photolithography by utilizing improvements of photomask technology. Another application of photolithography is also important as an extension of photolithography. Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) are expected to play a key technological role in the development of various new devices. Anisotropic wet etching is widely used in MEMS fabrication processes to fabricate the three dimensional structure. As this etching has a different etching rate for each crystal lattice face, it is known that the etched window shape changes during etching. We would also like to present characteristics of anisotropic wet etching from the view point of mask fidelity.
Backgrounds of this thesis are described in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, the impacts of photomask accuracy on lithographic characteristics are discussed. There are two major requirements for the photomask: one is control of mask pattern size variation, and the other is substrate flatness. It is known that a line edge roughness (LER) of the mask pattern with a spatial frequency higher than a cut off frequency of the projection optics does not cause pattern size variation on a wafer. However, it is found that the LER with a spatial frequency higher than a cut off frequency affects aerial image contrast, which worsens the process window of lithography. A low spatial frequency of substrate flatness variation could result in image plane deviation (IPD). It is demonstrated that the flatness of the exposure area after tilt and curvature correction directly corresponds to an image plane deviation on a wafer. We propose a new specification of substrate flatness based on this knowledge to improve IPD on the wafer. In Chapter 3, an attenuated phase-shifting mask (att-PSM) with a single-layer absorptive shifter film is developed. The optical parameter of this film can be controlled by the condition of film deposition. A new shielding method was also developed using a sub-resolution pattern at a surrounding area of the exposure field. It is important to control phase and transmittance for att-PSM lithography. A relationship between phase error and best focus position is demonstrated. Requirements of phase and transmittance control are also indicated. In Chapter 4, a double patterning lithography utilized to break the resolution limit of lithography is investigated. There are some barriers concerning evaluation of the photomask for double patterning because it includes a hard mask film deposition and a dry etching process. We proposed a new photomask evaluation method for double patterning to analyze the photomask performance with an easy and simple procedure using a double-exposure technique. Results showed this method is useful in determining the impact of mask overlay and pattern size error on double patterning lithography. We evaluate the current mask performance using this method and demonstrate that both overlay and pattern size error is capable of meeting the requirements for double lithography. In Chapter 5, an anisotropic wet etching method for crystal silicon is investigated. Anisotropic wet etching has a different etching rate for each crystal lattice face, and the etched window shape changes during the etching. The fidelity of the mask shape is investigated. Deformation during etching for a circular mask is demonstrated, and a new simple mask correction method is proposed. It is shown that this correction method is useful in making a trial MEMS device. It is also important to understand printability of defects. The impact of opaque-defects on an etched structure is investigated. It is shown that a minimum defect size which does not affect the final structure is around half of the total etching depth. Finally, in Chapter 6 we summarize results and present a guide to extend photolithography by utilizing photomask technology.
第1章では走査型トンネル顕微鏡(STM)や走査型トンネル分光(STS)を用いて、イオン注入されたシリコン基板表面のナノメーターオーダーの形状変化を評価すると共に、フッ酸洗浄により水素終端したシリコン基板表面の局所的な電気特性を明らかにしている。最初に、イオン衝突がシリコン表面に与える形状変化を真空中STM用いて評価した。イオン衝撃を加えることにより、シリコン表面に異なる凹凸が現れ、20~200keVのイオン注入エネルギー範囲では、表面凹凸差がエネルギーの増加と共に増加し、クレーターの深さも増加することが分った。次に、STS によりフッ酸洗浄により水素終端したシリコン基板表面の局所的な電気特性を明らかにした。微分コンダクタンスの面内分布から水素終端領域と酸化領域を明確に区分し、前者領域のI-V特性が典型的ショットキー・バリア・ダイオード特性を示し、バンド曲がりに基づくMIS理論により説明できることを明らかにした。一方、後者の酸化領域では電子伝導は表面準位に支配され、フェルミレベルは表面でピンニングし、電圧降下が半導体と酸化膜間で生じていることが分った。
第2章では、原子間力顕微鏡(AFM)を用いて表面微細形状を観察すると共に、Force-Curve測定法を併用して微細形状と表面吸着力との相関性を調べ、半導体用レジスト密着性への影響を定量化した。最初に、SC1洗浄による表面マイクロラフネスの変化をAFM 観察し、SC1洗浄が表面マイクロラフネスを増大させ、これに伴い酸化膜中電荷の捕獲効率が増加し、MOSトランジスタ動作におけるホットキャリア効果の影響を受け易くすることが分った。また、化合物半導体であるInGaAsP上のInPエピタキシャル成長面のAFM 観察も行い、成長初期過程で下地中Asの外部拡散によりInPの結晶性が乱れること、十分な膜厚に達すると明瞭な原子ステップが現れ、<111>方向に走ることを確認した。次に、AFM探針を試料表面で上下させるForce-Curve測定法をプロセス条件の異なる反射防止膜(ARC)用TiN 膜に適用し、フォトレジスト密着性が表面ラフネスや表面吸着力に強く左右されることを定量化した。また、GaAs ICプロセスにおけるSiON膜上のレジスト剥がれ不具合の原因調査にも適用し、レジスト密着性が良好な膜ほど表面マイクロラフネスが小さく、吸着力が大きいことが分った。更に、本手法を面内で展開し表面付着力分布測定法を考案し、InP表面にHBr処理+水洗処理を行った表面や、InGaAsP基板上のレジスト表面の付着力分布を可視化し、分布が材質により異なることを明確にした。
第3章ではSTMやAFMの機能を合わせ持った走査型プローブ顕微鏡(SPM)を用い、電界誘起酸化法で局所加工したシリコン酸化膜の電気特性を明らかにすると共に、走査型プローブ顕微鏡のプローブ電流をモニタすることにより,酸化膜の絶縁破壊現象を直接評価する方法を開発し、絶縁耐性が製造プロセスの違いにより影響を受けることやパターン内で位置依存性を持つこと、ドライエッチングの有無が酸化膜信頼性に影響を与えることを明らかにした。最初に、SPMを16Mフラッシュメモリのトンネル酸化膜に応用し、絶縁破壊の90%が分離酸化膜のエッジ部分に集中することが分った。これは、エッジ部分のトンネル酸化膜が、自身の薄膜化やシリコン界面でのキンク等の物理的要因により絶縁耐圧が低下しているためであり、従来TEG による電気特性結果とも一致している。次に、SPM探針を用いて局所加工したシリコン酸化膜の電気特性を測定した。加工領域では、酸化膜成長による「膜厚増加」と「電流値減少」が見られ、I-V特性のFNプロットが直線性を示し、伝導メカニズムがFNトンネリングであることを示唆した。また、直線の傾きから算出したバリアハイト値は、通常のMOS構造の値と一致した。一方、非加工領域のFNプロットは直線からずれ、電子伝導は直接トンネル理論によることを示した。次に、13nm 厚のシリコン酸化膜絶縁破壊特性を評価するにあたって、酸化膜中キャリアの影響を受けない絶縁耐圧測定を行った。その結果、耐電圧差は16.5~16.7Vの0.2V(1%)以内で、ほぼ均一となった。本手法を基板結晶の異なる二つの酸化膜に適用し、両者の絶縁破壊中心電圧が0.2Vずれることから、基板結晶が絶縁耐圧に影響を及ぼすことを検証した。さらに、絶縁破壊電圧がパターン内で位置依存性を持つことも分った。これらからシリコン酸化膜の絶縁破壊電圧が、酸化膜自体の絶縁電圧と、界面構造の不均一性や不完全性両者に影響を受けていることが分った。最後に、膜厚9.5nm のシリコン酸化膜の経時絶縁破壊特性について調べた。測定結果をワイブル・プロットし、印加電圧サイクル数に対する累積不良率を求めたところ、不良率が直線上に分布し、形状パラメータが印加電圧によらず一定で、故障モードが変わっていないことから、酸化膜の経時絶縁破壊特性測定にも十分適用できることが分った。本手法を、プラズマ・ダメージを加えたものと加えていない2種類のシリコン酸化膜に適用し、両者の平均寿命が、実用である1~6MV/cmの電界強度領域において異なり、プラズマ・ダメージを加えることで膜の平均寿命が短くなることが分った。
Research on evaluation of semiconductor surface and device reliability using scanning probe microscopy
High integration of semiconductor memory advances and an endless development competition is developed among the chip makers in the world. According to the scaling law, the silicone oxidization film thickness used with a MOS structure transistor is still thinner. Thereby, the electrical field intensity in a film increases and interface structure with a substrate has big influence on transistor characteristics or reliability. For this reason, it is very important to clarify the influence catches quantitatively a detailed form change and local characteristic change which a semiconductor manufacture process exerts on the semiconducting material surface, and this form change affects the device characteristic. In this research, from an above-mentioned viewpoint, evaluation of various semiconductor surfaces and device reliability was done using a scanning probe microscopy (SPM) in which a surface detailed form change, local adsorption power, the electrical property, and partial processing is possible.
In Chapter 1, while evaluating form change of the nano-meter order of the silicon substrate surface by which ion implantation was carried out, the local electrical property of the silicon substrate surface which carried out the hydrogen terminus by HF acid washing is clarified using the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS). First, the surface flatness change exerted on the silicon surface by the ion collision, which is one of the semiconductor process technologies, was evaluated using STM in vacuum. By adding an ion collision to Si (100) surface, clearly different unduration from the surface that did not add ion bombardment appeared. It turned out that surface micro-roughness increases with the increase in ion implantation energy, and ion implantation energy also increases the depth of crater along with it in the range of 20keV-200keV. Then, STS was applied in order to clarify the characteristic of the partial oxidization silicone surface, which carried out the hydrogen termination. Lateral distribution of the differential conductance in current imaging tunneling spectroscopy (CITS) images revealed the existence of two parts in the silicon surface, namely Hydrogen-terminated area and oxidized area. The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics in the former area represent that of an ideal Schottky barrier diode, which can be explained by the metal-insulater-semiconductor (MIS) theory based on the band bending on semiconductor. In the latter area, however, the I-V curve is symmetric and no band bending is observed. In this case, conduction is dominated by the surface states, and most of the voltage drops between the metal and semiconductor occur across the oxide layer. Through the present CITS work, surface undulation as well as the distribution of locally oxidized areas has become clear. From the distribution within a field of a differential conductance, Si surface was clearly classifiable into the hydrogen terminus area and the oxidization area.
In Chapter 2, while observing surface detailed form using the atomic force microscope (AFM), the Force-Curve measuring method was used together, the correlativity of detailed form and surface adsorption power was investigated, and the influence on the photoresist adhesion nature for semiconductors was quantified. First, AFM observation investigated change of surface micro roughness by SC1 washing, and it investigated about the electron capture center of Si/SiO2 system resulting from micro roughenss. It turned out that SC1 washing increases surface micro roughness, and with increase of this surface micro roughness, it also turned out that the capture efficiency of the electric charge in an oxidization film increased, and it is easy to be influenced of the hot carrier effect in MOS transistor operation. Moreover, AFM observation was performed to the surface, which grew InP epitaxially on InGaAsP that is a compound semiconductor. In an initial process of epitaxial growth, since As in InGaAsP of a ground was spread outside, it checked that the crystallinity of InP was confused. On the other hand, when sufficient film thickness was reached, the clear atomic step of InP appeared and it also checked that this atomic step was running in the <111> directions. Next, the absolute value of the force committed between a measured sample and probe was calculated with the Force-Curve measuring method at the time of AFM observation. A Force-Curve measuring method is the method of measuring the amount of bending of the canti-lever to the amount of direction displacement of Z of a sample by changing the relative position of the sample surface and probe. This technique was applied to the TiN film for anti reflective coating (ARC) with which process conditions differ, and it applied to quantitative evaluation of relationship between micro-roughness and adhesion force on the surface of a film. Consequently, it became clear quantitatively that the adhesion nature of the photoresist of the TiN film for ARC is strongly influenced in surface roughness or surface adsorption force. Moreover, the Force-Curve measuring method was applied to cause investigation of the photoresist-peeling fault on the SiON film in a GaAs IC process. The photoresist adhesion nature of a SiON film was strongly influenced in surface roughness or surface adsorption force by the surface micro roughness evaluation using AFM, and the surface adhesion force evaluation by the Force-Curve measuring method, surface micro roughness was as small as the film with good photoresist adhesion nature, and it turned out that surface adsorption force is large. Furthermore, the Force-Curve measuring method was developed in the field, and the distribution image measuring method of surface adhesion was developed. With this measuring method, the adhesion distribution on the surface which was performed HBr processing + flush processing on the InP as-grown surface, and the surface of a resist pattern of the InGaAsP substrate surface was clarified, and it caught clearly that the adhesion on the surface of a sample changed with quality of the materials.
In Chapter 3, using SPM having the function of STM or AFM, the electrical property of the silicone oxide which carried out partial processing by the field induced oxidizing method was clarified. By carrying out the monitor of the probe current of a SPM, the method of carrying out the direct valuation of the dielectric breakdown phenomenon of an oxidization film was developed. It was shown clearly that dielectric strength has position dependability within being influenced by the difference in a manufacture process, or a pattern by this technique, and that the existence of dry etching affects oxidization film reliability. First, SPM was applied to the tunnel oxidization film evaluation of a test element group (TEG) pattern and a memory cell pattern produced by the process flow of 16Mbit flash memory device. In the observation result of a series of tunnel oxidization films, it turned out that 90% of the breakdown generating part is concentrated on the edge portion of a field separator oxidization film, and it is easy to carry out the dielectric breakdown of the oxide film of field separator edge as compared with other portions. This reason is easy to generate breakdown according to physical factors, such as kink at Si-SiO2 interface, or a tunnel oxide film's own thinning in a field edge portion. This is in agreement also with the general knowledge from the electrical property result of having used the conventional TEG pattern. Next, using SPM, we have modified a silicon surface and measured its I-V characteristics. In the modified area, both an increase in film thickness and a decrease in current caused by field-induced oxidation (FIO) have been observed. The I-V characteristics of the FIO film show a good fit to a Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling current model. The barrier height determined by a FN plot shows a good agreement with that of conventional MOS structure with thermal thick silicon-oxide. Furthermore, the applicability of SPM in the dielectric breakdown characteristics of silicon oxide has been demonstrated. Our study demonstrates that the measurement on the oxide is free from the effect of trapped charge created by FN tunneling when a sufficient distance is maintained between the measuring points. In this condition, for a 13nm-thick oxide, the dielectric breakdown voltages were found to be so uniform as to fluctuate only 1%. We applied this method to oxides on the wafers from two different vendors, and found that the dielectric breakdown strength of the oxide depends on the difference on the Si substrates. We also applied this method to a square oxide pattern surrounded by a field oxide, and the result was that the dielectric breakdown strength of the oxide on the edge is lower than the one in the center. And finally, the applicability of SPM in the time dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) characteristics of silicon oxide has been demonstrated. Our study demonstrates that cumulative failure rates by the Weibull plot of TDDB measurement results for 9.5nm-thick oxide were found to be straight lines and shape parameters were not based on bias voltages, but they were almost fixed. These results indicate that failure mode within the limits of these voltage conditions has not changed and the SPM method can be applicable to the evaluation of TDDB characteristics of silicon oxide. We also applied this method to oxides on a silicon substrate surface with and without damage by plasma etching. The life expectancy in a real working voltage domain was searched for, and it presumed that a difference arose in these.
Many knowledge about the detailed form change on the surface of a semiconducting material, local adsorption power, or electrical conduction and the dielectric breakdown characteristic of oxidization film is acquired by this research, and it is thought that it contributes to the improvement in reliability of the device in the latest future semiconductor development.
A study on functionality characterization of thin-film resist and relating materials for emerging lithography
Continued demands for miniaturization of features for fine patterning also requires increasingly thinner resists. This two fold task, reduction in feature size and reduction in resist thickness, demands more refined characterization of resist especially in the lights of nanotechnology and emerging lithography. This thesis addresses the characterization of resists for electron beam (EB) lithography and immersion lithography. In the case of EB resist the characterization was carried out with a direct write electron beam exposure tool and a SCALPEL system developed by Bell Laboratories in the US. The studies involved working with patterns around 100 nm on a simple stack of 350 nm resist. It seemed that the available process latitude and pitch dependency of the evaluated resists could pose limitations to any high-volume manufacturing process. In the case of immersion lithography the resist characterization involved resist component elution that could adversely affect the quality of resist patterns, as well as could also cause contamination to the lens of the exposure tool. Regarding resist component elution, it has been successfully characterized for the detected elution molar amount of less than one part per trillion where the characterization was carried out for a film thickness of 200 nm, and where the elution amount was normalized with one square centimeter of resist film. The studies also pinned down the information on the structural dependency of film on photo acid generator (PAG), and the differences among the various base polymer types. From the standpoint of resist process modification, a presoaking procedure was found to reduce the elution of PAG ions in unexposed region by around 90 %. However, the presoaking did not seem to reduce the elution of ions in the exposed region of resists. For the topcoat characterization of substance penetration, an indirect method with fluoric acid (HF) etching on silicon substrate was developed and was employed to examine a 30 nm thick film of hydrophobic material. The advantage of this indirect approach was to be able monitor rapid changes in the film, as if taking and saving pictures of the continuous changes onto silicon substrate. From the result of the HF concentration dependency investigation it was learned that the HF aqueous penetrated the topcoat under the mechanism of diffusion. Results form Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) studies suggested that the penetration occurred through the meniscus of topcoat aggregates where the printed circular patterns on silicon surface were observed. The diffusion coefficient was found to be 1x10-17 m2/s in the case of a 30 nm thick film on a substrate where the substrate was dipped into a 0.5 wt% of HF solution at 20℃.
直接メタノール形燃料電池(DMFC)は高い変換効率を発揮し、環境負荷が低いために新たなエネルギーソースとして注目を集めている。従来型の DMFC はメタノールが高分子電解質膜を通過するクロスオーバー現象のために 3wt%の低濃度メタノール下で発電する必要があった。このことは DMFC デバイスのエネルギー密度を制限する主要因であり、DMFC デバイスが広く普及することを阻害している。このように DMFC デバイスにおける高濃度メタノールの利用は強く望まれており、実現すればモバイル機器や燃料電池自動車など、多分野での応用が期待できる。
本研究ではメタノールクロスオーバーを防ぐために Nafion/ポリイミド複合材料を燃料電池の高分子電解質膜として用いた。まず、膜全体の 30wt%にあたるポリイミドを超音波ホモジナイザーによって Nafion と混合した。DMFC はこの複合膜と熱圧着されたプラチナ触媒及び銅電極で構成されている。作製した DMFC デバイスの開回路電圧を複数のメタノール濃度のもとで 60 分間評価した。本デバイスは 3wt%と 20wt%のメタノール下で安定した電圧を供給できることが分かった。また、安定性は劣るものの、50wt%と 60wt%のメタノール下でもクロスオーバーせずに発電することが分かった。これに加えてコンポジット膜への燃料浸透解析を偏光顕微鏡による観察と接触角測定により行った。Nafion 膜に燃料を滴下すると 15分以内にすべての燃料が膜内へと浸透した。一方、コンポジット膜の表面には同時間帯でも燃料が残っていた。また、コンポジット膜の濡れエネルギーは純粋な Nafion 膜よりも小さくなることが分かった。これらの結果はコンポジット膜の濡れエネルギーが小さく、その結果としてNafion 膜よりも燃料浸透が少なくなることを示している。
本研究ではメタノールクロスオーバーを防ぐ目的で Nafion/ポリイミド複合材料を作製した。Nafion にポリイミド樹脂を混合することで高分子電解質膜へのメタノールの浸透が減少することを見出した。Nafion/ポリイミド複合材料を用いた DMFC デバイスを作製し、60wt%の高濃度メタノール下で正常に発電することを確認した。本研究で作製した Nafion/ポリイミド複合材料を高濃度メタノール下で使用することによりDMFC デバイスのエネルギー密度が向上することが見込まれる。本研究で作製した Nafion/ポリイミド複合材料は高エネルギー密度、高効率で有害排出ガスの少ない燃料電池システムに貢献する。
Study on crossover in the Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) device based on polymer electrolyte membrane/Polyimide composite material
Direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) devices have been paid much attention as new energy source with low environmental impact due to their high efficiency. Conventional DMFC devices require operation under low-concentration methanol aqueous solution such as 3wt% because of methanol crossover through the polymer electrolyte membrane. It is main obstacle that limits the energy density of the DMFC devices and prevents the wide spread of the devices. As described, the use of high-concentration methanol in the DMFC devices is highly demanded to apply the device to many areas such as mobile application and fuel cell vehicle.
In this study, Nafion/Polyimide composite material is presented as polymer electrolyte membrane for the DMFC devices in order to avoid methanol crossover issues. Polyimide resin was blended to Nafion by using ultrasonic homogenizer and the loading of polyimide was 30wt% based on entire solution. The DMFC device was composed of the composite membrane, Pt/C catalyst particles that were applied to both sides of the membrane by hot- pressing and Cu electrodes. The DMFC device based on this composite material was evaluated in terms of open circuit voltage under various methanol concentration for 60 minutes. It is found that the device can supply stable voltage under 3wt% and 20wt% methanol feed. Although voltage stability is degraded, power generation without crossover issues can be performed under 50wt% and 60wt% methanol feed. Furthermore, analysis of fuel permeation to the composite membrane was carried out by using polarization microscope and contact angle measurement. When the fuel aqueous solution is put on the Nafion membrane, whole aqueous solution permeated into the membrane within 15 minutes. On the other hand, the aqueous solution remained on the surface of the composite membrane at the same time. In addition, it was found that wetting energy of the composite membrane is lower than pure-Nafion menrabne. The results indicate that less amount of methanol aqueous solution permeate to the composite membrane than pure Nafion membrane, resulting from decreasing of wetting energy of the membrane.
Fabrication process and optimization of flexible printed circuit boards
In this paper, I aim to optimize the plating and wiring fabrication process for FPCs. In recent years, high-speed communication such as 5G and 6G has been developed and the transmission speed has been increasing. The wiring of FPC is one of the components that are required to have lower loss. In this paper, observation of surface profile after plating and etching, measurement of surface energy of each material, and reliability test of copper and aluminum wires were carried out. From the results of plating and etching, it was confirmed that it is difficult to obtain a flat surface with fine resist patterns. From the measurement results of the surface energy of the solution and the film, it is considered that this condition can be improved by activating the surface of copper and aluminum with surfactants in the various solutions against the air bubbles that adhere to the substrate surface. Reliability tests were also conducted to determine the lifetime of the copper and aluminum interconnections. Furthermore, it was confirmed that there was no current-induced life acceleration in copper interconnects when used at currents of 100 mA or less.
Si基板にTiO2膜を製膜し表面をヘキサメチルジシラザン(HMDS)蒸気中へ曝露し、その後、Ptナノ粒子を担持したカーボンナノ粒子を含んだイオン交換水を滴下した。次に、この試料にフォトマスクを被せた後、波長380nmの紫外線を照射し有機/無機材料を形成した。これらの複合材料は、3種の形成物がそれぞれ1度の紫外線照射で合成されることが明らかになった。1種は、フォトマスクの感光材が素となる炭素状のチューブ(マクロチューブ)である。フォトマスクの感光材に含まれる高分子が紫外線照射により結合解離し、ラジカルと炭素分子としてイオン交換水に溶解する。ギャップによる凝集と液体の乾燥で、溶解物が50nm線幅のマクロチューブを形成した。2種は、HMDS処理したTiO2膜表面に析出するシリカ粒子である。HMDSの曝露時間の増加に伴い、析出するシリカ粒形が増加することが走査電子顕微鏡(SEM)及び、エネルギー分散型X線分析(EDX)で明らかになった。そのため、シリカ粒子はHMDS分子が素となりTiO2表面に析出することが裏付けられた。3種は、カーボンナノ粒子から発生するカーボンナノチューブ(ナノチューブ)である。触媒と高分子の劣化で発生したCHラジカルが、グラファイト構造を有したカーボンナノ粒子を起点に10nm線幅のナノチューブを形成することがわかった。また、EDXの組成分析の結果、ナノチューブ表面にPtナノ粒子が付着していることを確認した。このマクロチューブの電気特性をI-V特性を測定した結果、P型の半導体であることが明らかになった。さらに、ホール効果のホール電圧VHをからキャリヤ密度nとキャリヤ移動度μpを計算した結果、それぞれ1.909×1021 [1/m3], 0.0687 [m2/V・sec]であることが判明した。
Silica / Carbon Nanotube Composites material and Selective Structure Formation by TiO2 Photocatalyst
The organic / inorganic composite material is important for other fields due to their functional properties. In particular, it is practically used in a wide range of applications as an electrode material and a metallurgical material for a high temperature environment. It is important to design synergies with the high chemical and structural stability of the inorganic material and the high functionality and flexibility of the organic material. I focus organic / inorganic materials using carbon and silica for light-transmitting wiring materials. Specifically, a composite material having a unique shape in which silica crystals and Pt nanoparticles are connected was formed at the tube made of carbon.
A TiO2 film was formed on a Si substrate, the surface was exposed to hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) vapor, and then DI water containing 0.82M carbon nanoparticles added Pt nanoparticles was dropped. After the sample covered with a photomask and irradiated with ultraviolet(UV) ray in wavelength range of 380 nm. The composite materials were synthesized by three kinds of formations by one irradiation with UV rays. The first material was a tube from carbon (macro tube) that is made from the photosensitive material from photomask. The polymer contained in the photosensitive material is dissociated by irradiation with UV rays, and is dissolved in DI water as radicals and carbon molecules. Aggregation by the gap between substrate and photomask caused a macro tube with a line width of 50 nm. The second material was silica particles made from HMDS-treated TiO2 film. The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) revealed that the growth silica size increased with time of HMDS processing. The third material was carbon nanotubes (nanotube) generated from carbon nanoparticles. The CH radicals generated by deterioration of the catalyst and polymer. As a result of measuring the electrical characteristics of this macro tube with the I-V characteristics, was a P-type semiconductor. Furthermore, as a result of calculating the carrier density and the carrier mobility from the Hall voltage of the Hall effect, it was found that they were 1.909×1021 [1/m3] and 0.0687 [m2/V・sec].
The organic / inorganic material carbon tube is connected to silica by one irradiation with ultraviolet rays. This material is expected to have three types of electrical properties, consisting of carbon nanotube conductors in addition to insulating and the P-type semiconductor. In this research, the structure in which a 50 nm carbon tube semiconductor is connected to silica on a TiO2 transparent film is expected to be applied to a transparent magnetic sensor for medical instruments and displays.
Analysis of fine particle cohesiveness in microchannel by MOS devicet
Currently, the main diagnostic tests for infectious diseases are PCR method and antigen-antibody reaction. The PCR method can detect a relatively small amount of virus. So, early detection of positive individuals is expected. However, high false negative rate is a problem in the PCR method. In addition, a method of speeding up the test and reducing false negatives due to contamination by using microchannel for gene amplification is used. However, since the timing to determine infection is after gene amplification, it is difficult to identify false negatives caused by under amplification. In this study, in order to reduce the false negative rate of the PCR method, I evaluate organic substances using the CV characteristics of MOS capacitors. In addition, I observe aggregation using silica particles instead of viruses to clarify the conditions under which the particles are less to adhere on microchannels. First, CV characteristics and TDDB tests were measured with MOS capacitors using Si substrates that were cleaned differently. As a result, time to breakdown due to deterioration of the insulating film differed depending on the cleaning method of Si substrates. It showed that the state of the Si/SiO2 interface can be evaluated using a MOS capacitor. Second, DI-water mixed with silica particles dropped on the Si substrates and dried. Then I observed the agglomeration of the particles using SEM. When the particle size was uniform, particles was close packed and the filling rate was 90.7%. Further, when different particle sizes mixed, the filling rate changed depending on the mixing ratio, and the filling rate decreased when the ratio biased. Next, I observed the adhesion of silica particles to the microchannel which formed on the copper film. Uniform particles tended to be difficult to adhere to the flow path wall. In addition, arc shaped microchannel have less particles attached than the right angled microchannel. Using the results of the adhesion experiment of silica particles, I calculated the change in CV characteristics when silica particles adhered to the microchannel formed in the gate of the MOS capacitor. I speculated when silica particles adhere to the microchannel, the capacitance drops by several pF and the flat band voltage moves in the negative direction. This capacitance order is measurable range of the LCR meter. From these results, it was shown that this method can electrically evaluate the particles in the microchannel.
This study will contribute to improving the reliability of medical microchannel devices.
ノボラック樹脂に代表されるフェノール樹脂を使用したポジ型フォトレジストは、解像度が高い点、ドライエッチングプロセスに耐え得る点を活かし、様々な微細プロセスに広く採用されてきた。しかし、同フォトレジストの解像限界は10~20μm 程度であり、現在主として使用されている大型ディスプレイの配線線幅もまたその解像限界に近づきつつある。加えて、プロセスの微細化、複雑化に伴ってデバイスの多層化が進み、デバイス中の段差が増大することによる配線の線幅変化や断線などの問題が発生している。本研究の目的は、デバイス段差による配線線幅の増大を解決し、ノボラック系ポジ型フォトレジストを用いたリソグラフィの延命化を図る事である。そのための手法として、塗布したレジスト膜そのものに配線線幅を補正する機能を持たせ、多層レジストプロセスを高機能化することについて検討した。具体的には、一般的な一層レジストプロセスおよび多層レジストプロセスにおける問題点について考察することで、一層レジストプロセスにおいては、露光時の回折や光干渉、光吸収、多層レジストプロセスにおいてはデバイス段差上部におけるオーバーエッチングにあることを実証した。これらの結果から、平坦化に使用されるフォトレジストのベーキング温度を上昇させる事でエッチングレートを増加させ、その効果により、配線用Cu 膜のサイドエッチング量を増加させることで、Cu 配線線幅を減少させる手法を提案した。本研究で改良した多層レジストプロセスにおいて、下層レジストのベーキング温度を上昇させることが、デバイス段差下部の配線線幅の減少に有効であることを確認した。その結果、下層レジスト膜を225℃でベーキングすることで、デバイス段差の上下間における配線線幅の差異を2%に抑えることを実現し、サイドエッチング制御による多層レジストプロセスの有効性を実証した。また、改良した多層レジストプロセスを実際のデバイスへ応用し、かつそれらを用いた耐久性試験を行うことで、提案した改善手法の実用性を示した。本研究の結論として、塗布したレジスト膜そのものに配線線幅を補正する機能を持たせ、多層レジストプロセスの高機能化を実現した。
A study of multi-layer lithography by side etching controlA
Novolak-based positive-type photoresist has been widely used in microfabrication, taking advantages of high resolution and resistant to dry etching processes. However, resolution limit of the photoresist is about 10 to 20μm, and line width of large displays is also approaching the resolution limit. In addition, the substrate steps increase with miniaturization and complexity in the device processes, therefore the wiring line width reduction and disconnection have occurred by increasing device steps in the device structure.
The purpose of this study is achive to prolong the life of lithography processes using novolak-based positive-type photoresist by solving the increase wiring line width due to device steps. In order to solve these problems, this study considered adding function to correct wiring line width using side-etching. Wiring line width difference was reduced to 2% by baking bottom resist layer at 225℃ for 10 minute. As the result, the effectiveness of multi-layer resist process by controlling side etching was demonstrated.
In conclusion, improved multi-layer resist process with side etching control was contributed to prolong the technologized limit of lithography processes using novolakbased positive-type photoresist.
半導体デバイス作製にはリソグラフィプロセスが必要不可欠であり、その中でもフォトレジストパターンの形成は重要なプロセスである。半導体デバイスの微細化が進んだことにより、フォトレジストパターン幅は7nm までに微細化された。フォトレジストパターンのラフネスは最終的なデバイスの性能にまで影響するために、ラフネスを低減することが極めて重要な課題である。このようなフォトレジストパターンのラフネスはフォトレジストの溶解過程で発生するため、フォトレジストの溶解の全容の理解が必要となる。その一方で、これまでの研究ではフォトレジストの溶解の前後の結果から溶解の過程の推測を行っているために、実際に溶解の過程でどのような現象が生じているかが明らかになっていない。溶解を直接解析するために、最近では高速原子間力顕微鏡を用いて、溶解中のフォトレジスト表面状態の直接観察を行った報告がなされている。しかしフォトレジストの溶解中における内部は明らかとなっていない。本研究ではフォトレジスト露光部の溶解中における内部に注目し、共焦点レーザー顕微鏡(CLSM)を用いることで解析を行った。具体的には、通常のベークプロセスを適用したフォトレジストサンプルにtetramethylammoniumhydroxide (TMAH)水溶液を滴下し溶解過程の解析をCLMS で行った。結果より、フォトレジスト露光部の溶解初期においてフォトレジスト/基板界面においてTMAH の局所的な凝集が生じ、不均一に分布することが明らかとなった。また、局所的な凝集箇所付近から優先的に溶解が進むことが明らかとなった。この優先的に溶解が進む箇所ではフォトレジストの未露光部にTMAH が接触する時間が長くなり、未露光部が過度に溶解することでフォトレジストパターンのラフネスの要因となる。このTMAH の局所的な凝集はフォトレジスト膜中の残留有機溶媒がTMAH の浸透パスを遮ることで生じると考えられ、フォトレジストのラフネスが溶解初期において膜厚方向に伝搬することからも存在が裏付けられた。さらに、残留有機溶媒を除去することによって浸透パスが均一となると推察し、真空処理によって有機溶媒をフォトレジスト中から除去した。真空処理を適用したフォトレジストサンプルでは浸透パスが均一となったことによってフォトレジスト/基板界面におけるTMAHの局所的な凝集が均一に分布することが明らかとなった。TMAH の浸透及び凝集が均一であることから、ラフネスも低いことが考えられ、実際に真空処理サンプルのラフネスの指標であるLER 値はベークサンプルと比較して67.6%低いことが明らかとなった。
以上の結果からフォトレジスト中へのTMAH の浸透を制御することによってフォトレジストパターンのラフネスの低減を達成した。
Penetration Analysis of Polar Solvent into Polymer/Inorganic Substrate Interface by CLSM and Nano-aggregation control of Polymer
A lithography process is indispensable for semiconductor manufacturing, the formation of a photoresist pattern is an especially important process. Because of the advance of miniaturization of the photoresist pattern, the photoresist pattern width has been miniaturized to 7nm. Take into account that a roughens of the photoresist pattern affects the performance of final devices, reduction of the photoresist pattern roughness is extremely important. Since the photoresist pattern roughness is generated during the dissolution process of the photoresist pattern, a whole understanding of the photoresist pattern dissolution is necessary. However, previous studies inferred the photoresist dissolution from the results of before/after dissolution. Thus, it has not been unveiled what phenomena actually occurred during the photoresist dissolution. Recently, to analyze the photoresist dissolution directly, a surface of the photoresist surface has been studied by using a highspeed atomic force microscope. The inside of the photoresist during the dissolution is not still unveiled. In this study, we focused on and analyzed the inside of the photoresist during the dissolution by using a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). Specifically, an aqueous solution of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) dropped on a photoresist sample which was prepared by a normal baking process. The results revealed that TMAH was locally condensed and unevenly distributed at the photoresist/substrate interface in the initial phase of the dissolution of the exposed photoresist. Additionally, a preferential dissolution of the photoresist around the local condensation was confirmed. This referential dissolution causes the roughness of the photoresist pattern because of the excessive dissolution of an unexposed region by long contacting duration to TMAH developer. The local condensation of TMAH developer supposed to be caused by an inhibition of a penetration path of TMAH developer by a remaining solvent in the photoresist film. The existence of the local condensation of the TMAH developer was justified from the propagation of the photoresist pattern roughness to the pattern height direction at the initial phase of dissolution. Moreover, I inferred that the penetration path of the TMAH developer become uniform by removing the remaining solvent, the remaining solvent was removed from the photoresist film by vacuum treatment. For the vacuum treated photoresist sample, a uniform distribution of the local condensation of TMAH developer by a uniform penetration path of TMAH developer was confirmed. The roughness of the photoresist is considered to be low from the uniform local condensation of TMAH developer, the measurement result of LER which is an index of the photoresist roughness showed that the LER of the vacuum drying sample is 67.6% lower than the baking sample.
From the above results, the reduction of photoresist pattern roughness was achieved by controlling the penetration of TMAH developer into the photoresist film. This study will contribute to the development of next-generation lithography technology and the further use of conventional lithography technology.
ポリイミドとCu 膜は、プリント基板材料として自動車やウェアラブル用途等、様々な分野へ応用されている。これらの接着構造では、稼働時の振動やヒトの不整脈に代表される非周期ひずみが、意図しない疲労破壊を引き起こすことによる信頼性低下が問題となる。本研究では、デバイスの高信頼化を目的として、実働応力を模擬した応力波形を用いて疲労特性を評価する。また、紫外線やオゾンによる表面変化を評価し、多様なロバスト性を検討する。
まず、プリント基板や医療用デバイスであるステントについて、実働応力を模擬し、疲労特性を評価する。プリント基板では衝撃、ステントでは血管の収縮運動による実働応力が働く。そこで、次の4 種類の模擬応力波形を設計する。1 番目は低速衝撃に対応した矩形波で、2 番目は高速衝撃に対応した三角波である。また、3 番目は血圧波形に対応して正弦波のデューティー比を1:3 とした波形であり、4 番目は3 番目の波形に不整脈を考慮した最大応力の変動を持った波形である。疲労試験では、矩形波が正弦波試験と比較して破断しにくく、その他の波形は破断しやすいことを見出した。特に、模擬血圧波形ではこの傾向が顕著であった。これらより、標準的な正弦波による疲労特性と実働応力による疲労特性が異なり、実働応力によっては疲労寿命が短くなることを実証した。
一方、紫外線やオゾンは屋外用途や医療用途のデバイスに対して晒される可能性があり、疲労特性に影響する不確実な因子である。そこでポリイミドとCu に紫外線及びオゾンによる処理を施し、表面エネルギー変化を評価することでロバスト性を検討する。これらの処理によって表面エネルギーの極性成分が増加し、ポリイミド表面ではヒドロキシ基やカルボキシル基が形成されたことが推測される。また、Cu 表面では酸化が進行したと推測される。以上の変化から、これらの処理はポリイミドとCu 膜との間の接着力を高める効果が期待される。しかし、ポリイミドの改質に伴って切断された表面基の結合等が応力集中の起点となり、疲労破壊を促進する可能性もあるため、更なる最適化が必要となる。
Fatigue Analysis and Adhesion Improvement of Functional Polyimide / Cu Interface under Aperiodic Strain
In recent years, a printed circuit board composed of polyimide and copper has attracted increasing interest for applications in several fields as automotive, medical and wearable. Aperiodic strain is a frequent cause of fatigue failure in adhesive structure of polyimide and copper film, and that leads to poor reliability, for example, vibration during operation or human arrhythmia. Therefore, in this study, I employ a stress waveform imitating the actual stress to evaluate fatigue properties.
First, in relation to the printed circuit board and the stent as a medical device, the actual stress is simulated and the fatigue characteristics are evaluated. The impact is applied to the printed circuit board, and the contraction of the blood vessel is applied to the stent as the load that caused the actual stress. Then, four types of simulated stress waveforms are designed. The first type is a rectangular wave corresponding to a low-speed impact, and the second type is a triangular wave corresponding to a high-speed impact. The third type is a left-right asymmetric sine wave corresponding to the blood pressure waveform. The duty ratio of it is 1: 3. The fourth type is the waveform with the maximum stress fluctuation corresponding to the arrhythmia. In fatigue test, fatigue life using a rectangular wave is superior to that using the sine wave. Conversely, the fatigue life using other waveforms is inferior to that using sine waves. This tendency can be particularly observed when a fatigue test is performed using a simulated blood pressure waveform. From these results, It was substantiated that the fatigue life using the standard sine wave was different from that using the actual stress.
On the other hand, outdoor and medical device applications may be exposed to ultraviolet light and ozone. Fatigue life is affected by these uncertain factors. In this study, the surface energy of the samples treated with ultraviolet light or ozone is calculated, and the robustness are evaluated. As a result, an increase in the polar component of the surface energy was confirmed. This variation is interpreted by the formation of hydroxy and carboxyl groups. This may be due to the formation of oxide film on the copper surface. The above results show that the adhesion between polyimide and copper is improved. On the other hand, the chemical bond of the surface cut by the treatment may cause stress concentration. This can lead to reduced fatigue life. Therefore, additional optimization is required in surface treatment. This study contributes to a fatigue evaluation method based on various robustness for electronic devices that require high reliability and long life.
MOS デバイスのスケーリング則を継続していくためにはゲート絶縁膜の極薄膜化が重要となってくる。近年では、スケーリングメリットを継続するために高誘電材料を用いたゲート絶縁膜の開発が数多く研究されている。しかし、ゲート絶縁膜の膜厚が結晶のユニットセル 10~30 層分となる 10nm 以下の領域において、ゲート絶縁膜固有の欠陥により極薄膜化が困難である。特に、スパッタリングで作製する絶縁膜ゲート絶縁膜中の欠陥の要因として、初期成膜時に発生する核成長プロセスに基づくピンホール、格子欠陥、格子歪み等が挙げられる。本研究の目的は初期成膜時の核成長に注目し、10nm 以下の低欠陥な高誘電薄膜を作製することである。具体的には、BaTiO3をターゲットに用いたスパッタリングを実施し核成長の制御に間欠スパッタ法を用いた。始めに間欠スパッタと従来の連続スパッタによる成膜直後の BaTiO3 薄膜の表面ラフネス(RMS)を測定した結果、間欠スパッタにおいて膜表面のラフネスが小さくなることを確認した。この結果はスパッタ時の核成長を制御したことで、核の粒径が小さくなるとともに基板全体により均一に絶縁膜が成膜されたと考えられる。さらに、核成長を制御した際に臨界核の半径が小さくなるモデルを提案した。次に、低ラフネス化が絶縁膜の誘電率、誘電分散、絶縁破壊特性に良好な結果をもたらすと推察し、これら電気的諸特性を測定した。誘電分散の結果より 15nm の膜厚を持つBaTiO3膜において、連続スパッタから間欠スパッタに変更することで誘電緩和時間が0.98ms から 0.66ms に改善した。また、TZDB 法による絶縁破壊電界(EBD)測定結果より、間欠スパッタによってEBD が最大で 1.14MV/cm 改善していることを確認した。これらの結果は間欠スパッタにより酸素欠損に由来する絶縁膜中の欠陥が低減されたためと推察している。続いて、MOS キャパシタを基本とした絶縁膜の信頼性を評価するために、BaTiO3を用いたMOS キャパシタで加速劣化試験とC-V 特性測定を実施した。結果として、リファレンスで用いた熱酸化膜と比較して、C-V 特性のシフト方向に違いがあることを確認した。続いて、加速劣化試験後の絶縁膜を XPS で測定した結果、BaTiO3膜において Ti-O 結合の酸素が欠損することにより発生するピークを確認した。これらの結果より BaTiO3のチャージは酸素イオンによる負電荷であることを示唆している。また、XPS 測定結果により、O1s ピークにおいて酸素欠損に由来するピークを確認した。そして核成長に伴って前述のピークが小さくなることを確認した。これらの結果は、電気的諸特性に基づく、間欠スパッタによる酸素欠損の減少という考察を裏付けるものである。
以上の結果から、絶縁膜をスパッタする際の核成長を制御することにより、絶縁膜中のピンホールや酸素空孔に由来する欠陥寄与に寄与する結果を得られた。これは本研究の目的である 10nm 以下の低欠陥な高誘電薄膜を作製に寄与する。
Study of low defect reducing and ultra thin high-k gate dielectric film
Over the past decade, the MOSFET has been continually scaled down based on MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor-Field-Effect-Transistor) scaling rule. Reduction of gate dielectric thickness should be required for continual MOSFET scaling. In recent years, high-k dielectric material has been researched by many researchers in order to continue the scaling. However, reduction of dielectric film thickness under 10nm is difficult due to defects in dielectric film such as mobile ionic charge, trapped charge and so on. In fabrication process of the gate dielectric film by sputtering method, a pinhole due to nucleation, lattice defect and lattice distortion causes defect of dielectric film.
In this regard, the purpose of this study is to fabricate and to analyze the high-k gate dielectric film based on nucleation. Specifically, high-k dielectric film that controls nucleation by the intermittent sputtering is compared with those of the conventional sputtering dielectric film. First, the surface morphology of the thin film is measured by the AFM (Atomic-Force-Microscope). It is found that the surface roughness decreases by the nucleation control. As the result, the atomic-scale controlled for high-k dielectric thin films is considered as the critical radius decreases. Moreover, the thin film is also investigated by the XRD (X-ray Diffraction). It is clear that the as-deposited BaTiO3 films are being amorphous and BaTiO3 films of 15nm thickness calcined at 1000℃ are crystallized. However, there is no significant difference between the intermittent and continuous sputtering method. Furthermore, the frequency dependence of the real and imaginary capacitances for high-k dielectric thin films are measured. It is indicated that the surface roughness decrease causes the tan δ decrease. Then, the competition ratio of the BaTiO3 thin film is investigated. It is found that the peak ratio of titanium decreases with thickness. Then, the MOS capacitor fabricated with BaTiO3 thin film and Si substrate is investigated. The C-V method is possible to analyze the dielectric defect. The clear shift of the C-V curve and XPS spectra indicate that the intermittent sputtering has an ability to reduce the lattice oxygen from Ti-O band.
In conclusion, sputtering nucleation control is effective for reducing the defect. This study contributes to defect reduction and reducing thickness of gate dielectric in the purpose of this thesis.
Study on Formation of Single Nanoscale Polymer Film Based on Cohesive and Adhesion Energy Controls
Polymer films are widely used as the photoresist film in lithography technology. In the semiconductor device field, the polymer film thickness decreases with the line width of a circuit pattern in lithography technology progresses. Recently, an ultra-thin film less than 10nm thickness has been focused as one important subject in order to realize the single nanoscale lithographic resolution. It is well known that the minute discontinuous breaking patterns appear in an ultra-thin film. Therefore, it makes the formation of a single nanoscale continuous resist film difficult to achieve. In this study, I focus on the cohesive energy of the polymer and the adhesion energy between the polymer and the substrate. The purpose of this study is to realize the single nanoscale polymer film based on cohesive and adhesion energy controls.
The cohesive energy is controlled by the concentration of the polymer resist solvent. It is indicated that the polymer film thickness decreases with the decreasing cohesive energy. Moreover, it is found that the threshold concentration between the continuous and the discontinuous film was 1.0 %. The adhesion energy is controlled by applying surface treatments to the substrate. Polymer films was formed on silicon substrates with different surface energy. It is demonstrated that the breaking patterns in the polymer film can be improved to continuous film by increasing adhesion energy between the polymer and the substrate. Furthermore, the formation mechanism of the single nanoscale polymer film is proposed. This single nanoscale coating method is investigated for application to the copper wiring and the embedded film.
In conclusion, the formation of the single nanoscale polymer film can be achieved by cohesive and adhesion energy controls. This study contributes to the lithography technology of next-generation electronic devices.
2次元的なマイクロチャネルをESEMの冷却モードを用いて解析する。T字型分岐型マイクロチャネル内の微小な結露水は、マイクロチャネルのT字型分岐点の右側の角で生じる強いピンニング効果により、微小な乾燥領域を形成する。これは気泡詰まりの要因の一つであり、閾値ピンニング角度は58 degであることを明らかにする。次に、このマイクロチャネルの分岐点にサブパターンを設置することにより、マイクロチャネルの高機能化を目指す。サブパターンは、サブパターン近傍のエネルギー障壁の増大と毛管力による液体の誘導により、T字型分岐点での気泡の形成を抑制することが分かっている。以上より、サブパターンを設置することで、マイクロチャネルの分岐点において気泡の形成を抑制する高機能化が成される。
Construction and Functionalization of Three-dimensional Liquid Microtube Network
In recent years, the three-dimensional microfluidic devices have been actively studied in various fields such as electric, biological, and medical industries. The bubble trapping at the junction of microchannel and microtube causes various problems in developing the three-dimensional microfluidic devices. For example, the defect of sample in a microbioreactor due to the prevention of solution propagation by the bubble trapping and the abnormal heating of the water-cooled semiconductor devices due to flow stoping of coolant.
The purpose of this study is to construct the three-dimensional microtube network and to functionalize the three-dimensional microtube network by controlling the bubble trapping. In this study, in order to control bubble trapping, the pillar sub-patterns at the junction of microchannels and microtubes are designed.
Firstly, the microchannels made of a SU-8 photoresist accompanying with a sub-pattern are analyzed by using an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM). By lowering the sample temperature in the ESEM chamber at the constant the H2O pressure, the water condensation occurs under H2O dew point and the liquid propagation in the microchannel can be observed. The experimental results show that the pinning angle of water flow at T-junction is 58 degrees in the T-shaped microchannel. In the case of the T-shaped microchannel with the sub-pattern, it is found that the pinning angle becomes low by increasing the capillary force and adhering the water around the sub-pattern. These results can realize to the smooth flow at the microchannel junction without any water stopping.
Secondly, the three dimensional microtube networks accompanying with a sub-pattern are fabricated by using a microstereolithgraphy system and the pure water which is injected into the microtube by using a syringe. The experimental results show the water flows and concentrates into a path near the sub-pattern of the four paths which lead to the sub-pattern and guide the water flow at the microtube junction. Therefore, this result can realize to add the flow selectivity of the microtube network by setting the sub-pattern.
From these results of microchannel and microtube analyses, it is found that the sub-pattern is effective in order to control the bubble trapping at the junction. The sub-pattern can be applied to microfluidic devices in the various fields.
Development of biomimetic nozzle by High-quality Photo Lithography Technique
After many years of development, micro nozzle, sometimes referred to as inkjet nozzle, spray nozzle, or coating nozzle, has been recognized as one important technical category in the electronics field. In future, it is expected to develop a micro nozzle that can reduce bubbles and splashes in the lithography process. Meanwhile, the biomimetics has been focused in order to fabricate an effective and usable structure. In this regard, the various studies concerning relationships between micro topological structure and electronics have been focused.
The purpose of this study is to develop of biomimetic nozzle for high-quality of photolithography technique. In the experiment, this study describes an investigation of the effects of structures on micro nozzle performance through the experiment. An experiment was performed to investigate the periodic formation of liquid column in the functional micronozzle using by the high speed camera. The frame rate ranged from 2,000 to 8,000 fps. As a result, it was confirmed that the liquid column was spun by the twist shaped 4-in-1 nozzle. Then, in the air/liquid boundary surface of the twist shaped nozzle, the bubbles were reduced to comparing with the cylinder shaped nozzle.
In conclusion, we develop the functional micro nozzle, and evaluate its operation. The application of the micro nozzle will be expected in the resist coating process.
Structure of the Micro Channel and the fluid control
The ultrasonic wave can give mechanical energy by non-contact and can propagate in gas, a liquid, various mediums such as the solid. When the ultrasonic wave propagates in liquid, it produces an ultrasonic wave energy density difference in the propagation direction and cause a straight flow of liquid. When the strong ultrasonic is irradiated, the nonlinear absorption occurs in addition to normal attenuation, and strong liquid circulation happens and produces mechanical action such as diffusion, the stirring. In this way, I thought that the liquid movement speed is increased by the ultrasonic wave vibration in the Micro Channel.
In this study, the liquid movement in the Micro Channel is controlled by using the mechanical energy of ultrasonic wave vibration. In addition, I design the Micro Channel to control the liquid movement by the ultrasonic wave vibration more effectively and evaluate it.
The pure water and methanol were able to confirm that they drifted to the Micro Channel in the Si substrate which improved wettability by heat oxidation processing. In addition, the liquid movement speed rises by applying supersonic wave vibration to Micro Channel.
A capillary power acts in the tapered model channel, and the liquid movement speed becomes fast. However, a capillary power weakens in the club-shaped model channel, and the rise in liquid movement speed is small. In all channel patterns, the liquid movement speed rises by applying ultrasonic wave vibration.
In a turning point of the Micro Channel, the phenomenon that liquid movement stops occur. The microchannel of SU-8 was fabricated using the lithography method. Microchannels with varying patterns had been used to observe the behavior of liquid movement under the ultrasonic vibration. By using the hydrophilic treatment, hydrophilic surfaces can be created. As a result, the liquid was able to confirm that I flowed in the divergence direction by applying the ultrasonic wave.
As a conclusion of this study, the energy of the supersonic wave vibration in the Micro Channel can realize a rise in liquid movement speed, hastening of the liquid movement by various channel widths, high function of the liquid movement in the channel turning point.
今後の発展が予想される電子デバイスの分野として、人体の特定部分に密着させる型や体内に埋め込む型の生体センシングデバイスが上げられる。例として、コンタクトレンズ型のカメラデバイスや体内埋め込み型の血液モニタリングチップ、またそれらの電源として期待されているマイクロ燃料電池などが存在する。これらのセンシングデバイスでは、一般的に半導体素子では不良の原因となるイオンを浸透させることが重要となる。本研究はこれらの生体センシングデバイスがイオン液中である体内で動作するにあたって、デバイスに対するイオンの浸透がデバイスの信頼性に及ぼす影響について評価することを目的としている。評価する電子デバイスとして、高感度にイオンをモニタリングすることが可能なMIS(Metal/Inulator/Semiconductor)キャパシタ素子を用いた。絶縁膜は生体親和性が期待されており、アルカリイオン液体が浸透し、リソグラフィー技術による加工も容易であるためフォトレジスト材料を使用した。本研究では、イオンの浸透過程と、浸透後の信頼性評価の2点について議論している。イオンの浸透をMISキャパシタのC-V特性変化から観測し、レジスト材料に対するアルカリイオン液体の浸透には、一般的に知られている濃度差拡散による浸透だけでなく、少なくとも数ミリ秒で起こる急激な浸透が生じていることを確認した。また、この急激な浸透は、レジスト膜内に存在するナノ空孔を毛細間力で通過することによって起こっている可能性を示した。異なる表面処理を施したSi基板を用いて作製したMOS(Metal/Insulator/Semiconductor)キャパシタ素子をHTSL(High temperature storage operating life)試験によって評価することで、デバイス劣化の指標であるBreakdownモードを定義し、本Breakdwnモードを指標にすることで、絶縁膜材料としては未知な領域が多いレジスト膜の絶縁膜としての信頼性を評価出来ることを示した。特に、アルカリイオンが浸透した時に、MISキャパシタデバイスとしての信頼性が低下することを示した。
Analysis of Organic alkali ion Intrusion Behavior by Au/Functional resin/Si Capacitor Device
Biometric sensing devices which are used for a surface of a part of a human body or operated in the human body will be developed. For example, a contact-lens type camera device and blood monitoring chip implanted under the skin are reported. In addition, a micro fuel cell is studied for the power source of these sensing devices. In general, an ion intrusion is the important factor to operate the biometric sensing devices. But an ion existence is the factor of a malfunction of a semiconductor device.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the reliability of a biometric sensing devices operated in ionic liquid environment. MIS(Metal/Inulator/Semiconductor) is used for the evaluated biometric sensing devices in order to detect an ionic charges sensitively. A photoresist material is used for the insulating film because the resist material is biocompatibility material which occurs an ion intrusion and it can be patterned by photolithography process easily. An ion intrusion is measured from the change of the C-V characteristics of the MIS capacitor device. As a result, the ionic liquid intrusion model into resist material which includes the concentration dependence diffusion and the diffusion caused rapidly of few seconds is proposed. And it is possible that the diffusion caused rapidly is depending on the capillary force of the Nano-space of the resist material.
The "Breakdown mode" which shows the malfunction of the seiconductor devices is defined from the result of HTSL(High temperature storage operating life) test of MOS(Metal/Oxide/Semiconductor) capacitors. The reliability of the MIS capacitor is evaluated with the "Breakdown mode". The MIS capacitor evaluated by HTSL test after liquid intrusion into the resist film reaches the "Breakdown mode" faster than that of no ion intrusion.
The results of this study will contribute to the evaluation of biometric sensing devices and development of the functional deveices due to ionic liquid intrusion
Viscous Fingering現象の高機能化を目指したハイブリッド制御
Viscous Fingering(VF)変形とは、粘度の異なる二種類の液体の界面の不安定さから、指状変形パターンが生じることを指す、我々の身近でも発生する現象である。この現象は一般的に発生するにも関わらず、不規則に発生することが問題視されている。このVF変形に規則性を与えることでコントロールするができると予想される。VF変形をコントロールできれば高い価値が生じると考えられる。
Hybrid Control to aim at highly functional Viscous Fingering
The viscous fingering (VF) deformation of the liquid polymer, which is interposed by two substrates occurs during the solvent evaporation. In general, the VF deformation has an irregular form. There is a need to control the VF deformation. The purpose of this study is to control the VF deformation by two causing factors.
One of the factors is the surface roughness. The VF deformation on some glass substrates which were processed by the wet blast method were observed. From the observations, it is found that surface roughness increases as decreasing in size of splitting patterns of the VF deformation. As a result, it is found that the surface roughness resists to grow the splitting patterns of the VF deformation.
Another factor is the particle cohesiveness. In liquid, the particle cohesiveness has affected to liquid viscosity. The cohesiveness depends on liquid pH. As pH rising, the value of the zeta potential increased and the particle cohesiveness decreased. As a result, it is found that pH increases as decreasing of the particle cohesiveness. The cohesiveness was applied to fabricate the cesium iodide (CsI) film. First, the CsI particles were mixed with the water and methanol. Second, the liquid mixture was mixed with a photoresist. Finally, CsI liquid mixture was applied on a glass substrate and dried completely. The CsI particles were condensed in the film. The VF deformation occurs on an adhesive polymer film. The adhesive strength was analyzed the with and without adhesive surface roughing by the wetblast method. Then the VF deformation decreases as increases adhesive strength.
In summary, hybrid control method of the VF deformation was established. And it was applied to fabricate the CsI film.
Nano Scale Control of Aggregate Structure in Functional Polymer film and Device Application
Engineering polymer films have been applied in various industrial fields such as semiconductor, display and bio-medical fields. It is well known that typical polymer molecules form aggregate structure due to intermolecular forces and Laplace forces in a solvent. In this study, the aggregate structure in a the functional polymer film is controlled by the semiconductor processes during film formation. In particular, as three functions in polymer film condensation, (i)solubility control of photoresist by soluble / insoluble nanocomposite, (ii)nano-patterning of fluororesin by using spin-coating and (iii)prevention of dye segregation in a color filter film by an alkali solution penetration process are discussed. The solubility control of positive type photoresist can be accomplished due to the formation of an insoluble network among soluble / insoluble nanocomposites. A different height pattern process is realized by the one time EB irradiation / UV exposure / development process. The pattern height of DNQ-novolac photoresist can be controlled by the EB irradiation dose in the range from zero to coating thickness. Functional nano-patterning of fluororesin by using spin-coating is realized. A subdividing aggregate structure can be appeared due to the low cohesion fluororesin. Nano-scale network-like pattern of perfluorosulfonic acid (PFSA) is formed on the Si substrate by subdividing aggregate structure. In this study, the formation mechanism is discussed on the point of fractal model. In fractal analysis, a fractal dimension of the nano-network pattern analyzed by box-counting methods is to be 1.83. As the device application, nano-scale network-like pattern can be used as a polymer electrolyte fuel cell in order to enhance an ion conduction density. Prevention of dye segregation in the color filter film by the alkaline solution penetration process is achieved by promotion of dye diffusion in lowering viscosity of the color filter film. And color filter becomes low viscosity by alkaline solution penetration process. The alkaline solution penetration process can be applied to the fabrication of high resolution display such as 16K display and small display for smart phones. Assuming that the small signal results from intermolecular forces between a probe apex and a polymer chain, it is possible that a functional group can be detected by the nano-indentation using the AFM system. By using the AFM system with 0.4nN of force detection sensitivity, it seems that a functional group localized within the polymer film can be analyzed. Surface free energy of the side chain or functional group localized within the polymer film would be measured by detecting a dsorption force at the probe / polymer chain interface. These aggregate control methods of condensation structure in the polymer film are effective to realize the high performance polymer film. These aggregate control technologies will emphasize the development of MEMS device for various fields.
Surface nanomolecular structure control by micro lithography and application to human tactile sensing
It is well known that semiconductor lithography technology for micro integrated circuit has been developed and advanced since 1950s. Recently, minimum line width of pattern design for giga-bit order devices becomes around 10 nm. It can be predicted that the line width will reach for functional advanced devices around 1.5 nm until 2040s.
Meanwhile, a nature of human sense has been recognized as impact control factor in our satisfying life style. However, the nature of human sense becomes rather complicate because the many factors should affect on the human bady condition, such as human medical experiment and human psychology. In this regard, the finger skin is well known as one sensitive part in the nature of human sensing. In general, the finger skin is covered with biological adsorbed layer which consists of human sweat and sebum. In this thesis, the author focuses on the tactile sense control in terms of micro fabrication of functional substrates.
The purpose of this thesis is to develop an artificial functional lithographic structure decorated with some tactile characters and to derive a novel tactile sense by interface control between a nano-adsorbed layer and a finger skin surface. In the experiment, a functional micro resist patterns designed with some tactile characters are fabricated in order to control sweat, sebum and water conditions. For the digitilization and visualization of a vague sense, the author proposes a human sensing evaluation method of a pentagon diagram based on the SD (semantic differential) method. As the experimental results, the followings are obtained representively.
(1)It is found that the micro pattern immersing in some kinds of liquids acts to feel "wet", "smooth" and "comfortable" by the tactile sensing test.
(2)In the surface energy analysis of the artificial functional surface, the tactile sensory evaluation can be explained in term of sensing nature of "wetting".
(3)Laplace puressure resulting from capillary force acting on the interface can be estimated on the points of hydrophilic or hydrophobic treatment and human absorbed layer. It is clarified that the Laplace pressure by the hydrophilic treatment increases about 14% comparing with that by non-treatment glass (4.59[mN]), and it also decreases about 75% by the hydrophobic treatment.
(4)Nano molecular structure on the functional surface can be determined by the precise chemical structure analysis such as XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy), FT-IR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy), XRF (X-ray fluorescence) and so on.
In the conclusion of the thesis, the author fabricated the functional micro resist patterns accompanying some surface treatments to realize some effective human senses. It is clarified that some polar groups on the infinitely-thin surface affects to the human sense due to Laplace pressure resulting from capillary force. It is fair certainly state that these results can apply for the synthesis of new human interface structures in the future.
Study of surface potential application device by nanofriction control
In recent years, nano-friction phenomena have been focused inmicro/nano electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS). Thepurpose of this thesis is to analyze major factors in nano frictionand to develop surface potential application device.
In the experiment, the friction phenomena between a nano tipand a solid surface can be analyzed by using an atomic forcemicroscope(AFM). The following results are obtained.
1. Nano scale destruction of teflon sheet occurs by nano frictionwith the AFM tip.
2. The frictional force of AFM tip is affected by the surfacetopography.
3. By applying the external voltage to the AFM tip, the AFM tipis easy to adhere on the sample surface.
From these results, it can be fair certainly state that the nanofriction, nature can strongly influence on the surface interaction.
As a macro scale friction by using the macro experiment system,a teflon sheet surface one rubbed with a Cu plate electrode. At thesame time, the friction voltage between the Cu plate and teflonsurface was measured by the potential storage system. As a result,the measurement voltage is changed in response to the changes inthe acceleration of the electrode motion. It can be considered thatthe friction system can be applied to an acceleration sensor.
As the conclusion of this study, (1) nano friction nature can beanalyzed by using AFM friction system, (2) a surface potentialapplication device by nano friction control can be proposed.
実験では、気液界面の圧力制御を行う最小直径500μmの微細円錐型チューブをマイクロ光造形装置によりSi基板上に作製した。微細円錐型チューブは、毛管力が底面に向かって弱まることによる空気極への浸水防止を目的に、頂点から底面に向かって径を急激に広げた。開口部と底面の直径は、それぞれ500μm、5mmである。微細円錐型チューブを液中環境下に置いて水圧を加えることで、気液界面が変位することを確認した。更に、水圧を繰り返し10回程度加えることで微細円錐型チューブに耐久性があることを確認した。また、脱気水及び飽和水中に微細円錐型チューブを置くことで、燃料中の溶存酸素量の変化による気液界面の動作を観察した。これらの実験結果から、気液界面のチューブ底面への進展を抑え、空気極が燃料から保護できていることを確認した。 次に、マイクロ生体燃料電池をSi基板上に作製した。構造はPd触媒電極とNafion膜を組みわせたスタック型構造を基本とする。そして、空気極側に微細円錐型チューブを形成した。3wt%メタノール中において、最大20mVでの電位を確認し、ゼータ電位と相関性を議論する余地がある。
Liquid environment type bio fuel cell operation by gas-liquid interface control
Recently, a fuel cell has been recognized as one important electronic component devices, which can operate in a human body. It is important that the bio fuel cell can be applied to human saliva, tears, blood and so on. For the development of a fuel cell in sustainable generation in these conditions, a separation of liquid fuel from oxygen gas is required at an air electrode of fuel cell.
First, in order to realize a gas-liquid interface control system, a micro corn shaped tube is fabricated on a Si substrate. A diameter of the tube becomes large toward a bottom in order to give a large difference of liquid surface area. Displacement of gas-liquid interface level is confirmed by applying external water pressure. In addition, durability of a micro corn shaped tube can be evaluated by applying external water pressure to the tube structure in many times.
Then, a micro bio fuel cell is fabricated on a Si substrate, and a micro corn shaped tube is fabricated on a cathode electrode. As the output voltage of 20mV can be confirmed in the operation during dipping in a liquid with 3wt% methanol aqueous solution. The discussion for the Zeta potentia should be required.
This study can be expected to apply as an energy sources of bio implantation device or a bio signal source.
本研究では、エネルギー密度が高く低温運転に適している直接メタノール型燃料電池(Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC))に気体分離膜を組み込むことで、溶存酸素により燃料中で持続発電可能な電源を作製することを目的とする。溶存酸素は水中に溶解した酸素ガスのことであり、一般的には鰓呼吸や中空糸による脱気など気体分離膜を利用して溶存酸素を分離させる技術が広く用いられている。本研究では、DMFCの空気極の電極上に気体分離膜であるシリコーンシートを組み込むものである。本メカニズムでは、燃料中から発電に必要な物質をすべて取り込むため、水中での動作及び小型化の面で有効である。この機構を用いて、燃料極に3wt%メタノール水溶液、空気極に純水を供給して発電測定を試みたところ、132.5μm厚のシリコーンシートは酸素を透過せず持続発電を確認できなかった。この問題を解決するに当たり、シリコーンシートの薄膜化及び溶存酸素量の豊潤化を試みた。まず、研磨によりシリコーンシートの一部の厚さを50μmに薄膜化した。次に、純度G1クラスの酸素ボンベを用いて1[L/min]の流量で20分間酸素バブリングを行い、溶存酸素量33.7mg/Lのイオン交換水を得た。その結果、30mV程度の出力向上を確認でき、酸素ガスの透過が生じていることが確認できた。最終的に、薄膜化したシリコーンシートを空気極の電極上に組み込み、両極に3wt%メタノールを供給し発電測定を行った。その結果、薄膜化したシリコーンシートは酸素を透過し、燃料中で持続発電を確認できた。
Fuel cell operation in liquid by composing separation system of dissolved oxygen
Recently, electricity consumption of electronic equipment such as portable telephones, notebooks and so on increases. For that reason, fuel cell has been studied to enhance energy density and power generation for a long time. Electronic equipment which can operate in liquid has similar needs. But, it is difficult to look for previous studies of fuel cell to operate in liquid Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC). In this study, it is confirmed that a fuel cell by composing gas separation membrane generates electricity in fuel with dissolved oxygen. In general, technologies which can separate dissolved oxygen by a gas separation membrane are widely used in everywhere. Such as, degasification by using hollow fiber, and so on. In my study, the DMFC composed with a silicone sheet is employed as a gas separation membrane on a carbon electrode of the air electrode. The dissolved oxygen in liquid fuel is difficult to permeate though a silicone sheet of 132.5μm thickness. Therefore, the silicone sheet is polished to be 50μm thickness. In addition, pure water of dissolved oxygen of 33.7mg/L is prepared by the oxygen gas bubbling method. As a result, the output voltage change of 30mV can be confirmed. The prepared dissolved oxygen dissolved in fuel can penetrate though a thin silicone sheet. The DMFC is composed with a thin silicone sheet on a carbon electrode of air electrode. As a result, the DMFC can generate a contain amount of electricity in a fuel environment. This study will contribute to develop the DMFC system operating in liquid environment.
Equivalent circuit analysis system of plant by using microfunctional electrode
In recent years, equivalent circuit analysis system is focused and employed in the bioelectronics field. In this regard, plant impedance analysis becomes important for Smart Agriculture in order to control the food productivity. The purpose of my study is to construct the plant equivalent circuit and fabricate a functional electrode. Four kinds of electrode are fabricated experimentally: lead wire electrode, Pt/Si structure electrode with trough-hole, solder bump electrode and catheter electrode. These electrodes are employed in order to construct equivalent circuit model.
In equivalent circuit model, potential change by the cutting procedure of a plant is considered as a switch element of an electric circuit. Moreover, the process of plant withering is considered as the power reduction in the ground. A novel type electrode is designed in order to insert around the plant stem. This device is consists with Si microchip with four Pt electrodes on an enamel wire tip. The X-ray computed tomography scanner is employed to observe and control the position of catheter electrode. By using these devices, the plant stem impedance which reflects branch and leave points is analyzed. As the results, the plant resistance and capacity are determined by the measurement result date of impedance circle. The plant impedance becomes about 5 to 160kΩ. In conclusion, the catheter electrode can be analyzed for fine impedance of the various plants with branch and leave.
まず、マイクロチューブの材料としてSU-8フォトレジスト(エポキシ樹脂)の生体適合性を植物(生体)を用いて評価した。表面エネルギー、植物への埋め込み試験によりSU-8の親和性が高いことが得られ、人工毛細血管を形成する材料として適していることを示した。また、人工毛細血管として適用するためには、マイクロチューブ内に生じる圧力や外部からの衝撃に耐える強度が必要となる。そのため、親和性の得られたSU-8およびノボラック樹脂であるポジ型のレジスト(i 線レジスト)の耐久性評価を行った。熱処理温度の異なるSU-8レジストを表面摩擦、スクラッチ、押し込み試験により評価した結果、熱処理温度200℃において機械的強度が高いことが得られた。さらに、エッチング処理を施すことで強度が高くなることを示した。また、チューブ内に生じるメニスカスによる吸着力よりチューブの強度が高いことを示した。
Development of micro porous tube in laminating structure by photo lithography technique
The blood vessel damage and blood clot lead to circulatory system diseases, which includes heart disease and vascular disorders. The circulatory system diseases have been treated by a bypass surgery, a medication and a catheter. The bypass surgery is carried out by moving patient's blood vessels or implanting artificial blood tube of synthetic tubing. However the autologous vessels and small diameter artificial blood vessel as cardiac and peripheral bypass candidates is limited. Therefore, the small diameter artificial blood vessel and artificial capillary is developed. Recent year, photo lithography technique has been employed the medical fields as they offer the possibility for complex geometries and functionalities, including implant device in the human body and artificial organ.
The purpose of my study is a micro porous tube in laminating structure is fabricated with positive and negative type photoresist by photo lithography process. The biocompatibility of SU-8 resist film, Cu plate, glass substrate and Stainless steel needle as micro tube materials are evaluated by implanting a plant. The SU-8 photoresist was suitable the at the view point of biocompatibility compared with another samples.
The micro tube structure is required to withstand internal and external tube pressure. The material durability of the resist films are evaluated by friction, progressive scratch, and indentation test. The baking temperature at 200℃, mechanical strength becomes high. Therefore, the photoresist bake temperature should be set at 200℃ after development in micro tube fabrication.
The micro porous tube in laminating structure is fabricated in three type structures. Firstly, TYPE1 structure is formed a micro channel with only SU-8 photoresist. The micro tube structure is composed with laminating 5 layers of micro channels. For the micro tube operation, the micro tube array is implanted in the plant. The sap flow in the micro tube can be confirmed by using optical microscope. Secondly, the TYPE2 in triple layer structure is constructed due to solubility difference phenomena. The triple layers are fabricated by photolithography process with i-line and SU-8 photoresists. Finally, a TYPE3 is composed with porous structure for applying artificial capillary. A micropore size is 10~20μm. In conclusion, the micro porous tube in laminating structure can be applied to other microfluidic system such as artificial capillary blood tube is can be realized. In addition,
電子機器に用いられる2次電池では高いエネルギー密度、高出力応答などが求められ、高エネルギー化が進んでいる。これらの電池に対する要求とは異なり、低出力であるが、長期間の発電が要求される領域が存在する。生体センシングデバイスが一例として挙げられる。これらのデバイスでは、CMOS演算回路が用いられるため、長期発電可能なマイクロ電圧源が求められている。本研究では、電気的充電レスや長期発電の観点で優れている直接メタノール型燃料電池(Direct Methanol Fuel Cell(DMFC))をSi基板上に集積化することでアレイ型マイクロDMFCを作製し、長期間発電可能な電圧源を実現する。本研究では、アレイ型マイクロDMFCを作製するにあたり、新規発電メカニズムの提案とプロトン伝導膜の新規加工プロセスの提案を行う。本研究では、新規の発電メカニズムとして燃料極・空気極が同一燃料中で発電可能なDMFCを提案する。本メカニズムでは、燃料供給のためのマイクロチャネル等が不要であり、長期間発電を実現する上で有効である。手法としては、DMFCの内部電荷を制御することで発電時の極性を制御するものであり、内部電界の制御手法として電極面積非対称構造による制御、触媒構造非対称化による制御を検討する。本メカニズムをDMFCのプロトン移動に着目した内部電界モデルにより検討する。また、アレイ型マイクロDMFCを作製するため、プロトン伝導体(Nafion膜)の新規加工プロセスを提案する。Nafion膜は吸水性ポリマーであり加工が困難なことが知られている。本研究では、Nafion膜にヘキサメチルジシラザン(HMDS)疎水化処理を行うことで表面の濡れ性を制御する。これにより、Nafion膜へのリソグラフィ、CF4ガス反応性イオンエッチングによるマイクロパターン化が実現可能となる。本研究では、これらの手法により、Nafion膜の40μm x 40μmサイズのマイクロパターン化を実現する。これにより、アレイ型マイクロDMFCのSi基板平面でのアレイ化が実現している。最終的に、触媒非対称構造による内部電界制御、Nafionのパターニングプロセスを用い、2mm x 2mmサイズのチップ上に200直列のアレイ型マイクロDMFCを作製する。また、作製したアレイ型マイクロDMFCで最大80直列セルでの発電を確認している。最大出力電圧は5.85mVであり、極性が安定した発電を実現している。また、アレイ数の増加による出力電圧の上昇を確認し、アレイ型マイクロDMFCによる高電圧化の可能性を示す。これらの手法により、マイクロDMFCの小型化・高機能化を実現する。本研究は、マイクロ電圧源開発に貢献する。
Study of minimization and functionalization of micro fuel cells by micro patterning of proton conductor / catalytic electrodes technique
In general, secondary battery is required to enhance the energy density for portable devices. In contrast, a micro battery which can generate low power for a long term is required for bionic sensing device applications. In these devices, arithmetic elements composed with CMOS transistor are employed. In this regard, the micro battery is required to generate electricity as a voltage supply. Because of its superior energy density, micro Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) is considered as a promising power source for these devices. In my study, an array type micro DMFC is fabricated on the Si substrate for voltage supply. As a novel method, several electric generation mechanisms and a micro patterning process of the proton conductor are proposed. In this electric generation mechanism, the micro DMFC should generate electricity under fuel environment by controlling an internal electric field of the micro DMFC. The internal electric field should be controlled due to the asymmetric electrode area and catalytic activity. The controlling mechanism of internal electric field is discussed at the view point of diffusion of proton. In order to fabricate the array type micro DMFC, a novel method of micro patterning process of proton conductor (Nafion film) is proposed. In my study, HMDS primer treatment is employed at the interface of photoresist / Nafion as a hydrophobic treatment in order to prevent a liquid penetration into the Nafion film. Micro patterns of Nafion film in size of 40μm are formed by photolithography process and reactive ion etching process with CF4 gas. An array type micro DMFC with 200 cells in series is fabricated on a chip of 2mm x 2mm by using these novel methods. Electric generation of 5.85mV was measured from array type micro DMFC with 80 cells in series. Moreover, an increasing of output voltage with the number of micro DMFC array was observed. The effects of micro DMFC array for minimization and functionalization of voltage control are confirmed. This micro DMFC array will emphasize to apply to the development of the DMFC for the micro sensor devices.
マイクロヒータとは、半導体微細加工技術により作製される小型熱源である。マイクロヒータは大きく分けてフィラメント型と基板一体型の2 種類が存在するが、被加熱対象を加熱できるのは後者である。しかし、基板一体型では基板全体が発熱してしまうため、加熱対象の局所範囲を加熱すること、および高温発熱温度を実現することは難しい。そこで本研究では、基板一体型マイクロヒータでは困難とされる2 つの価値観である熱の閉じ込めと高温発熱を実現することを目的として、複数のアプローチからこれらの課題の解決を試みた。
論文の後半部分では、高温発熱を実現するために、基板の熱容量を抑制した薄膜Si 基板マイクロヒータを作製した。2.5mm×5mm の大きさのマイクロヒータによって700oC を超える発熱を達成したが、高温発熱に伴うSi 基板とPt 金属膜との間でシリサイド化が生じることも明らかとなった。そこで、SOG による断熱層と、Ta バリアレイヤによる金属原子の拡散防止を目的としたPt/Ta/SOG/Thin Si 薄膜積層型マイクロヒータを作製した。薄膜積層型は600oC の高温でも基板が破損しなかった。しかし、マイクロヒータ表面の変色が顕著であったため、XPS による表面解析を行った結果、スペクトルからPt のピークを見つけることができず、Pt 酸化膜ではない物体がヒータ表面に形成されることが分かった。高温発熱のためには、基板の熱容量の抑制が有効であることと、基板とヒータの界面、そしてヒータ表面に高温化対策を施す必要があることを明らかにした。
Local heating system by micro patterning of thin film micro heater
A micro heater is a small heat generator made by micro processing technology. The micro heater can be classified into two types; filament type and integrated type with a substrate. The integrated type can heat up other material by heat conduction. However, it is difficult to realize that local area heating and high temperature heating by using the integrated type. The purpose of this study is to realize local area heating and high temperature heating with several approaches.
In the first part of the thesis, localization of heat conduction is evaluated by two methods; a point heat source by heater shape patterning and a micro channel which is filled with water as a thermal insulator. By regarding narrow heater line as a point heat source, the point heat source is heated preferentially. In terms of the thermal insulator by water in the micro channel, temperature rise outside the insulator layer is suppressed in comparison with a case without water. This means that the heat generated by the heater is absorbed in water, and heat conduction is suppressed. Application of the micro heater for local area heating, the functional heating system which combined with biological potential measurement is proposed and demonstrated. Biological potential of living cells can be used to detect biological condition, and living cell of a plant was necrosed with the micro heater. A prospect of development of the local heating system is established.
In the latter part of the thesis, the main topic is high temperature heating. A thin film laminated micro heater which consists of Pt/Ta/SOG on a thin Si substrate is fabricated in order to achieve high temperature on a substrate. The fabrication of the 1mm2 laminated micro heaters is succeeded, and the heater could be achieved until 600℃ as maximum temperature in the air without a crack and silicidation reaction. In order to achieve high temperature heating, suppression of the heat capacity of the substrate is effective, and it is necessary to apply a high temperature protection.
The results of this study will contribute to the development of new applications and improvement of the performance of the micro heater.
Development of monitoring system for plant potential
Generally, it is well known that vegetation and soil have a certain amount of plant potential which can be detected by using electro measurement system. In this regard, smart agriculture system should become one key technology for general agricultural growth industry. Smart agriculture is regarded as a new agricultural technology using information and communication technologies (ICT) system. For example, plant factory under control of sensing system is a representative technology of smart agricultural. It makes possible economical agricultural production to connect sensors in a network. Another aim of this study is to control a condition of physiological activities in plants. In recent years, in artificial photosynthesis, the goal is to mimic the ability of green plants and other photosynthetic organisms in their use of sunlight to make high-energy chemicals.
The purpose of this study is to control the plant potential electrically by budding in a plant. First, a measuring method of electrical potential of a plant under the internal and external stimulation responses is discussed. Second, the electrical potential of a bean sprout germination is experimentally monitored. The measurement method of ground resistance is studied by contacting a metal plate with the ground surface. In this study, a micro device which is attached to a plant leaf in a plant factory is constructed. The electric potential was measured for Fortunella obovata using a digital multi meter. Additionally, the plant was surveyed whether electrical signal is generated by mechanical stimulation conducting to a lead wire. In this study, the observation method of the inner structure of a plant is also constructed by using an X-ray CT system. In order to analyze the ionic conduction, the ground potential and ground pH value are estimated. The amount of ground pH is average 6.52. It is clarified that the concentration of proton H+ becomes plant potential generation.
This study should contribute to the recent ICT system in smart agriculture technology.
Functional micro channel network composed with photoactive surfaces
Micro channels are widely used in MEMS devices in order to transport the some kind of liquid. The purpose of this study is to control the water flow dropped on the micro channels network. In this study, the micro channels are fabricated. The micro channel network has a function of selective spreading of the liquid.
The micro channels were fabricated on Si substrates by lithography process. In order to obtain the photoactive surface, a titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin film is deposited on the micro channel surface by RF magnetron sputtering. The TiO2 thin films are widely used as functional photocatalytic materials. The TiO2 film is a semiconductor of bandgap energy that requires the excitation light wavelength shorter than around 380nm. It is well known that the TiO2 thin film surface shows hydrophilic by UV irradiation.
First, micro channels are fabricated to confirm the liquid spreading before and after UV irradiation. The width and depth of the micro channel were 78 μm and 25μm, respectively. It can be observed that a liquid droplet moved on the micro channel. Furthermore, liquid droplet on the micro channel with UV irradiation spreads widely compared with micro channel without UV irradiation.
Second, the micro channel network with main and sub-channels is fabricated. The liquid droplet is forced to pass through the main channels and spread the sub-channels. It is indicated that channel geometry have a stronger effect on flow direction. Some blockades are set on main channels. The liquid droplet circumvents the blockades through the sub channels and return to the main channels.
As a conclusion of this study, it is indicated that the liquid droplet on the micro channels can be controlled by UV irradiation. The liquid droplet spreads widely by using the micro channel network. This study will contribute to construct the functional micro channel.
Development of organic/inorganic hybrid-type MEMS structure
Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) in the future, a three-dimensional structure for further integration and fusion with different fields are demanded. In particular, there are processes and structures based on biotechnology and organic chemistry, with the aim to dramatic technological advances of MEMS. The purpose of my study is to develop MEMS with a hybrid-type structure composed with organic and inorganic materials. More specifically, as a hybrid cantilever, I consider a device structure utilizing pliable motion. In addition, I discuss feasibility to a flow control device by using a hybrid cantilever acting by pliable motion. For fabrication of hybrid cantilever: (1) understanding of the characteristics of a cantilever and investigation of the effects of hybridization, (2) preparation and characterization of a hybrid cantilever, (3) evaluation of a resist pattern and film as an organic layer were carried out. In the first, I calculate basic properties of the cantilever (resonance frequency, spring constant, resonance characteristic). In hybridization, I showed that the resist layer was stacked away from the central axis of the cantilever, which was dominant in equivalent Young's modulus. In the second, an organic layer of SU-8 was used as a mask during etching, then, I fabricated a hybrid cantilever. In addition, the pliable motion was evaluated. Experimental results show that pliable motion of the hybrid cantilever at the apex is six times larger than that of the commercially available Si cantilever. In the third, I confirmed that the surface hardening layer was formed on the resist surface after the etching. The thickness of the hardened layer was about 10~30nm, additionally, the hardened layer is varied in 2-6 times. The hardened layer leads to improve the mechanical properties of the hybrid cantilever. Moreover, for evaluation of the resist pattern strength, I indicate that the peeling force is significantly different in the case of cohesive failure and interfacial failure. The force required to peel pattern from the substrate is about 1000nN. It is suitable for use as a hybrid structure material. Finally, for the application to hybrid cantilever array, I designed device structure guide from the resonance and pliably motion data. As a conclusion of this study, it is clarified that the pliably motion of hybrid cantilever array should act to control of fluid flow.
Nano interface control between the catalyst nanoparticle / polymer electrolyte membrane in fuel cell
In recent years, fuel cell has attracted attention for environmental issues and depletion of oil resources. The fuel cell is different of internal combustion engine. The fuel cell is high efficiency without high temperatures heating. The purpose of this study is to disperse the catalyst particles using the spin coater and device having a micro channel. Catalyst layer is formed by electrolyte and platinum catalyst supported on carbon. It was confirmed that the catalyst particles are aggregated in a few μm to several tens of μm by scanning electron microscope. It was observed that surface structure of electrolyte membrane by AFM. Surface has a rough of several tens of nm and the wrinkles. At different heat treat conditions, the contact angle was measured and the observation of the surface. It was confirmed that a decrease in contact angle and surface roughness decreased due to a rise in heat treat conditions. This is considered to have been affected by residual moisture. Especially, the sample heat treated at 120℃ when the droplet was added drop wise, it was confirmed wrinkle throughout the membrane. Then, observing both sides of the electrolyte membrane and measurements of surface free energy. We evaluated the transcription of surface characteristics. In the sheet having a polar component of surface free energy, the corruption aggregation of the electrolyte when you peel the sheet, it was confirmed that the sheet with no polar component destruction does not occur, the shape of the sheet is transferred onto the surface of the membrane electrolyte. In addition, strength of the electrolyte membrane was measured in the atmosphere and in the water liquid by the indentation method using the AFM. Measurement, using the cantilever of 40N / m spring constant, and 100nm to indent electrolyte membrane. Inside the electrolyte adsorption has occurred at intervals of about 10nm or strong aggregation was suggested from the results of indentation in the atmosphere. Electrolyte membrane was confirmed that the cohesive force of water is reduced as compared to the atmosphere. Electrolyte membrane was confirmed that the strong viscosity from scratch experiments by AFM. Dispersion experiment was performed using the device was fabricated, was discussed and the impact such as the Laplace force. This study, AFM analysis of fuel cell catalyst layer is intended to contribute to fine particle dispersion.
Higher performance of micro Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) composed with multi-electrodes
Recent years, Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) has an attention as a power supply for mobile devices. One problem in DMFC performance is regarded as electrolyte deterioration. he purpose of my study is to evaluate the amount of the proton conduction locally by DMFC composed with the multi-electrodes.
First, a Nafion film and component films are analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). From the XPS result, it is likely that Nafion film adheres to the backing film.
Second, Young’s modulus of Nafion film is measured both in air and water. As the result, Young’s modulus of Nafion film decreases in water. And Young’s modulus of Nafion film is lower than that of other polymer materials such as PTFE, FEP, and SU-8 material. Furthermore, it becomes clear that local residual strain occurs in Nafion film by dropping a droplet.
Third, the DMFC composed with three pairs of electrodes in common electrolyte is fabricated. By selection of electrode pair, the DMFC output voltage is changed from 272 to 392mV and the output power from 0.39 to 1.33μW. In addition, the electromotive force and internal resistance is determined in the cased of various pairs. The cell parameters can explain the possibility of equivalent circuit treatment of multi electrode DMFC. This result indicates that the proton flows in local hopping pass in Nafion.
Last, the DMFC composed with 10 pairs of electrodes and 112 control electrodes is fabricated by optical lithography. When a resist film is coated on the electrodes, mixing with Nafion occurs. By addition of anionic surfactant to developer, the stiffness of the resist surface increases. This result indicates that the additive is effective against mixing with Nafion. There is room for the fabrication process.
近年、ノートPCや携帯電話、スマートフォンといったモバイル機器に搭載することを目的として、直接メタノール型燃料電池(Direct Methanol Fuel Cell: DMFC)への関心が高まりつつある。DMFCは、シンプルな構造、コンパクトな設計、そして高いエネルギー密度などの利点からマイクロ電源として期待されている。しかしながら、DMFCのアノード側からのCO2気泡脱離の問題は依然として残されている。この問題は、燃料電池内部で触媒反応の副生成物としてCO2が生じ、これにより反応界面が閉塞されると発電電力が低下する。本研究の目的はMEMS技術を用いたマイクロ燃料電池(DMFC)の出力を安定化させることである。具体的には、反応界面において生じたCO2気泡の閉塞を防ぎ、速やかな脱離を促すことで、経時変化による出力の低下を抑制する。
Electrical power Stabilization of the Micro Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) with MEMS Techniques
Recently, as increasing the demand for micro power source has been rapidly, the concern with a Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) has been growing. DMFC is well-qualified as micro power sources because of advantages such as simple construction, compact design and high energy density. However, the task of carbon dioxide bubble removal from the anode electrode of the DMFC remains unsettled. The purpose of this study is to operate a Si-based bubble controlled micro DMFC.
In order to prevent the CO2 bubble blocking at generated from the reacted interface of DMFC, the Si electrode in which a through-hole and micro channel are formed. The micro channels are tapered for the CO2 bubble removal due to capillary force. To confirm the availability of tapered channel for CO2 bubble removal, I observe the micro bubble movement in the gap structure between the Si and glass substrates. As a result, the micro bubble in the micro channel moves into the through-hole due to capillary force as for the enclosed space.
The DMFC power generation characteristics are measured by using the Si electrode. The metal film is sputtered so as to enhance the effect for the current collector of DMFC. The Cu film is sputtered on the Si electrode surface, so that the power density of the DMFC that mounted with the Cu sputtered Si electrode is 4 times as large as the Pt sputtered Si electrode.
The CO2 gas is trapped in the fiber structure of Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA). In order to eject the CO2 gas, the stylate Si electrode is fabricated. Then, the Cu film is deposited on to the surface. As the result, comparing with no stylrate Si electrode, the cell voltage of DMFC that mounted with stylate Si electrode is 48% improved. In addition, variability of the power generation characteristics over time is decreases from 70% to 13%. It is found the fabrication of the stylate Si electrode on the electrode becomes an effective factor for the output stabilization of the DMFC.
This study will contribute to solve the task of CO2 bubble removal from the anode side of DMFC.
Adhesion control of micro droplet on Functional MEMS substrate
Recently, it is important to control a liquid drop motion on a flexible and corrugated surfaces in the electronic display industry. In this study, I focus on a contact line vibration of a liquid drop after contacting on several kinds of solid substrates. The contact line vibration will become a serious problem in micro fabrication and printing industry. In this regard, the purpose of my study is to control a contact line vibration by a functional MEMS substrate. The MEMS substrate is constructed by several micro patterns and comb-shaped electrodes. In order to control a contact line vibration, fundamental characteristics of a falling droplet are needed. Therefore, the falling droplet motion is observed by using a high speed camera. As the results, a droplet of 1.5mm diameter falls faster by the comparison with that of free fall nature. Initial rate of falling droplet is estimated to be 0.07m/s. In addition, it is found that the diameter of falling droplet is vibrated at 71.4Hz. Then, the deformation of droplets at a contact to a plain paper is analyzed. As the results, vibration of contact lines of liquid drop on a super fine paper and gloss paper are also observed. Finally, the droplet shape after the contact to a functional MEMS substrate is analyzed. The nano scale resist pattern in the function al MEMS is collapsed after contacting to the liquid droplet. In this case, it is found that the contact line vibration decreases. Moreover, it is clarified that a functional MEMS substrate constructed by SU-8 resist and electrode acts to control a contact line vibration. This study will contribute to the application of functional MEMS substrate in the liquid control field.
MEMSメモリはマイクバブルをメモリ要素として用いるので、メモリとしての動作は4つある。(1) 書き込み動作、(2) リフレッシュ動作、(3) 読み出し動作、(4) 消去動作である。
(1) 書き込み動作は電気分解によってマイクロバブルを発生させ、捕獲ホールにトラップさせることである。まず、平面電極とプローブ電極間で電気分解によるバブル発生を確認し、同時に発生したバブルが星型のホール形状を持つ捕獲ホールにトラップすることを確認した。
Development of MEMS memory by microbubble operation
In these days, bio Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) has been focused. Micro devices retained in the body is developed to realize preventive medical care in bio MEMS. These micro devices are composed of a MEMS sensor having gas flow control and liquid flow control. The purpose of this study is to develop a MEMS memory operated by micro bubbles as a memory element. This memory device is composed of a cell array using a star-shaped bubble trap structure, because micro bubbles are steady trapped in star-shaped hole by strong pinning between bubbles and structure wall.
In MEMS memory, micro bubbles become the memory element. Therefore, I focus on four memory operations as follows: (1) Writing (2) Refresher (3) Reading (4) Erasing.
(1) In writing operation, micro bubbles are generated by electrolysis of liquid in the bubble-capture-hole as a memory cell. And micro bubbles are trapped in the bubble-capture-hole. In the experiment, the bubble generation by the electrolysis is tried to apply the voltage between an Au flat electrode in the bubble-capture-hole and a probe electrode in deionized water. Consequently, the bubbles are generated and trapped in the bubble-capture-hole. (2) In refresher operation, the micro bubble trapped in the hole as memory needs refresher to hold the writing state. Because, the volume of the micro bubble decreases as the time passage. For make the refresh cycle time, the star-shaped hole to trap the micro bubble with diameters of 50μm is fabricated by the resist pattern. The micro bubble of 53μm diameters is trapped in the hole in deionized water. Then the micro bubble is dissolve until 146s. Therefore, the refresh cycle time is estimated to be 60s. (3) Reading operation is accomplished by measuring capacitance between both electrodes and the bubble-capture-hole. In the primary experiment, capacitance between a flat electrode and a probe electrode on top of a flat electrode is measured by using a LCR meter. Consequently, the capacitance with the bubble on the flat electrode is smaller than the capacitance without the bubble. (4) Erasing operation is erasing the micro bubbles in the bubble-capture-hole. Erasing operation is effective for 5 minute without any operation.
As a conclusion, it is found that the MEMS memory operation by micro bubbles becomes effective in biotechnology.
近年、MEMS(Micro Electro Mechanical Systems)は、通信や自動車、医療などの多方面において実用化されている。特に医療分野では、体内埋め込み型センサデバイスやカプセル型内視鏡等においてMEMS技術が必要と考えられ、バイオMEMSは医療技術の発展に役立つと考えられる。医療分野では、超音波エコーや結石破砕装置といった、超音波を用いた診断・治療機器が多く開発されており、これまで一般の病院でも広く普及している。本研究では、MEMSと超音波技術を融合する事によって、超音波駆動型の新規MEMSについて研究を行った。厚生労働省の患者調査では、心臓疾患と循環器疾病患者の合計は約400万人と推定されており、がん患者数を上回る注目すべき結果となっている。これらの循環器疾患では、血管内血栓の閉塞が原因の1つと考えられ、血栓発生時に素早く安全に分散・除去することが非常に重要である。
そこで、本研究は、「超音波駆動型MEMSによる微粒子群(疑似血栓)の分散化」と題して、疑似循環器系回路内に取り付けた超音波駆動型MEMS内での凝集疑似血栓(10.3μmシリカ微粒子)の分散化を目的とした。本研究のオリジナリティーは、血栓の除去に対する新たな試みとして、超音波駆動型MEMSを用いて微粒子群を分散化することである。超音波駆動型MEMSの作製のために以下の実験を行った。(1)MEMS材料の評価として、表面自由エネルギー解析による生体適合性評価とXPSによる材料評価、及び超音波振動プローブ法によるレジスト膜の付着性評価を行った。表面自由エネルギー解析の結果、ポリマー材料のSU-8は、他の高分子材料よりも水の浸漬が少ないことを確認した。また、作製したMEMSデバイスは、超音波振動プローブでの剥離試験を行うことで、47.2[mJ/m2]の超音波エネルギーに耐えることを確認した。 (2) 超音波駆動型MEMSの設計では、MEMS内の繊毛構造共振シミュレーションとMEMS内での流体シミュレーションを行った。共振シミュレーションの結果、繊毛構造は34kHzで1次共振することが分かった。流体シミュレーションの結果、繊毛の影響によりMEMS中心部で血液の流速が速くなることを確認した。 (3) ポリマー材料(SU-8)による超音波駆動型MEMSの作製では、SU-8を積層することによって超音波駆動型MEMSを作製することができた。 (4) 微粒子群を用いた超音波駆動型MEMSの動作確認では、超音波駆動型MEMSを34kHzで駆動させた場合、20~110μmの微粒子群を81.5%減少できることを確認した。本研究は、医療分野での体内埋め込み式デバイス開発だけでなく、半導体産業での洗浄工程や金属ナノ粒子、及びはんだ粒子などの微粒子凝集防止技術としても利用できると考えられる。
Dispersion of condensation particles (artificial clots) by MEMS under ultrasonic vibration control
Recent years, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) has been widely employed for large number of industries such as communication, medical field and so on. In particular, bio-MEMS requires the development of the medical equipment as self-contained sensor devices, capsule endoscope. In medical field, over the past few decades, a considerable number of studies have been conducted on the development of diagnostic technology by using ultrasoni wave as ultrasonic echo, lithomyl and so on. Therefore, these instruments have become popular in the medical field. In this study, the ultrasonic technology is applied to dispersion of artificial clot. In the patent survey, total patients of heart disease and cardiovascular disease are estimated to be 4 million people. Usually, thrombolytic agent or catheter is used when deep-vein thrombosis is happened. However, thrombolytic agent has bleeding risk. The purpose of my study is to develop the MEMS controlled by ultrasonic vibration for dispersion of condensed particles. The originality of this study is to disperse the condensed particles into care of cardiovascular disease by using MEMS controlled by ultrasonic vibration. This study is composed with four sections: (1) Surface free energy on the MEMS materials is analyzed to evaluate biocompatible and ultrasonic protection. Surface free energy on polymer materials is analyzed by using a contact angle meter. As the result, spreading coefficient of what the SU-8 material is lower than that of other polymer materials. (2) Resonance of beam structure and liquid flow simulation in the MEMS is calculated for MEMS designing. As the resonance simulation, resonance frequency of beam structure in the MEMS are calculated to be 34kHz. (3) The MEMS is assembled 18 layers by tweezers on the hotplate. The MEMS can be fabricated with the SU-8 ring multilayer. (4) The MEMS operation is demonstrated under ultrasonic vibration from piezo element. As the result, artificial clots can be dispersed under the ultrasonic vibration to be 34kHz by using MEMS. This study is very informative for not only medical devices but also cleaning process for semiconductor field. In addition, the MEMS will be useful for prevention of condensed particles of solder or metallic nanoparticle.
Control of the gas-liquid interface by ultrasonic vibration
In recent years, micro devices have received increasing attention in medical and micro power generation. But the difficulty to control a gas and liquid interface in fluid flowed, reduces the performance of these devices. So, the purpose of my study is to control the gas and liquid interface in channel/tube system under applying ultrasonic vibration (20kHz~100kHz).
In this study, two major experiments to control the interface between gas and liquid. First, the behavior of liquid drop spreading under vibration in micro channel is observed. In this experiment, a DFR pattern 20[μm] in width is used. The pattern is vibrated at various frequencies (5Hz~50kHz) to analyze the spreading speed of liquid drop. As the result, when methanol is dropped on the pattern, it spread very fast under applying the vibration. But, when water is dropped on the patterns, the liquid couldn’t spread but had evaporated. This is because surface tension of water is very high.
Next, the interface between gas and liquid is detected using ultrasonic sound wave. In this experiment, copper tubes of 1[m] length is used. As the result, the signal of sensor becomes larger at liquid surface position. This is because of surface acoustic wave of liquid/gas interface. In this experiment, the sensor is covered with a pinhole cover to improve the sensitivity of sensor. As the result, the exact height of liquid level can be obtained.
In conclusion, the flow of liquid/gas and the detection of liquid and gas interface can be control using ultrasonic sound wave.
近年、MEMS(Micro Electro Mechanical System)は幅広い分野への応用が期待され、様々な用途にむけて盛んに研究・開発されている。なかでも、生体への適用を目指したMEMSをバイオMEMSと称し、主に医療分野への応用が期待されている。しかしながら、同じ生体である植物へのバイオMEMSの応用についての報告はあまり見られない。本研究では、この植物へのバイオMEMSの応用、ひいては農業分野へのMEMS応用に注目した。H20年度現在では、日本の食料自給率はカロリーベースで41%と、主要先進国の中でも最低水準である。今後、発展途上国を中心とした世界的な人口増加や、環境問題への関心の高まりによる、バイオエタノールの需要拡大などが予想され、日本のように食料自給率の低い国では食糧危機の発生が懸念される。日本政府は、平成17年3月に閣議決定された「食料・農業・農村基本計画」で生産性の大幅な向上に結び付く革新的な技術や機能性を付与した農産物の開発等を進めるとしており、植物成長を補助・促進する試みは重要視されている。
Development of Bio-MEMS based on pH control
Recently, MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) have been widely studied and developed in several fields. The MEMS applied to biological object is called a bio-MEMS. In my study, I focus on the plant as an object of the bio-MEMS application. In Japan, food self-sufficiency ratio based on calories is 41% in 2008. It is the lowest level among the major developed countries. In the future, the importance of food production will be grown by the global population increase and the demand increase for bio-ethanol. Therefore, it can be considered that study of plant growth enhancement is very important because it can lead the increase production of food. The purpose of my study is to develop the bio-MEMS based on pH control. To enhance plant growth, the pH controlled solution is provided to the plant through the bio-MEMS which is inserted in the plant stem. Actually, the water absorption at plant stem can be observed. The bio-MEMS is composed of the injector, the pH controller and the reservoir. As the injector, the polymer channel is fabricated with the epoxy resin based photoresist SU-8. The polymer channel is formed in honeycomb structure to obtain high durability. As a result, the destruction strength of the polymer channel with honeycomb structure is about 4 times as high as that without honeycomb. The pH controller is operated in electrolysis reaction. The pH controller is constructed with a glass substrate, Au electrodes and SU-8 water channels. The direct current voltage of 15V is applied to the electrodes, the pH of water is changed from 7.0 to 6.6 in anode side and to 7.6 in cathode side. Finally, these components of the bio-MEMS are assembled on the plant. As a result, the bio-MEMS can supply the functional water which contains sucrose to the plant. This study contributes to the further development of the bio-MEMS applications for biotechnology and agriculture field.
本研究は高分子表面の粘弾性の評価を目的とする。粘弾性を測定するのに様々方法があり、本研究はAtomic Force Microscope(AFM)を用いてナノスケールの探針を試料表面上に走査しそれから粘弾性の解析を行う。AFMはずっと前から本分野で使用され、表面観察、硬さ分布、直接剥離(DPAT)などといった技術がある。AFMによる粘弾性測定法を確立するのが本研究のオリジナリティーである。
Under the sharpened tip of an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) probe, my goal is to identify the method on how to measure a membrane film’s surface elasticity and viscosity. There are many ways on how to identify the elasticity and viscosity of material, but in my study the surface of nano-scale materials are best evaluate with AFM.
This research consists of two new algorithms in order to achieve the goals. The first part is to understand the function of AFM because AFM is a very complex device. The uppermost important part of AFM is the vibration of cantilever because its’ effects on the experiments results. Therefore, the input output signal of cantilever BASE and TIP need to be precisely clear before moving to the next step, which is to observe the phase lag between the cantilever BASE and TIP. As a results, the Q-Curve and Phase Curve of cantilever TIP at free state did matched with the Phase Lag from oscilloscope after applying a correction, by adding +196° to the AFM Phase Lag.
The second part of my study is to derive an elasticity and viscosity rate near the surface of resist film. By using a fundamental Hooke’s Law, a force act between the cantilever TIP and sample surface could be measure by calculate the surface area of cantilever TIP and the spring constant if the whole cantilever. As a results, the surface elasticity of resist film increase when the baking temperature gets higher but the viscosity rate decrease with temperature.
As a conclusions, based on the basic Hooke’s Law, the elasticity and viscosity of materials could be measured by using any devices, as long as the basic principles are being applied.
近年、燃料電池は地球温暖化に伴う環境問題や石油枯渇に伴うエネルギー資源問題を解決するためのクリーンエネルギー源として注目を集めている。日本では経済産業省を中心に実用化に向けた取り組みが行われており、燃料電池自動車や家庭用燃料電池が実用化され始めている。また、人口高齢化に伴うユビキタス社会の到来によって、小型で高出力なユビキタスエネルギー源の開発が不可欠となっている。これらの要求を満たす燃料電池として直接メタノール型燃料電池(DMFC)が注目されている。DMFCは現在主流のリチウムイオン2次電池より高いエネルギー密度を誇り、近年多機能化が進む携帯電話やノートパソコンの要求電力を満たすが、まだ実用化には至っていない。実用化に至らない原因の一つに、発電界面である電極と液体燃料メタノール水溶液の固液界面において反応生成物である炭酸ガスが生成し滞留する事で気液界面を形成してしまい、メタノール燃料の供給を妨げ電極反応の障害となり出力低下を引き起こすことが挙げられる。本研究では、電極を閉塞する炭酸ガスを超音波振動により脱離させることで電極の気泡閉塞時と比較して8.42%の出力向上を確認した。そこで、超音波を用いずに炭酸ガスの効率的脱離と生成抑制による発電効率向上を目的とした気液界面制御型の機能性電極を有するマイクロDMFCを開発する。この機能性電極は(1)微細構造型、(2)電界印加型の2方式からなる。(1)微細構造型はシリコン基板に気泡脱離を促進する微細構造をMEMS技術で作製し高発電効率化を目的とする。まず、多くの研究機関で数々の取り組みがなされている簡易パターンのシリコン貫通電極を作製しDMFCに実装して発電を実証した。シリコン基板表面にPt膜をスパッタすると既存のカーボン電極に比べて高い発電効率を示した。 (2)電界印加型ではマイクロバブルの負の帯電性を利用してメタノール水溶液中に正電位を加えて、気泡移動および電気泳動による溶存ガスの移動を試みた。その結果、発電効率は向上したため、電界制御が気泡の移動制御手法として有効であると考察した。さらに、厚さ20μmの薄膜Siを用いて小型なマイクロDMFCを試作した。サイズは0.43cm3でボタン電池と同等である。結果として、小型でありながら発電を実証した。本研究は小型携帯機器電源用のDMFCの開発に貢献すると考えられる。
Development of micro fuel cell based on gas-liquid interface control with functional electrode
The fuel cell(FC) has attracted attention as a clean energy source to solve environmental and energy resource problems. The FC is just beginning to be applied to a fuel cell vehicle and household fuel cell. In addition, small and high power ubiquitous energy sources are required in anticipation of a coming aging society. In this regard, the Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) is paid to attention that meets these demands. The DMFC is higher energy density than the lithium-ion secondary battery. However, the DMFC has not been put to practical use for the cellular phone and the notebook, yet. There is fear that the power generation efficiency is dropped because the power generation interface covered with a carbon dioxide gas. In this study, the carbon dioxide bubbles at electrode-methanol solution interface are removed by the ultrasonic oscillation. The output improvement of 8.42% is confirmed. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to construction of the DMFC that prevent to concentrate the carbon dioxide bubbles and remove those by the functional electrode. This functional electrode is composed with two types: (1) Micro structure type, (2) Electric field applying type. (1) Micro structure type has a micro structure to accelerate the bubble removal speed. This micro structure is fabricated by micro processing technology. First of all, the simple pattern Si electrode is fabricated. With popular technology of the DMFC power generation with the simple pattern Si electrode can be accomplished. The improvement of power generation performance can be accomplished by the Pt film sputtering on the Si electrode. The negative charge of the micro bubble surface is utilized in (2) the applied electric field type. The bubble movement by the coulomb force is tried to apply the positive electric potential in the methanol solution. Consequently, the power generation performance has improved by applying the electric field. I supposed the dissolved carbon dioxide gas is lifted from the power generation interface. Moreover, the prototype micro DMFC with 0.43cm3 is made by using the thin film Si substrate. Consequently, the power generation is confirmed clealy. This micro DMFC will be expanded to apply to the development of the DMFC for the portable electric devices.
Development of micro fluid MEMS controlled by micro diaphragm
Recently, intelligent Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) has been studied and developed by micro-fabrication technology. For example, a micro fluid MEMS has been focused on the application of biotechnology, medical technology and so on. However, the micro fluid MEMS is fabricated with inorganic materials such as a silicon crystal and glass plate. The durability of inorganic materials for the acid and the alkali fluids are low. In addition, these materials are difficult to apply in the living organisms. Therefore, the purpose of my study is to develop the Micro Fluid MEMS controlled by Micro Diaphragm which has the high durability of acid and alkali fluids. This theses is composed with four sections: (a) Designing of the fluid control MEMS, (b) Development of the mask shift type anisotropic wet etching for fabrication of the circular diaphragms, (c) Evaluation of fundamental characteristics of polymer layers to fabricate the MEMS device, (d) Fabrication and driving test of the fluid control MEMS. In the section (a), the fluid control MEMS is designed. This device is composed with the diaphragms, a pump chamber, and a micro channels. The diameter and thickness of the diaphragms are 500μm and 6μm. And the height and width of the micro hannels are 5μm and 50μm. The micro channels and the pump chambers were fabricated with polymer materials to increase the durability to acid and alkali fluid. In the section (b), the circular etching hole is fabricated by mask shift type anisotropic wet etching. The circularity of the fabricated etching hole is 4.15μm. In the section (c), the fundamental characteristics of the various polymer layers are analyzed. As a result, the silicon type polymer has good characteristics for device fabrication. In the section (d), the fabrication of the fluid control MEMS is successful. And the diaphragm of the device is driven clearly when Coulomb force is applied to the diaphragm. The maximum displacement of the diaphragm is 3μm. And resonance characteristic of the diaphragm is observed when the alternating electric field in 200kHz is applied. The result indicates that the fabricated fluid control MEMS is possible to realize the fluid flow. And the result shows that the device has a possibility to control of flow rate. This micro fluid control MEMS will be expected to apply to the acid and alkali fluid control on the various environments.
Fabrication of the combined solar cells device
Recently, the deterioration of the environment has emerged as a serious problem. One of the causes is Global warming. Global warming is caused by the increases in the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases being released into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels. Therefore, various methods have been adopted to protect the environment. One of the methods is clean energy. Nowadays, a lot of energies are used in our daily life such as fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas), nuclear power, hydro energy, renewable energy (solar energy, wind power, etc.). The electrical energy made with the solar cells is expected as one of the clean energy in the future. Moreover, the solar energy is one of the solutions energy problems. However, the power conversion efficiency level of solar cells has been increased slowly in last decade.
For high energy conversion efficiency, four pieces of equilateral triangles of 20mm are cut and used to fabrication of combined silicon solar cells in form a regular tetrahedron. In fabrication of solar cells, p-n junction is formatted by phosphoric acids that include in spin on gas (SOG) process. After that, the sample is connected to print board (both sides copper board), and print board with aluminum wire. Next, p-n junction of the sample is confirmed in I-V characteristic and generation of electricity could be confirmed by using stroboscope. Moreover, the conversion efficiency of each sample is measured with megalight100.
As a result, nitrogen gas (99.99%) is known as it that control of oxide growth on silicon surface in thermal annealing process. the regular tetrahedron of solar cells is designed, and p-n junction is fabricated with the best condition of this research. In addition to, from the analysis of current-voltage characteristics, and the conversion efficiency, the solar cells are fabricated. In addition, the sum of conversion efficiency of four samples when combined to regular tetrahedron form is bigger than the sum of conversion efficiency of four samples before combined.
The merit of this combined solar cells are,
・As using the optical fiber for introducing the sun light, the light reflects only in a regular tetrahedron form.
・Without anti reflection film the conversion efficiency will grow more than a flat type.
・It can put on an underground and a dark place.
Moreover, this research discusses the model of solar cells, the control of oxide growth on silicon surface in thermal annealing process. In addition to, fabrication of the solar cells by using spin-on-glass and chemical mechanical polishing are presented.
現在、デバイス作製にはBGA(Ball Grid Array)電極が使用されている。例えば、CPUなど、デバイスの作製には欠かせないプロセスである。しかし、BGAをリフローする際、BGA内に気泡が発生してしまう。この気泡がボイドである。BGA内にボイドが発生してしまうと電極面との電気的接続が低下してしまう。これは電極として抵抗値が上がることは良くない。そして、BGA内にボイドが発生するとクラックの原因になったり機械的特性の低下の原因になったりもする。そのため、現在ボイドレスバンプは、デバイス作製技術は必要である。加えて、EU諸国など先進国では現在、重金属を使用した製品を市場に出すことを禁止する、RoHS指令を2006年7月1日より施行している。そして、アメリカ、中国、日本などでもRoHS指令ではないが似た規制などが設けられるようになった。そのため、はんだ材料として代表的なSn-Pbの鉛入りはんだが使用できなくなってしまった。そのため、鉛フリーはんだを使用しなければいけなくなった。しかし、鉛フリーはんだには大きな問題がある。鉛フリーはんだは融点が鉛入りはんだに比べ40℃前後高い。そのため、リフロー時にチップなどのデバイスに大きな被害を与える可能性がある。加えて、鉛フリーはんだは濡れ性も鉛入りに比べ良くない。そのため、濡れ性を上げるためにフラックスを添加することで濡れ性を上げている。しかし、このフラックスがボイドの原因である。このフラックスがはんだバンプ内でガス化することでボイド化する。本研究ではボイドレスバンプの作製を目指しボイドの発生抑制を目的とした。そのため、まずどのような条件でボイドが多く発生するかを、X線透過装置を用いて確認した。バンプ内のボイドをより観察しやすくするためX線透過観察に適したBGA用基板の作成を行った。作製した基板ではBGAが球状になっていることを確認するとともにボイドの確認も行った。この観察結果よりボイドは電極に見立てた金属面上に多く発生していることが確認できた。そして、実際にリフロー実験を行った。リフロー中に大気中に出したりリフロー時の加熱時間を長くしたりすることでボイドが発生することがわかった。加熱時間を長くする実験では長くなるにつれよりボイドが発生した。この結果よりフラックスが溶けたバンプ内で液化し加熱時間が長くなるにつれガス化することが考えられる。そのため、加熱時間を短くすることによってボイドの発生は完全に抑制できないがボイドが肥大化することはなくなった。
頻発する大地震によって、今や地震は社会問題にまで発展している。内閣府も地震に関する研究目標を数多く打ち出しており、地震は防災の分野の中でも大きなウェイトを占めている。現在、気象庁の設置している地震計は、大きさ、重量などの点で設置場所が限定されている。これは、地震の周波数帯が1~30Hzと非常に低いため、センサの共振周波数を低く設定する必要があるためである。そのため、原理上、大きな質量が必要となり、小型化が困難である。一方、MEMS(Micro Electro Mechanical Systems)市場の中では、MEMS振動センサ、MEMS加速度センサといった小型振動検出装置の市場規模が最も大きく、数多くの製品が実用化されている。しかしながら、これらのMEMS振動センサは主に高周波数帯域の振動を検出対象としており、1~30Hzという低い周波数を持った地震の検出には適していない。また、MEMS振動センサを低い周波数帯に対応させる場合、従来の地震計と同様に、大きな質量が必要となる。そこで本論文では、小型地盤振動検出MEMSに適した検出方法として、電界制御型うなり振動プローブを構築する。本検出原理は、共振を用いずに地震波を検出することを特徴としており、プローブの質量を小さくすることが可能である。但し、プローブの共振点を使わない方式は、共振を用いる方式に比べてS/Nが低くなる。そこで、本研究で用いる電界制御型うなり振動プローブでは、S/N比を向上させるために、電界によってプローブを制御するに至った。これにより、周波数選択性を持つことになり、周波数スペクトルの測定が可能となった。本研究ではまず、電界制御型うなり振動プローブをCuプローブで試作し、うなり振動検出の原理を確認した。次に、マイクロカンチレバーを用いて電界制御型うなり振動プローブを試作し、地盤振動スペクトルの測定方法を確立した。さらに、試作したシステムにより、手で印加した震度5相当の擬似地盤振動を実際に検出した。また、微細加工プロセス(リソグラフィ、Siの異方性エッチング、陽極接合)を用いて電界制御型うなり振動システムの作製を試みた。その中で、Siの異方性エッチングにおいて、マスク欠陥がエッチング形状に及ぼす影響を解析し、マスク欠陥のサイズを10μm以下に抑えることで、エッチング形状が良好となることを示した。また、新たに陽極接合システムを自作し、ガラス-Siの陽極接合によりダイヤフラム(振動板)を形成するに至った。結論として、本研究では、小型地盤振動スペクトル測定MEMSに適した検出方法を開発した。小型地盤振動スペクトル測定MEMSの実現は、応用として、携帯可能であることや、岩盤中に地震計を設置する等、地震計の設置場所の可能性を大きく向上させると考えられる。
Development of new beat system under alternative electric-field control and application to vibration spectrum detection in tremendous earthquake
Natural disasters such as abnormal weather, volcanic eruption, and earthquake, are inescapable in most situations when a disaster strikes. And these disasters cause considerable damage to us. In particular, earthquake has been recognized as one serious social problem in recent years. At the present time, earthquakes are detected by the seismometers mounted on the land surface. These seismometers are limited in their installation area because of their size and weight. Now, the market scale of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) has been greatly expanded, as to MEMS vibration sensors especially. Therefore, considerable number of MEMS vibration sensors are developed and putted into practice. However, these MEMS vibration sensors are designed for applications of high frequency range as compared with earthquake vibration. And, it is impossible to miniaturize conventional seismometers because of their large mass. In this study, the principle of the vibration detection system which is suitable for miniaturization is evaluated. Typically, as miniaturizing the sensing element, the mass becomes to reduce in size and inertial force. And it causes lower S/N ratio. Given this situation, the probe is controlled electrically as an auxiliary means for inertial force. In this system, the micro-probes are controlled by the electrostatic force. And the amplitude of the vibration caused by an earthquake is modulated by the alternative electric-field and the probe indicates beat vibration. By this method, the system has frequency selectivity. In this study, quasi-earthquake vibration generated by piezoelectric stage and by hand was detected and analyzed. We can also say that this is a valid method for miniaturizing earthquake detection system. Moreover, the micro cantilever probe for the Beat system is tried to fabricate by micro processing technology (such as lithography, etching, and anodic bonding). By analyzing the etching pit formed by the quasi-defect etching mask, it is clear that a micro defect in etching mask smaller than about 10μm has no effect on the etching shape. The anodic bonding system is developed for the fabrication of micro cantilever probe. The results of this study will expand the capability of earthquake detection in the point of installation, portability and so on.
本研究では、黄砂などの直径10μm以下の大気中を浮遊する帯電微粒子を捕獲し、カプセルに閉じ込めることで、微粒子の再飛散を抑制する静電相互作用型の機能性MEMSを構築する。本研究では、このようなMEMSを構築する為に、(1)カプセル構造の検討、(2)液滴による微粒子の移動と捕獲挙動の解析、(3)カプセルによって微粒子を閉じ込める方法の検討、(4)カプセルを用いて実際に微粒子を捕獲・閉じ込めることを行った。(1)では、カプセルの構造として2つの方法を検討した。1つは、液滴の表面凍結現象を利用したカプセル構造、もう1つは半導体製造で用いられる感光性高分子材料を用いたカプセル構造である。高分子材料によるカプセルは、リソグラフィ技術と超臨界乾燥法を用いて、100μm四方と500μm四方のカプセルを作製する事に成功した。また、作製したカプセル構造が水中で分解しない事を、表面白由エネルギー解析により示した。(2)では、環境制御型走査電子顕微鏡(ESEM)を用いて、ガラス基板上に散布した微粒子の液滴による凝集をその場観察した。結果として、液滴によって微粒子が凝集される事を示した。また、レジストパターン上に散布した微粒子の、液滴による凝集挙動を観察した。結果、レジストによって形成した微細孔の内にある微粒子が、孔の外にある微粒子によって引き出されない事を示した。(3)では、高分子膜上に形成したArFレジストパターンを破壊するのに要する力を、本研究室のオリジナル技術である、DirectPeeling Method with AFM Tip (DPAT)を用いて測定した。また、液体メニスカスによって働く力であるラプラス力をシミュレーションにより算出し、DPATの測定データと比較した。結果、ラプラス力によってパターンが破壊可能である事を示した。(4)では、カプセル構造上に微粒子を散布し、液滴を発生させて、カプセルが微粒子を捕獲し、閉じ込めるかを検証した。結果、液体のメニスカスによって微粒子がカプセル内に取り込まれる事を確認した。また、液体のメニスカスによってカプセルが微粒子を閉じ込める動作をしたことを確認した。
Fabrication of capsule type MEMS for capturing charged micro particles floating in air without release from capsule
Recently, yellow sand containing sulfur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) becomes source of serious air pollution. Moreover, virus and bacteria drifted on air become also serious problems for human health. In general, these particles and micro-organisms are eliminated by a micro filter. However the captured particles by the filter are often released and spread because of an extra flow from outside or repulsive force between the charged particles. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to fabricate the capsule type MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) for capturing and encapsulating of the micro-organisms and particles into the capsule. This system captures the particles by mixing with sprayed water and introduces to micro capsule structure. And the particles are encapsulated by capsule destruction due to Laplace force. This study is composed with four sections: (1) Fabrication of the capsule type MEMS, (2) Clarification of particle capturing mechanism by water droplet, (3) Clarification of capsule structure destruction by Laplace force generated by water meniscus, (4) Evaluation of the capsule capturing and encapsulation of the particles. In first section, I design two types of capsule structure. One is constructed by surface freezing of a water droplet. And the other is a micro cube fabricated by optical lithography with polymer materials. I fabricate the micro cube structure of 100μm and 500μm by SU8 multilayer lithography and DFR lithography processes. The micro capsule is composed of three layers, (1) the base layer of 100μm or 500μm square, (2) the pillar of 25μm or 100μm square put in four corners of base layer, (3) the top layer of 100μm or 500μm square covering the pillar layer. I succeed to fabricate the micro cube structure on the glass plate and the Cu substrate. In second section, I observe the condensation behavior of the particles with meniscus by employing the environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). In third section, the peeling force of sub-nanometer scale pattern is measured by using the Atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results show the possibility of destruction of the polymer pattern by Laplace force. In fourth section, I observe capturing and encapsulating the SiO2 particle of 10.3μm diameter by the capsule and the water meniscus in the ESEM chamber. The result indicates that the capsule structure is possible to capture the particles. And the result shows that the capsule has a possibility of preventing release and spread of the particles. This capsule type MEMS will be expected to apply to the air cleaner in a hospital and so on.
本研究では、3次元微細構造の作製および液中動作での破壊問題に取り組み、表面張力制御によって破壊抑制を行った。そして、破壊抑制を行うことで混合濾過システムを実現した。近年、小型であり少量のサンプルで迅速な動作が可能なμ-TAS(Total Analysis System)などの医療用途の流体MEMSの開発が積極的に行われている。しかし、微小構造であり液体を扱うMEMSの開発において、ラプラス力による構造の破壊抑制と構造の3次元化が課題となっている。そこで本研究では、まず、破壊抑制に着目して表面張力制御による破壊抑制を行った。次に、3次元化に着目して2次元では実現できない混合濾過システムの開発を行った。本研究では、破壊を抑制するために、
まず、幅100μm深さ50μmのセミオープンの流路および、幅100μm深さ25μmのチューブ形状の流路を作製し、イオン交換水を送液することができた。次に、アライメントを行い、幅100μm深さ50μmの流路上に幅50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100μmの穴を形成しフィルター構造を作製した。そして、イオン交換水が60μm以上の穴を通過できることを確認した。接触角のメタノールとイオン交換水の混合割合の依存性を測定した。混合濾過システムの評価方法として、混合液の接触角測定による混合割合の評価を示した。
Destruction analysis of 3-dimensional micro structure by controlling surface energy, and development of mixing and filtration systems
In these days, the micro fluidic Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) has been focused. However, the structure destruction and the fabrication of the complicated three-dimensional structure have been studied with the considerable investigations. Therefore, I tried to reduce the destruction force of the structure by controlling the surface energy. Moreover, I succeeded to fabricate the mixing and filtration systems.
The destruction of the line pattern in the methanol aqueous solution was observed, and I thermodynamically explained due to the force balance model. From the result, it was found that the buoyancy of the bubble adhering on the line pattern causes the pattern destruction. Accordingly, I decided to use the system in liquid. However, the condensation of the micro bubble on the intersection was observed. In the case of the intersection angle less than 30 degrees, the micro bubble was less likely to condense at the intersection. From the result, the intersection angle in the system should be designed less than 30 degrees.
In order to develop the micro mixing and filtration system, each element in the system was designed. As the ground level, the fluidic channel with the 100μm width and 25μm depth was fabricated. In this study, the capillary movement of DI-water was observed. Then, as the 2nd level, the through-halls with width of 60 μm on the fluidic channel with the width of 100 μm were fabricated. The transport of DI-water through the hall was observed. From the result, the hall size of the filter was designed to be 70 μm. I also confirmed the filtration of the micro particles with 10.5 μm diameter. Finally, according to the designs of each element, I succeeded to fabricate the micro mixing and filtration systems.
In conclusion, the destruction of the micro structure caused by the bubble was explained thermodynamically. In order to prevent the destruction of the micro mixing and filtration systems, it is effective to control the surface energies of the liquid and the structure. The micro mixing and filtration systems were developed.
The system I fabricated is expected to find to the application in the areas of medical and life science such as a blood clarifying filter and a gas change system for an artificial lung.
まず、光学顕微鏡で観察可能な液中マイクロ気泡をAFMを用いて気液界面の解析を行った。その結果、マイクロ気泡は変形しやすく変形度は0.0134~0.0384N/mであることが分かった。その変形性のため、AFMによる観察時に容易に変形してしまうことを確認した。気泡の正確な形状を観察するために、気泡と同程度の柔らかさのAFM カンチレバーを用いて、完全に非接触で観察する必要がある。また、マイクロ気泡の気液界面とAFM tipの間の相互作用力解析の結果、Van der waals斥力とラプラス力が作用すると考えられる。また、濡れ挙動をマイクロ秒領域で解析することでナノ気泡の混入メカニズムを考察した。その結果、基板の濡れ速度とコンタクトラインの粘性指状変形による気泡の巻き込みの可能性を示した。さらに、脱気水を用いた気泡除去法を示し、液中への気体の拡散の観点から考察し、ナノ気泡除去に使用する有効性を示した。
Analysis of wetting and drying behavior in vicinity of contact line at substrate and droplet interface
The existence of nano bubbles at the solid/water interface were first predicted from force measurement, and their stable existence has been recently reported by using atomic force microscopy(AFM). The nano bubbles are suggested to be associated with a wide range of applications such as reduction of friction, drag in micro fluidic transportation and detergent free cleaning. On the other hand, these bubbles adhered on a substrate affect strongly to the quality of the pattern in wet process. It is very serious problem for device fabrication technique. Therefore, many researcher reported nano bubbles at solid and liquid interface were observed by using an AFM. However, given these research efforts and advances, the observation method of nano bubble still remains ambiguous and under debate. Consequently, this research shows the observation and identification method for nano bubbles on a substrate in liquid.
First, in order to observe a nano bubble on a substrate, the following experiments were carrieing out. The gas/liquid interface of micro bubble which was generated by employing carbonated water was observed with the optical microscope and the AFM. Simultaneously, the interaction force between the bubble interface and the AFM tip was measured. By this method, it is possible to analyze the gas/liquid interface, absolutely. The stiffness of this micro bubble was measured when the bubble surface approaches the AFM tip. As a result of this analysis, it is confirmed that the electric double layer force, Van der waals repulsive firce and the Laplace force acting on between this interface and the AFM tip. And The approach force of the micro bubble interface was measured range of 0.0132~0.0319N/m. Moreover, the deformation of the micro bubble is observed during the contact mode AFM imaging. Then scan force of 0.052nN was measured. These result clearly indicate the bubble is very soft material. In addition, the gas/liquid/solid three phase contact line was analysis with the high speed camera for nano bubble containing mechanism analysis. For this experiment, the contact line is spreading with oscillation in a micro seconds.
Based on these analysis, the nano bubbles on substrate is identification using the approach method. As the result, the nano bubbles could be identified the polymer aggregate or super hydrophobic materials by using this mehod.
In conclusion, the method of identifying nano bubble on a substrate was achieved in my research. This method will be contribute a development of wet MEMS and a nano device as operation in liquid. I believe that my study will apply the analysis of behavior of nano bubble.
半導体作製プロセスにおいて、高分子材料のレジストを用いたエッチング手法が主流となっている。近年、デバイスの高集積化に伴い、レジストパターンの微細化が積極的に行われており、線幅65nmが実用化に至る。今後、10年間で22nmまで微細化されることが明らかとなっている。しかしながら、パターン線幅の減少に伴い、パターン付着力は減少する。したがって、今後の微細化に伴い、レジストパターンの倒壊や変形量の増加といった問題が生じることは明らかである。レジストパターンには、表面硬化層が存在する。パターン倒壊後の残渣によって、表面硬化層が付着性に影響することが明確になった。そこで本研究では、レジストパターンとその下地層であるBARC(Bottom Anti Reflection Coating)層に着目し、以下の2つを目的とした。(1)レジストパターンの表面硬化層内における高分子集合体の凝集を制御することによってパターン倒壊を抑制する、(2)BARC層の凝集性を制御することによる応力緩和効果で倒壊を抑制する。さらに、これらの結果を用いてパターン倒壊抑制モデルを確立する。パターンの付着性および高分子集合体の凝集性を評価する手法としては、原子間力顕微鏡(Atomic Force Microscope)を用いた。表面硬化層の存在により、パターン倒壊を防ぐことができる可能性が見出された。また、表面硬化層の凝集性は、熱処理温度・時間に依存しないが、膜厚が厚くなることによってパターン倒壊が生じにくい結果が得られた。3次元有限要素法による結果からも、レジストパターンの倒壊にはBARC界面との付着性よりも、高分子集合体の弾性・塑性変形による影響が大きく寄与することが明らかとなった。しかしながら、応力といった観点から基板も寄与してくると考え、次に基板であるBARC層の応力緩和効果について考察を行った。その結果、BARC材料による応力緩和の効果はパターン倒壊に大きく寄与しなく、BARC層においても凝集性が寄与することが明らかとなった。さらに、付着性といった観点からBARC層における表面自由エネルギーに着目した。接触角法による測定の結果、BARC材料における極性基もパターン倒壊を抑制するために寄与してくることが明らかとなった。これらの得られた考察から、以下のような条件を見出し、線幅50nm以下におけるレジストパターンの倒壊を抑制するモデルを確立した。
(1) 熱処理温度130℃ 熱処理時間90secで凝集性を強める。
(2) BARC層の凝集性を強める。
(3) BARC層の表面張力を大きくする。
Miniaturization of resist pattern by controlling polymer aggregate of hardened surface layer
In recent years, as increasing the integrated density of the micro electric devices, the resist pattern size less than few tens nanometer is required. According to Semiconductor Technology Academic Research Center (STARC), the resist pattern width will become 22 nm in the next decade. However, as miniaturizing the resist pattern, it can be strongly considered that the resist pattern peel due to lower adhesion strength.
In order to improve this property, I fabricated the new resist pattern model by controlling the cohesion property of the surface hardened layer. The atomic force microscope (AFM) has been employed for analyzing these problems, for example, Tip indentation method, Direct Peeling with the AFM Tip method (DPAT) and so on. Previously, in our laboratory, it had been clarified that the hardened surface layer exists on the resist pattern. Therefore, I focus on the two terms as follows:
(1)The polymer aggregate of the hardened surface layer
(2)The stress relaxation due to BARC material
The heat treatment will be effective for controlling the cohesion property of the polymer aggregate. First of all, the adhesion property of the resist pattern was analyzed by the DPAT method with the AFM tip. From this result, the adhesion property depending on baking temperature was much improved by having the hardened surface layer of the resist pattern. In addition, the resist film was analyzed by the Tip indentation method. In this experiment, the stiffness expresses the condensation of the polymer aggregates. As a result, the pattern collapse depends on the stiffness of the resist pattern. However, I also focused on the BARC layer in the point of the stress relaxation between the resist pattern and the BARC layer. In this regard, the stress relaxation was also analyzed by the 3-D Finite Element Method. The stress relaxation has lower effect to improve the adhesion property of the resist pattern. By the Tip indentation result, the cohesion property between the polymer aggregates of the BARC layer should be enhanced for preventing the pattern collapse. Additionally, the adhesion property between the resist pattern and the BARC layer was analyzed by the contact angle method. The polar group on the BARC layer surface will affect to improve the adhesion property.
By these results, the resist pattern model and process for preventing the pattern collapse by controlling the polymer aggregates are summarized as follows:
(1)The resist pattern should be heated at 130℃ for 90 sec.
(2)The cohesion property of the BARC layer should be enhanced.
(3)The surface energy of the BARC layer should be large.
I strongly believe that the factors above contribute the progress of the micro device development.
1971年のINTELによるMicro Processorの発売は、高密度化、高性能化とそれに伴うコストパフォーマンスの改善を目的とした半導体デバイスのミクロ化・集積化を引き起こし、半導体デバイスはLSIさらには超LSIへと進化していった。20世紀に始まったこの半導体デバイスのミクロ化の流れは、1985年に半導体デバイスの加工寸法が1μmとなり、ついにナノスケールに突入した。その結果、21世紀初頭には、半導体デバイスだけではなく様々なデバイスや材料がナノスケールにて制御し作られるナノテクノロジー時代となる。
それに基づいて、本研究ではAFM・STMを用いて様々な測定や分解能などの解析を本研究の目的とする。原子間van der Waals対ポテンシャルが1つの物体中のすべての原子と他の物体中のすべての原子間のエネルギーの和をとることによって、様々な形状におけるポテンシャルを得ることができる。いくつかの形状に対する相互作用の法則により、Hamaker(1937)からの伝統的なHamaker定数を測定することを本研究において主な目的となる。巨視的物体間の力の理解を深めた初期の仕事の多くは、Hamakerおよび、Bradley(1932)、Derjaguin(1934)、de Boer(1936)によって行われた。
本研究ではAFMを用いることによってAFM探針と試料表面間に働くVan der Waals力をもとめる。Van der Waals力は表面間距離に依存するので定量的に議論するためには、Hamaker定数を用いて議論する必要がある。AFM・STMによる表面形状の原子観察、そして得られたフォースカーブによりTip-sample間相互作用力の解析を行うことによりHamaker定数を求める。
Hamaker constant determination from Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
Combined with the ability to scan the small tip against the sample surface, the Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) was born after the first vacuum tunneling of electrons between a sharp tungsten tip and a platinum sample was observed in early 1981. Since then, this novel type of microscopy has continuously broadened the perception about atomic scale structures and processes.
This STM can image the atomic structures in real space, but not all material properties can be probed by the vacuum tunneling of electrons. Since it requires tunneling current to run in order to examine the surface, it is certainly can be said that the non-conductive properties are hardly observed. Due to this reason, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) was developed next in order to examine all type of material properties such as insulators. The STM and AFM techniques have triggered the invention of a whole family of Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM) which are powerful tools for the examination of surfaces.
The primary goal in this paper is to make determination of Hamaker Constant, A, which represents London Dispersion Force of Van der Waals attraction between two materials. Because London Dispersion Forces arise from the interaction between fluctuating dipoles whose frequencies lie in the optical and UV regions of the spectrum, Hamaker constant may be calculated from the complex dielectric constants measured in the optical or UV portions of the spectrum.
By examining the surface of Mica insulator and Graphite, the force curves while the AFM tip is brought near to the samples were obtained. From the measured curves, Hamaker constant was calculated by studying and applying DMT Theory, which indicates Van der Waals interaction force between the AFM tip and the sample surfaces. Meanwhile, calibration of the Z-axis by AFM was done in order to get a high accuracy in the calculation which is one of the originalities in this thesis. In addition, not only the tip shape is considered, but the full shape of the tip is should also be taken into account.
The Z-calibration result was applied to the measurement of Hamaker constant, and as a result, the value obtained by this calibration method has a high-accuracy value, which was in [10-19~10-20J] range. Hamaker constant seems to be more precise than the measured value by the past year student and near value to the journal paper, which gives a conclusion that a good value was successfully measured in this paper.
Hamaker constant for Graphite was calculated lower than Mica, which brings to a conclusion in this paper as the lower the Tip-Sample is, the lower the interaction force between those surfaces occur which would lead to a smaller Hamaker constant value.
電子パッケージは主にチップモジュール、プリント基板(PCB; Printed Circuit Board)とマザーボード回路の3つの階層で構成される。チップは単独動作ではなく、プリント基板上の他のチップとI/Oの入出力システムを通して相互動作をとる必要がある。そのため、電子パッケージはチップ上の電源のための電流経路の供給、シリコンチップからとシリコンチップへの信号分別、回路による熱の除去とチップを不良環境から守る機能を持たなければならない。一般的のチップ接続法とはワイヤボンデイング・テープによる自動ボンデイング(TAB; Tape Automated Bonding)とはんだバンプ法があるが、この三つの技術の中に最も高密度電子パッケージを可能とするのははんだバンプのフリップチップ技術である。
Mechanical properties analysis of solder bump
The objective of this research is to develop a new system of analyzing the mechanical properties of solder bump in the form of ball grid array (BGA). This research hopes to provide a low-cost, time efficient and realistic analysis and mechanical properties evaluation of solder bump by analyzing singularly each solder bump mounted on the printed circuit board (PCB). Electronic packaging and assembly technology are vital elements in the development of more compatible and high efficiency electronic products. The hierarchy of an electronic package consists of chip module (First level package), printed circuit board (PCB) or card for Second level package and motherboard for Third level package. The most common methods for Chip level interconnects are wire bonding, Tape Automated Bonding (TAB) and solder bumping. Solder bumping technology provides the highest packaging density with less packaging delay. The need for high-density packaging in industries such as mobile phones requires for decrease in size of solder bumps. According to the International Technology for Semiconductor's Research (ITRS), solder bumps pitching size will continue to decrease and reach 100 μL m by 2009.The current evaluation of solder bumps such as accelerated thermal cycling test (mechanical and thermal), focuses more on ball grid array as a whole. However, with the rapidly decrease in the size solder bump, the need to analyze mechanical properties of each singular solder bump arise.
This research developed two new systems in order to evaluate solder bump. The two systems are fatigue analysis of solder bump by ultrasonic vibration system and mechanical properties analysis of solder bump by bonding tester's vibration system. The ultrasonic vibration system developed did not supply enough vibration amplitude to create fatigue on solder bump in a short time period. Two types of probes were developed for the mechanical properties analysis of solder bump by bonding tester's system. The first one is soldering joint probe in which a small amount of solder were applied at the tip of the solder and jointed onto the surface of solder bump. The probe was then moved back and forth causing a vibration like movement. ~ut this system also failed to create fatigue in solder bump in a short period oftime. The second analysis system used the cap typed probe. Increasing shear were applied to the capped solder bump and it is understood from this method that the application of increased shear in solder bump resulted in a higher load point that of direct shear.
さらに、浸透を裏付けるため、純水中においてレジストパターンの剥離力を測定した。その結果、乾燥大気中での剥離力と比較し、30~40分の1になることを明らかにした。レジストを構成している高分子集合体のヤング率が10~25 MPaであり、非常に密度が低いことを初めて明確にした。これより、高分子集合体間、高分子集合体内に浸透が起こることが予想される。さらに、溶液の浸透によりパターン内部から発生するナノバブルの観察及び特性解析を行なう。原子間力顕微鏡(AFM)を用いたArFレジスト表面に付着するナノバブルの観察方法を確立した。
Intrusion mechanism of liquid into nanocondensed matter analyzed by using Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
In recent years, the improvement of destruction strength of nanocondensed matter has been important in lithography process. I have analyzed dependency of cohesive force on developing time of a resist pattern, in order to clarify the intrusion mechanism into the resist pattern.
First, in order to analyze the resist pattern cohesion, a 180nm dot pattern with various developing time between 12 and 120sec are characterized by the DPAT method (direct peeling method by using AFM tip). As a result, the cohesive property of resist pattern is maximum value at developing time 60sec. It is clarified that the phenomenon results from swelling and cross-linking in the resist pattern.
The cohesive property of ArF resist film is analyzed by Tip-Indentation method in order to discuss the cross-linking formed by the developer. The hardened layer of ArF resist film surface is detected by using the AFM. And then, the hardness of hardened layer increases with developing time to 60sec. The hardness of hardened layer corresponds to the peeling force of ArF resist pattern. It is found that the peeling force of resist pattern depends on the hardness of hardened layer.
The swelling of resist pattern is analyzed by a contact angle method and an ellipsometry. The cohesive property of resist pattern decreases with increasing development time to 30sec. These results show that the resist pattern is swollen with the developer. Moreover, intrusion energy becomes larger with increasing developing time.
The peeling force of ArF resist pattern is measured by the DPAT method in DI-water to verify the intrusion of DI-water into resist pattern. As a result, it is confirmed that the peeling force of resist pattern in DI-water is reduced 30 times from that in the dry air. Moreover, elastic property of the polymer aggregate can be characterized based on Hertz theory. Young’s modulus of the polymer aggregates is determined to be 10 – 25MPa. The result in this experiment shows that the polymer aggregates have low cohesion property. Consequently, it is clarified that the liquid intrudes easily between the polymer aggregates and into polymer aggregate.
This study will contribute to fabrication of nanocondensed matter and material design of the resist.
(1) バブルメモリシステム
(2) 気泡集合デバイス
(3) 気泡の移動デバイス
(4) 気泡移動を妨げる要因
実験手法として、DFR(Dry Film Resist)で基板上にパターンを形成し、その後、パターン上にイオン交換水を滴下し、発生した微小気泡を観察した。そして、この微小気泡について解析するために、熱力学の観点から系の自由エネルギーによる考察を行った。以下に、開発したデバイスについての結果を示す。
(1) バブルメモリシステム液滴の滴下により一括書き込み、及び低表面張力液体の注入により一括消去が可能である。本研究では、さらに系の自由エネルギーの観点から、液体の表面張力低下に伴い、微小気泡を抽出しやすいことを解明した。
(2) 気泡集合デバイス分岐パターンの角度を設けることにより、微小気泡を端部、及び中央部に集合させることが可能である。今後、角度変化における気泡の集合メカニズムについて、解析する必要がある。
(3) 気泡の移動デバイス円パターンではイオン交換水で気泡の移動が確認できた。また、基板、液体の表面エネルギーを変化させることにより、直線パターンにおいても微小気泡の移動を観察することができた。これは、微小気泡が基板に付着せず、レジスト側面に付着している状態で、液体の対流や浮力の影響で移動したと考えている。
(4) 気泡移動を妨げる要因微小気泡は異物に付着しやすいため、異物は微小気泡の移動を妨げる要因となり得る。これをピンニング効果により解析した。気泡の移動システムにおいて、清浄度を保つことが重要となる。
Development of micro system applied for moving control of micro bubble
In recent years, a micro bubble control has become important technique in wet process and micro device fabrication. The purpose of this study is to develop the new micro system applying for movement of micro bubble. This study can be summarized as the following four points.
1) Micro bubble memory system
The DI-water (Deionized water) was trickled on the concave square patterns of 50 to 200μm on a side and 50μm in depth. After that, generated the micro bubbles are observed with the optical microscope. The strong dependency of bubble removal on pattern size and surface energy of solution are confirmed. The bubble adhesion and removal can be analyzed and modeled thermodynamically.
2) Bubble aggregate device
The DI-water was trickled on the Y patterns100μm on a side and 50μm in depth. As the Y pattern, the micro bubbles are more likely to adhere to the pattern edge and corner. However, the micro bubbles moved at the line pattern when the surface energy of the resist pattern decreases due to methanol concentration.
3) Bubble movement device
The DI-water was trickled on the circle patterns100μm on a side and 50μm depth. As the volume of the micro bubble decreases, the micro bubbles moved between the circle patterns.
4) Problem of micro defect on resist surface
As the samples, the micro defects were formed on a flat resist surface. The micro bubbles are more likely to adhere to the micro defect on the resist surface. The capture mechanism of micro bubbles at the micro defect is analyzed based on the pinning effect.
In conclusion, the above micro systems can contribute the development of new micro system such as operation circuit in liquid. And furthermore, results of this study will apply the analysis of behavior of the micro and nano bubble.
Mechanism analysis of non-contacting deformation and restricting deformation due to repulsive interaction force of solid in nanoscale
Interaction force acting between the solids in nanoscale should generate a serious problem in nanotechnology, bio technology, electronics and so on. In this thesis, I propose the new problem is one of deforming the solid in nanoscale due to interaction force, spontaneously. However, little is known about the problem of non-contacting deformation (ND) from now. I believe that the ND can restrict by introducing repulsive interaction force.
In this thesis, I suggested the new problem of the ND of solid in nanoscale and analyzed interaction force by using atomic force microscope under several environmental conditions. Moreover, I quantitatively presumed the pattern size which was expected to deform the resist pattern extremely.
First, in various humidity conditions, the interaction behavior between a resist film surface and an AFM tip is characterized. The attractive and repulsive force due to Lenard-Jones potential can be detected clearly. In the dry condition (less than 4%RH), maximum attractive force becomes relatively small and the interactive distance becomes short. On the other hand, in the water vapor condition (70%RH), the maximum attractive force and the interactive distance become large and long, respectively. Accordingly, I obtain that the dry condition is better for the ND comparing with water vapor condition.
Second, I expect the experimental model for analyzing the repulsive interaction force based on Lifshitz theory. According to the theory, nanoscale bubbles formed on Si substrate and on resist film surface is analyzed by using the AFM in DI-water. The nanoscale bubbles can be observed, but interaction force cannot be detected. From these observations, I demonstrate that the repulsive interaction force acts between the AFM tip and the nanoscale bubble.
Finally, I quantitatively presume the pattern size which is expected to deform the resist pattern extremely. It is clear that the spring constant of the solid and the strength of interaction force contribute the ND. Introducing the repulsive interaction force is useful to restrain the ND.
In conclusion, in the atmosphere, it was found that the dry condition is suited to restricting the solid in nanoscale compared with the water vapor condition. In DI-water, the nanoscale bubbles formed on the Si substrate and on the resist film surface can be observed by using the AFM. I quantitatively presumed the pattern size (less than 40nm) which was expected to deform the resist pattern extremely. Introducing the repulsive interaction force was useful to restrain the ND.
I believe that my study can apply to condensation control of particle, to progress lithography techniques, to minimum limitation of nano fablications, and so on.
Development of display device using form control of micro liquid meniscus bridge
Recently, many researchers study about liquid behaviors in biotechnology and medical fields. I expect that the micro device, which is combined the liquid motions as a fundamental structure, opens new applications in many fields. Particularly, I focus on the optical property due to the liquid deformation. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop a novel display device which the micro meniscus bridge is used.
First, the two liquid behaviors are analyzed for development of device using micro-meniscus bridge. the property of bubble adhesion to the quartz surfaces is analyzed from a viewpoint of buoyancy and free energy. I found that the cleanness of substrate is important to prevent the bubble adhesion and remove the adhered bubble. Meanwhile, the pinning effect, which works to prevent the extension of liquid on a complex substrate, is analyzed by interfacial energy in order to analyze the wet property of micro-hole array structure used in my study.
And then, as the static and dynamic properties of meniscus bridge, the output light intensity due to the change of meniscus bridge shape is measured. As the meniscus bridge formed between the end faces of two capillaries is vibrated at a certain frequency by piezoelectric device, meniscus bridge is deformed to the particular shape. Moreover, by using the dynamic meniscus shape, the vibration of the meniscus bridge is detected as the change of the output light intensity. Therefore, I decide that the phenomenon obtained by the dynamic change of the meniscus shape is used as a principle operating the display device.
The fundamental structure of display device is fabricated by Si anisotropic etching. In order to fabricate the device structure, the lithography system was designed and constructed by myself before. Finally, as an output property of the display device, the change of light intensity is obtained when the meniscus bridge formed between the micro-hole array structure and a glass plate is vibrated by piezoelectric device. Therefore, I found the possibility of display device using the change of micro meniscus bridge.
In conclusion, I believe that this study would be useful for the development of the device using liquid behavior.
まず液滴の蒸発過程を解析するため、滴下直後からの蒸発挙動の解析を行った。結果、液滴は①接触角のみが減少する過程を経て、次に②接触角一定で液滴の直径のみ減少する過程を経て蒸発することがわかった。直径が後退する過程②の付着仕事は143 [mJ/m2]であった。すなわち液滴は付着エネルギーによって基板にトラップされ、液滴の凝集力が付着エネルギーを上回ると液滴は後退すると考えられる。そして液滴は2つの過程を交互に繰り返しながら蒸発すると考えられる。次に濡れの解析を行うため、高速度カメラで濡れの瞬間の考察を行った。Si基板が濡れる際、液面は166 [Hz]ゆれることが確認され、接触角は液面のゆれによって変化した。液面が波打つことで液滴の直径は前後すると考えられたが、間直径は滴下から7 [ms]で一定となり、接触角が20~50度の間で変化しても直径は移動しなかった。このとき広がりが抑制されたのは液滴中央が凹むことによる表面張力の増加が寄与し、後退が抑制されたのは液滴の凝集力が付着エネルギーより小さかったためだと考えられる。さらに微粒子を添加した液滴の蒸発実験では直径の後退は確認されず、また超撥水基板での蒸発観察では液滴は最初から相似形を保って蒸発した。微粒子の添加による影響では、液滴自身が粒子にトラップされることで凝集できなかったと考えられ、超撥水基板の場合では接触角が高いために付着エネルギーが小さかったことが理由であると思われる。
Meniscus behavior analysis in macro-size three dimensional structures
When a liquid exists in a three dimensional structure, a meniscus is formed due to surface tension of the liquid. In resent years, liquid control becomes important in industrial production techniques such as liquid crystal display, metal casting, and artificial joint and so on. One problem in these industrial techniques is air bubble interfusion into the three dimensional structure.
The purpose of this study is to clarify the mechanism of liquid control in the macro structure. So far, in this laboratory, it is reported that the water meniscus is generated at the bottom edges of the parallel pattern. For the behavior analysis, theoretical mechanism of water meniscus should be clarified. And the water meniscus is analyzed quantitatively in terms of total free energy of the system. Therefore, this study can be summarized as following four points.
(1)Generally, in the case of the liquid remaining between the patterns, the parallel patterns are deformed by Laplace force due to the surface tension. Laplace force decrease with the surface tension of the liquid. Experimental result shows that the meniscus is generated from the pattern top, and the addition of the ethylalcohol prevents generation of the meniscus tunnel.
(2)Subsequently, the water meniscus which is formed between parallel patterns with movable edge is observed. In the experimental result, the patterns deformed to be close each other. Therefore, the meniscus couldn’t be generated at the edge. Consequently, it is clarified that the meniscus is generated at relatively wider gap.
(3)Moreover, the water meniscus between upside-down patterns is observed. Experimental result shows the water remains at the top of the pattern. By comparison with the meniscus between the parallel patterns, it is verified that water remaining at the pattern bottom is affected by gravity.
(4)Finally, the total free energy of the meniscus system is estimated. In the calculation result, the total free energy decreases with drying time.
In conclusion, the mechanism of the meniscus generation and variation in the three dimension structures is clarified.
現在のモバイル機器に搭載されている半導体パッケージは、高密度実装化を実現させるために、メモリデバイスや演算素子などを積層できるSIP(System In Package)が主流になっている。このパッケージの端子は、縮小化が可能であるはんだバンプを用いられており、現在では直径100μmのはんだバンプに移行しつつある。一方、環境問題の観点から、はんだバンプはPbフリー化が加速化し、Pb代替材料としてSn-Ag-Cu合金が有力視されている。
本研究室は、これまでに、はんだバンプを界面剥離させ接合性評価を行うために荷重点制御型シェアモード剥離法Ver.1(以下LCSM Ver.1)を提案した。この手法は、従来から評価手法として用いられてきたシェアモード法をはんだバンプに加える荷重点を制御できるように改良し、界面剥離させることを可能にしている。LCSM(Ver.1)の評価基準は、接合面積に対し100%界面剥離させることを必要条件とし、その時の最大剥離荷重値を接合面積で除して接合強度P[Pa]を算出した。LCSM(Ver.1)はSn-Pb系はんだバンプにおいて、接合性の評価を可能とした。
LCSM(Ver.2)を用いることにより、LCSM(Ver.1)と比べ、はんだバンプの接合強度を評価することが可能な剥離条件の範囲を広げることができた。また、Pbフリーはんだバンプの評価も可能にし、本研究室で用いたはんだバンプの評価として、接合強度の強度は次の序列になることを確認した。Sn-Ag系(直径129μm)>Sn-Ag-Cu(直径818μm)>Sn-Pb系(直径828μm)>Sn-Pb系(直径214μm) 本手法は、次世代の半導体パッケージの信頼性評価に有効である。
Bonding analysis for solder bump by load point controllable shear peeling method(LCSM)
One current trend in semiconductor package is wider application of flip chip technology to mobile equipments. Recently, SIP (System In Package ) is mainly used for the mobile equipment in order to realize high-density packaging. The size of these solder bumps is quite small, about or less than 100 μm diameter. And, due to environmental concerning of Pb-containing solder, the electronic manufacturing industry is in a rush to replace Pb-containing solders by Pb-free solders. The shear peeling method is generally used as a method of evaluating the bonding quality between the bump terminal and the package substrate of this semiconductor package. However, there is a problem that the bonding strength of solder bump is less likely to detect because interface peeling of solder bump is difficult by this method.
In this laboratory, the load point controlled share method (Ver.1) is constructed in order to improve of this problem. This method is to control the peeling angle and height of the share tool. And it is possible to peel the Sn-Pb solder bump at the interface. In this method, the value of maximum load is divided by the peeling area for calculating the bonding strength.
The purpose of this study is to improve the Ver.1 in order to evaluate the smaller size solder bump and the Pb-free solder bump. There is a problem that the bonding strength of Pb-free solder bump is less likely to detect because the interface peeling occurred about 40% for the joint surface. In this study, the load point controlled share method Ver.2 is constructed in order to improve of this problem. The flow of the calculation of bonding strength by Ver.2 is shown.
(1) Load needed for the crack propagation is clarified from the load curve.
(2) Bonding force is expressed to divides this load value by the area, at which the interface peeling occurs.
It is clarified that the crack is formed at inflection point in the load curve by the peeling process analysis. As the result, it is succeeded in the modeling of the peeling process. In peeling process analysis of the solder bump, the followings is conducted.
(1) Fitting between in-situ observation and load curve.
(2) To observe the crack in cross-sectional solder bump using by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
In solder bump used in this laboratory, the bonding strength was determined as Sn-Ag-Cu > Sn-Pb by Ver.2. This method expects for evaluating the bonding quality of the solder bump in next generation.
近年のレジストパターンの微細化に伴い、乾燥過程におけるメニスカスによりレジストパターンが破壊される事が問題となっている。さらにサイズ効果により、高分子集合体に起因するラインエッジラフネスも顕著な問題となっている。さらにサイズが小さくなると、大気中における吸着水によって、レジスト表面の高分子集合体は移動すると予測する。これは線幅50 nm以下のパターン精度に対して、極めて重大な問題になる。
Nano-scale analysis of meniscus interaction between pure water and resist pattern
In recent years, the resist pattern collapse has become a serious problem in the formation of high-aspect ratio and fine pitch resist patterns. And, the improvement of line edge roughness (LER) due to condensation of polymer aggregates has been recognized as a serious problem that need to be solved. As decreasing the pattern width, I think the polymer aggregates will be displaced due to Laplace force of the adsorbed water on the resist surface. The displacement of polymer aggregates will become a serious problem for the pattern less than 50 nm width.
In this thesis, in order to verify the displacement of polymer aggregates on the resist surface due to Laplace force of the absorbed water, the meniscus interaction between pure water and resist pattern in nano-scale is analyzed by using the atomic force microscope.
First, in order to analyze the meniscus interaction between water and resist pattern, the follow experiments are carried out. (i)The measurement for adhesion force of the adsorbed water on the resist surface. (ii)The analysis for drying behavior of liquid depended on the pattern arrangement. (iii)The nucleate simulation on the concavo-canvex surface. As the results, it is found that the adhesion force of the adsorbed water is ranging from 10 to 40 nN in nano-scale. The adsorption force is strongly enough to displace a polymer aggregate. Moreover, the drying behavior of water is depended on the surface morphology of substrate. These results clearly indicate that it is possible to displace the polymer aggregates due to the adsorption force of adsorbed water in the condensation and evaporation stage.
Next, in order to verify the displacement of polymer aggregates due to the adsorption force of the absorbed water, the polymer aggregates on resist surface is observed at different relative humidities. As the results, during the humidifying stage, the polymer aggregate on resist surface is displaced in the expansion direction. And, during the drying stage, the polymer aggregate condensed in the shrink direction pattern due to adsorption force of adsorbed water. Moreover, the change in surface morphology of resist pattern before and after dipping in water is observed. Consequently, the concavity and convexity of the polymer aggregates on resist surface becomes small. Thermodynamically, it seems reasonable that the surface area become smaller. In this regard, it is considered that the dipping of resist pattern in water can be applied to improve the line edge roughness.
In conclusion, the meniscus interaction between pure water and resist pattern in nano-scale is characterized. And, it is clearly indicated the polymer aggregates on the resist surface is displaced due to the adsorption force of the absorbed water. Moreover, the possibility of improvement for fabrication accuracy such as line edge roughness is indicated.
Stress analysis of the solid material using the polariscope
In this study, there are two main topic; observation of stressed samples using plane polariscope and simulation on the stress analysis by Finite Element Method (FEM). In order to observe the stress distribution in transparent samples, Allyl Diglycol Carbonate (ADC) Thermoset plastic window is used in this study. Eight samples; plane sample, one gap short sample, one gap long sample, two gap short sample, two gap long sample, small hole sample, medium hole sample and big hole sample were fabricated. The observation by plane polariscope is done while the samples getting stress on it. From the experimental results, we can observe the fringes pattern appeared when the load applied on them. The fringes pattern that was occurred represents the stress distribution in the samples. The existence of gap and hole in samples made a big impact in the stress distribution. From the fringes phenomenon, we can predict easily which part in the material getting too much stress, and which part of the material should be reinforced as soon as possible to avoid the problem of fatigue cracks.
Simulation by Finite Element Method for each stressed sample is to determine and analyze the stress distribution in the samples. The value of stress at every sample elements could be analyzed. In order to observe any deformation when the samples are in very small scale, the simulation process was done from macro-scale to micro-scale. As the results, there are no changing in stress distribution for almost samples except two gap short sample, medium hole sample and big hole sample that were enhanced and released due to the surface area of elements in simulation model having a little bit changing.
Dielectric characteristics analysis of gas-liquid mixtures
Impedance method is one of the useful method to analyze the dielectric characteristics of electric components and equipment. The analysis by the impedance method can describe the dielectric behavior of the component using the difference dielectric medium inside it. Every each of the dielectric mediums has their own dielectric properties because of the polarization mechanism inside the dielectric medium.
Purpose of my study is to investigate the gas-liquid mixtures dielectric properties using impedance method. There are two kinds of mixtures that are use in this study; firstly the water (vapor) in air mixtures or can be called condensation and second the air (bubble) and water mixtures. The dielectric properties for the mixtures were measured using the LCR HITESTER; Capacitance C, Impedance Z and tanδ were measured from the LCR meter at the frequency of 1kHz (water in air mixtures) and 1Mhz (air in water mixtures). The condensation process of the water in air mixtures is observed by using the optical microscope and the volume results of water were used in a mixture equation proposed by Wiener.
As the results, the dielectric mixtures of water (vapor) in air the effect of increasing the volume of water (vapor) present has been investigated successfully. The increasing of the water volume will actually increase the dielectric constant when the condensation is occurring. From the optical microscope observation the volume of the water can be calculated and the dielectric constant can be calculated from the volume results using the Wiener equation. The results were compared to the results using the Impedance method. The dielectric properties measurement using LCR meter fit well with a mixture equation proposed by Wiener. From the results, with a small volume of water can effect the dielectric properties of an electrical components. The effect of air (bubble) in water experiment is failed. From the failure results, a new condenser that have a low loss factor inside water should be fabricated or the dielectric medium that has dielectric constant values much smaller than water should be used to made the measurement of dielectric properties of air volume effect can be successfully investigate.
From this study the volume of mixture have a great effect on the dielectric properties was investigated.
半導体デバイスに代表されるミクロ化の進展により、21世紀前半には,原子や分子を操作して新ナノ物質や新ナノデバイスを組み立てる時代が来ると予想されている。そこで、本課題では、微粒子に着目し、非接触原子力間顕微鏡( Atomic Force Microscope ; AFM )を用いて、自己共振周波数による剥離過程を行う。
Mechanical characteristic analysis of the minute solid using AFM
The first half of the 21st century is expected to be era for new nano- substances and new nano-device leading by the semiconductor industry. In this aspect, this research has conducted on micro particles and resist pattern and it’s peeling process with non-contact AFM (Atomic Force Microscope; AFM) paying focus on their self-resonance frequency.
Although for the general public everyday life, salt, sugar, etc. are the only kind of micro particle in material form, which defines an important position semiconductor industrially. Presently, micro particles are in device-ization very effectively rather than former. In such a circumstance, exfoliation process of micro-particle conducted using self-resonance frequency and frequency shift with non-contact atomic force microscope.
Cohesion properties of polymer aggregates of several tens nano-meters size analyzed by Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
In recent years, nanotechnology is recognized as most important technical field.In electronics field, particularly, high-density memory devices in order of one hundred giga bit and nanomachines have been studied. In medical field, DNA chips for identifying the genetic roots of diseases and drug delivery systems by using particles of 50 - 100 nm diameters have been developed. In material science field, carbon nanotube of several nano-meters diameter have been investigated. One of the representatives of practical devices is the large-scale integration (LSI) semiconductor system. As the integration of semiconductor circuits in LSI proceeds, minimum feature sizes of a resist pattern for their fabrication is became smaller than 100 nm. Therefore, cohesion property of the polymer aggregates is required to clarify and control for decreasing resist pattern size.
The purpose of this thesis is to clarify a cohesion property of the polymer aggregates condensed in the resist pattern. Direct analysis of the cohesion property is measured by using the atomic force microscope (AFM). Main experiments are as follows; separation and manipulation of the polymer aggregates from the resist pattern, segmentation of the polymer aggregates and observation of vacancy of the polymer aggregates formed at resist-substrate interface.
The polymer aggregate is composed of a segment. The segments of polymer aggregates are intricately intertwined with each other. In this study, however, the polymer aggregates can be separated from the resist pattern by using the AFM-tip. Additionally, the polymer aggregates separated from the resist pattern can be arranged in linear. Consequently, it is clarified that the polymer aggregates condensed in the resist pattern are separated from each other. Applying this property, it is possible to form the artificial patterns with the polymer aggregates. Subsequently, the polymer aggregates of 50 nm diameter separated from the resist pattern can be further segmentatized by using the AFM-tip. Consequently, it is found out that the polymer aggregate of 50 nm diameter is composed of several aggregates of 10~20 nm diameter.
Finally, a vacancy of polymer aggregates is found out at the resist-substrate interface. Consequently, a nonuniformity of the polymer aggregates in the resist pattern is found out. At the chemically amplified electron beam resist pattern of 60 nm width, a formation rate of the vacancy is one vacancy per micrometer.
As a result of this experiment, the cohesion model of the polymer aggregates is understood. The features of this model are as follows. (1) The polymer aggregates condensed in the resist pattern can be separated. (2) The diameter of the polymer aggregates is approximately 10 nm. (3) The polymer aggregate of several tens nano-meters diameter is composed of several aggregates of approximately 10 nm diameter. (4) There is the vacancy of the polymer aggregates in the resist pattern.
In conclusion, the cohesion property of the polymer aggregates condensed in the resist pattern is clarified.
This study will be contributed to fabrication of nanomachine, molecular manipulation and biotechnology, to say nothing of material design of resist.
乾燥工程のパターンの倒壊挙動は、まず、パターンの変形は純水の液面低下によってパターン間に残留溶液によるメニスカスが発生し、パターン上部にラプラス力が働くことで生じる。変形後のパターン間のメニスカス挙動は、パターンの両エッジの底部付近から新たにメニスカスが生じ、2つのメニスカスは、お互いのエッジ方向に進行していき、ラインパターンの底部に大気のトンネルを形成する。その後、メニスカスは全体的に上昇していき、パターンが乾燥していく現象が確認された。パターン変形後のメニスカス発生によって更にラプラス力が働くことで、パターンは倒壊に至る。また溶液中では、レジストパターンの凝集力は大気中に比べて1/3程度低下する。破壊時の内部応力分布ではパターンに外力が加わった場合、パターンの破壊挙動にクラックの発生が大きく影響しており、ラプラス力を想定した溶液中の解析では、パターン内の応力集中点は、パターンエッジよりも少し内側のパターン底部に発生することが明らかとなり、この点が破壊の起点とされる。したがって、溶液中ではレジスト自体の凝集力が低下すると共にラプラス力によってパターン底部からクラックが発生することでパターン倒壊・破壊に至ると考えられる。 微細化に伴う高分子集合体と基板の相互作用解析では、これまでに集合体のサイズ効果によるラインエッジラフネスが問題とされていたが、同様の現象がレジスト-基板界面内に生じており、そのため界面内において付着に寄与しない集合体が存在することが明らかとなった。
Collapse behavior of micro resist pattern analyzed by using an Atomic Force Microscope
In recent years, the improvement of destruction strength of micro condensed matter is regarded as the important problem on the view of micro-machine and quantum effect device fabrications in transition from wet to dry environment. As a serious problem of such the micro structure fabrication, pattern collapse or destruction phenomenon of a micro pattern such as Si and resist patterns on a substrate has been reported. Usually, the monitoring of the adhesion property for micro structure has been accomplished by the conventional method such as scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation. However, the relationship between the adhesion property and destruction mechanism of micro structures should be clarified in order to fabricate the micro structure. The aim of this thesis is to analyze collapse behavior of micro structure in transition from wet to dry environment. Therefore, this study has summarized as following four points.
(1) The collapse behavior of parallel pattern is observed during the evaporation process. By in-situ measurement of pattern deformation and meniscus behavior between the parallel patterns, the deformation of the parallel pattern in other pattern direction is due to Laplace force. In addition, after the pattern deformation, the meniscus is generate from the both pattern edges at the vicinity of pattern bottom. It can be considered that the Laplase force is acted at generated the meniscus position. Therefore, the pattern collapse occurred due to Laplace force at the vicinity of pattern bottom. (2) A quantitative analysis of destruction force of KrF chemically amplified resist pattern is carried out by using the AFM in order to compare the cohesive force in dry air with that in a liquid environment. As the experimental sample, micro line shaped pattern with line width 130 nm is prepared by means of KrF excimer laser lithography. The destruction load Ft of resist pattern in DI-water is much less than that in dry air environment. Consequently, the cohesive force decreases in DI-water due to influence of the penetration of DI-water into resist pattern. (3) The internal stress and its distribution of the line resist pattern due to crack generation is simulated by the three-dimensional finite element method (3D-FEM). By the crack generation, the simulation load Fs for pattern peeling by the 3D-FEM decreases as the comparison with no crack model. Simulation results of the load position dependency of the load for peeling is similar to the experimental results. In combination with the stress analysis, the peeling mechanism of micro structure accompanying with crack generation can be clarified. (4) The interaction distance between the polymer aggregate and Si substrate with and without HMDS treatment are analyzed by indentation test using the AFM tip. The AFM tip treated with HMDS in order to approximate the surface free energy of resist pattern. When the Si substrate treated with HMDS, the interaction distance between the AFM tip and substrate is changed to the short distance. Therefore, ununiformity distribution of polymer aggregate at interfacial region influences to decrease the adhesion force of resist pattern.
In summary, the collapse behavior of micro pattern is clarified during the evaporation process. Meanwhile, the interaction distance between the polymer aggregate and solid substrate is confirmed at the interfacial region. This technique will prove useful information to the fabricating the micro devices , such as quantum effect device and nano-machine and so on in all environments.
本研究ではSiプリズムを使用したFT-IR-ATR法を、包装分野に適用することを提案し、その妥当性を確認することを目的とする。実験では、Si基板に有機洗浄、Arプラズマ処理、HF洗浄、HMDS処理を施し、表面自由エネルギーを測定した。結果として、Si基板の表面自由エネルギーは、処理により変化し、食品用の容器の材料として用いられているガラス、セラミックス、ウレタン塗料や金属薄膜(Pt, W, Ni, Ti)の表面自由エネルギーに近づけられることを確認した。
FT-IR-ATR測定に使用するために、長方形型と8角形型のSiプリズムを作製した。長方形プリズムは、基礎特性を解析するために作製し、8角形プリズムは、位置分布測定を行なうために作製した。そして自作したSiプリズムに高分子フィルムを付着させ、フィルム剥離後の残留物をFT-IR-ATR法により同定を行なった。その結果、Siプリズムの表面には、CH2, CH3基が存在することが明らかとなった。続いて、CH2, CH3基を残留防止、除去するプロセスの最適化を行なった。長方形プリズムを用いた残留物除去プロセスでは、Arプラズマ処理と超音波洗浄の有効性を確認した。残留防止プロセスは、剥離角度につての検討を行なった。90°、180°剥離のどちらにおいても、残留物が存在することが確認できた。次に8角形プリズムを用いることによって、4点中の高分子フィルムの位置分布測定を行なうことができた。この測定法により、残留防止プロセスの更なる最適化が行なえる可能性を示した。
Analysis of ununiformity distribution on Si surface layer by using a FT-IR-AT
A Fourier transform infrared absorption spectroscopy-attenuated total reflection (FT-IR-ATR) method is widely used as the surface analysis technique to confirm the structure and the composition of the surface of the material. Above all, FT-IR-ATR method with a prism made of Si crystal (Si prism) is applied to analyze hydrogen terminated and oxidation process of the Si substrate, ths behavior of adsorption water on the Si substrate and a growth process of a-Si:H. Meanwhile, the surface free energy of the Si substrate could be changed by the surface treatment.
The attracted fields as the application of FT-IR-ATR measurement were wrapping field of the LSI, the foods and medical practice. In these fields, the polymer films were widely used. After peeling of polymer film, trace amount of chemical materials are existed. In the field of food and medical practice, this chemical material is entered in the human body. In the field of LSI, the device might be caused with the trouble.
The purpose of study is to propose the application of FT-IR-ATR method by use of Si prism into the field of wrapping and to verify the validity. The surface free energy of the foods, the ingredient of dish and the Si performed with surface treatment such as organic cleaning, Ar plasma treatment, HMDS treatment and HF cleaning were measured. As the results, the surface free energy of the Si substrate was approached the surface free energy of the ingredient of dish such as the ceramics, the glass and the urethane coating and the metal thin film. Thus, the validity of using of Si prism was confirmed.
The rectangular and octagonal prisms of Si were fabricated in order to use of FT-IR-ATR measurement. The fundamental characteristic was analyzed by the rectangular prism. The measurement of distribution of position was analyzed by the octagonal prism. The remaining material after peeling of poly (vinylidene chloride) film was confirmed by the fabricated prism. As a results of the measurement, the absorption peak was observed by methylene and methyl grope.
FT-IR-ATR method by use of rectangular Si prism verified that the remained material after peeling of polymer film could be removed by the Ar plasma and ultrasonic wave treatment. The measurement of distribution of position could be carried out by the hexagonal prism.
As the conclusion, FT-IR-ATR method by use of Si prism could be applied in the wrapping field. This study would contribute to the peeling process in the wrapping field of LSI, food, medical practice and so on.
Stress distribution analysis and defect detection at multilayer film due to thin film coating method
Simple method and high sensitivity of the stress distribution measurement is in demand from various fields such as a building and an electronic device and so on. In this study, the simple measurement method of the stress distribution due to the stress relief pattern is discussed. This measurement method is named as “Thin Film Coating Method”. The measurement process of the internal stress distribution due to “Thin Film Coating Method” is indicated as following. First, the thin film is coated on the measurement sample. Then, the stress relief pattern is formed on the coating film by heated in the air. Finally, the valley area of the stress relief pattern is measured. Thereby, the stress value can be estimated.
In the experiment, the stress relief patterns are formed in a Cu/Al multilayer film formed on a Si(100) substrate by heating at 160 ℃ in air. The formation process of the stress relief pattern was observed during the heat treatment by the optical microscope. The stress relief pattern was formed independently of the local area. The rage shape of the stress relief pattern was formed as following. First, the Cu layer was bulged likely a dome shape. Then, the stress relief pattern was formed when the bulge pattern was contracted. Moreover, the stress relief pattern was less likely to form at the vicinity of the sample edge and around the scratch wound of the underlying Al layer. After cooling at room temperature, the shape of the stress relief pattern was observed by the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The stress relief pattern was formed due to peeling off the Cu layer from underlining Al layer. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) analysis of the Cu/Al multilayer indicate the formation of the CuO layer in the Cu layer clearly. Hence, the internal stresses of the Cu film with and without heat treatment were measured by the cantilever method. The large compressive stress of the Cu with heat treatment was confirmed. As the physical factors of the stress relief pattern formation, thermal stress mismatch among of the Cu/Al multilayer system, volume expansion of the CuO layer due to thermal oxidation can be considered.
Thermal stress distribution in the Cu-Al-Si multilayer system can be determined by the three-dimensional finite element method (3D-FEM) by taking the volume expansion of the CuO layer into consideration. Hence, correlation of the stress value due to “Thin Film Coating Method” was confirmed by the 3D-FEM analysis.
電子機器の小型・軽量・多機能化に対して,半導体パッケージに求められる性能も高くなっている。従来のDIP(Dual inline package)のようにプリント基板にピンを挿入してはんだ付けを行うピン挿入型から,機器の小型・軽量・多機能化に対応できるBGA(Ball Grid Array)パッケージへと移行してきた。BGAは格子状に配列したはんだであり,ICの端子であると共にプリント基板に実装される際の継ぎ手の役割をはたす。現在BGAパッケージはさらなる高性能・多機能化によって縮小化の傾向にあり,現在500~300[μm]であるはんだバンプが100[μm]へと移行する。現在はんだバンプの接合界面評価法として,はんだバンプをつまみ引張り上げるプルモード,はんだバンプの頂点付近にプローブを接合して引張り上げる溶融モードがあるが,100[μm]以下のはんだバンプには適用が困難であるとされている。そこで,本研究ではこれらの評価法以前に使われていたシェアモード法を選択した。選択した理由として,はんだバンプの縮小化に対応できる可能性があるからである。シェアモード法ははんだバンプに対して剥離ツールをせん断方向に走査することではんだバンプを剥離させる方法である。しかし,単にせん断方向に走査しただけでは,はんだバンプが基板に残ってしまい最も弱い接合界面からの剥離は難しい。そこで,本研究ではこのシェアモード法を用いて,高さ554±12.2[μm]のはんだバンプに対するツールの剥離角度と接触高さを変えて破壊試験を行い,界面剥離が起こる剥離角度と接触高さの最適条件を決定した。界面破壊は角度40°高さ100[μm]の時に最も多く観察された。また,界面剥離が起こる条件として剥離角度が0°~15°でははんだバンプの頂点付近,剥離角度が25°~40°でははんだバンプの底部であることが確認された。剥離角度20°においては,実験を行ったすべての高さ条件ではんだバンプを界面から剥離させることができなかった。また,界面剥離した時の破壊荷重を測定した結果,破壊荷重は14.8±1.95[N]でり剥離角度や接触高さの条件を変化させた場合でもほぼ一定の値を示した。また,単位面積当たりの荷重は40.1±5.27×106[N/m2]であると決定した。
一方,本研究でははんだバンプの付着, 性を増加させることを目的として表面粗さRmsに対する付着強度依存測定を行った。使用するサンプルはガラス基板上に作製した高さ3.36±0.04[mm]である。このサンプルについて,マイクロメータによる押し込み試験を行った。実験の結果Rmsが0.4[μm]付近で付着強度が最大となった。
こうして作製したシステムおよびサンプルを用いてAuによる光吸収、つまり表面プラズモン共鳴の有無においてポリスチレンラテックス-Au微粒子間の相互作用を観察および分光測定した。その結果、観察結果においては表面プラズモン共鳴によるvan der Waals力の増大を確認することはできなかった。これは光の放射熱がPSL粒子の運動を妨げるからだと考えられる。また、分光測定においては、表面プラズモン共鳴を励起することによってPSL粒子との相互作用を起こすため、Auによる光吸収波長が長波長側にシフトすることが確認された。
Analysis of destruction and adhesion force of polymer aggregate by using an Atomic Force Microscope
The atomic force microscope (AFM) has become a powerful equipment for various material surface analysis since its invention in 1986 by Binning et al.. Moreover, the AFM has been capable of evaluating three-dimensional profiles in atomic scale resolution. Miscellaneous AFM operations are available, addressing different material properties like adhesion and stuffiness. Recently, the AFM has been also applied to study for another field such as soft samples in biological.
Meanwhile, recent progress in a large scale integration (LSI) semiconductor memory has invoked to fabricate nanometer size devices such as giga-bit order memory devices. In this regard, the organic resist pattern as an etching mask at a lithography process has been used in the fabrication for the LSI semiconductor memory device. In those days, fabrication of the memory device in giga-bit order memory is used the resist pattern under 100 nm size. However, in this region, it was observed an uneven shape as line edge roughness (LER) of resist pattern. The LER is formed from a polymer aggregate. Because, the polymer aggregate size in fine resist pattern is ignored so far. The LER of the resist pattern has influenced on a pattern shape as size effect. In addition, dense, high aspect ratio, and fine resist patterns in the range less than 100 nm are collapsed from a substrate, in response to capillary forces rinsed in water present during the drying stage of the lithography process. Pattern collapse, which is a very serious issue in the fabrication of fine pattern. Then, hexamethyl-disilazane (HMDS) as hydrophobic molecular is one of the most useful materials which, improves adhesion between the resist and the substrate in a liquid.
One of the aim of this thesis has been the destruction behavior analysis of the resist pattern as the polymer aggregate by using the AFM. As the experimental sample, an electron beam (EB) chemically amplified line resist pattern from 60 to 152 nm in line width and 220 nm in height forming on a Si(100) with HMDS were prepared in the following bake condition. The EB chemically amplified resist after exposure is performed post-expose baking(PEB) at 120 ℃ for 90 s. Then, an AFM measurement mode is used a non-contact mode in all experiments. In order to study the destruction behavior of these patterns, an optimum condition of AFM tip apex shapes and scan direction in imaging with in pattern destruction is found out in the following experiment. The imaging of the EB chemically amplified resist pattern in 60 nm width is performed by using different three tips. The tip apex shapes are a conical, a pyramidal and a tetrahedral. Consequently, the conical tip is adapted for destruction test. Because the pattern shape is clarified by using the conical tip. Moreover, it is cleared that the scan direction in imaging is parallel to the line direction of pattern. Moreover, the scan direction in pattern destruction should be across the pattern. Therefore, a destruction force of the EB chemically amplified resist pattern as a load for pattern destruction is measured with these optimum condition. As the results, the destruction force decreases with fining the pattern width. At this destruction, the resist pattern is separated in the unit of polymer aggregate.
Furthermore, the other purpose of this thesis has been the adhesion force analysis of resist pattern on the Si substrate with HMDS treatment in order to compare the adhesion force in dry air with that in a liquid. As the experimental sample, a resist pattern in 130 nm width forming on a Si(100) with a HMDS treatment is prepared by KrF excimer laser lithography. The HMDS treatment times of Si substrates differ from 0 to 25 s. The adhesion energy between the resist and the Si substrate both in dry air and in deionized-water is calculated based on the model of balance of interfaces among three materials. As the results, the adhesion energy in a dry air decreases with increasing the HMDS treatment time. On the contrary, the adhesion energy in the liquid environment increases with increasing the HMDS treatment time. Therefore, the destruction force between the resist pattern and the Si substrate with HMDS treatment is measured in the dry air. Consequently, the destruction force in the dry air decreases with increasing HMDS treatment time. Namely, in the dry air, the destruction force is in good agreement with thermodynamic adhesion energy. Moreover, I found a measurement sensitivity of this pattern destruction technique as analysis of adhesion.
In summary, (1) The influence of polymer aggregate on size effect of pattern shape is confirmed. (2) The adhesion force as the utility of HMDS treatment is confirmed in the dry air with that in the liquid. I believe that this technique would be useful for the field of nano technology.
半導体メモリDRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory)の記憶容量は、微細化の進歩に伴い、ギガビットクラスに到達しようとしている。光リソグラフィーは、X線や電子線を用いたリソグラフィーと比較して優れた生産性を持つために、DRAMの回路パターンの作製に用いられてきた。よって、これまでの回路パターンの微細化は、露光光源の短波長化により実現されてきた。しかしながら、露光光源の開発が困難なことから、今後としては、線幅70nmが光リソグラフィーの限界と言われている。一方、パターン解像力を向上するために、微細な凹凸パターンにサイドウォールを応用した技術が注目されている。またHMDS(ヘキサメチルジシラザン)を用いたプラズマ重合膜は、シリル化によりエッチング耐性が向上するため、マスク材料として使用されている。本研究の目的は、光リソグラフィー技術の適応限界を伸ばすために、サイドウォール型リソグラフィー技術を開発することである。また、サイドウォールには、エッチング耐性が良く、比較的除去しやすいHMDSをソースとした重合膜を用いる。
Development of lithography technique with side-wall by HMDS plasma polymerization method
Optical lithography has been used to fabricate a micro pattern of DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) because of its excellent productivity. In these days, shrinking of a micro pattern has been made possible by using shorter wavelength of light source. However, the limitation of the optical lithography can be predicted as a line width of 70 nm because of difficulty of the light source fabrication.
Meanwhile, a lithography with side-wall on the periodical pattern has become of interest due to improve pattern resolution. In this regard, plasma polymerization film made of HMDS (hexamethyldisilazane) source which is improved the etching resistance by silylation process is used as the mask material.
The purpose of this study is to improve the resolution limitation of the optical lithography by the lithography technique with side-wall.
The actual process of this lithography with side-wall is outlined as below. After a periodical pattern formation by the optical lithography, the polymeric film made of HMDS source is coated on the periodical pattern surface by the plasma polymerization method. Next, the surface hardened treatment is carried out to enhance the etching resistance of the polymeric film. The polymeric film is then anisotropically etched back by the etching treatment with Ar plasma. Consequently, the side-wall of the polymeric film is formed. By the etching process, the mask pattern is transferred to the supstrate. Finally, the resist pattern and the side-wall on the substrate is removed by the ashing process.
The chemical structure of the polymeric film used as the sidewall is identified by the fourier transformed infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. As the result, the representative molecular structure of the plasma polymeric film is HMDSO(hexametyldisiloxane).
Next, the experimental results about the coating process of lithography with side-wall is detailed below. The HMDSO film was deposited on the resist pattern in width of 410nm by the plasma polymerization with HMDS. As the result, the gap in width of 70nm was fabricated. Therefore, it can be suggested that the lithography with side-wall can be applied to the lithography under 70nm size. Threshold value between the pitch of resist pattern and the gap formed by coating was clarified. Under the threshold, a certain void formation in the polymeric film was observed. It can be suggested the possibility of 50nm class gap fabrication by decreasing the film thickness.
As a conclusion, the coating process of the polymeric film with HMDS source is effective for side-wall lithography in the resolution region of 70nm. I believe that this study would contribute to the electronic industry as the base technique for fabrication in nanometer scale.
Destruction beehive of epoxy adhesive layer analyzed by the impedance method
Non-destructive analysis such as impedance method is one of useful method predict the structural collapse. In this regard an epoxy adhesive is widely used in various industries by noticeable electrical and mechanical properties. Therefore an evaluation of destruction strength of the adhesive layer is practical interest. Analysis of the fracture behavior of the epoxy adhesive is essential for important of destruction strength.
A purpose of my study is to identify effectiveness of impedance method for analyzing the destruction behavior. The note of this study is that the impedance change of the epoxy adhesive layer under a certain load. The experimental condition is following. The Stainless (SUS340) rod is stick to the stainless (SUS403) plate with the epoxy adhesive. These adhesive samples are baked at various temperatures. (120~220℃) Capacitance C, Conductance G and tanδ of the epoxy adhesive layer is measured under applying the load by using the LCR HIGHTESTER at the frequency of 10 kHz. The maxmum applied load is 1.8 Gpa. The fractured surface of the epoxy adhesive layer and the stainless substrate is observed by using the optical microscope.
As the result, The fracture strength of the adhesive layer increases as rising the temperature until 165℃. Above 165℃, The fracture strength of the adhesive layer decreases. The cohesion destruction occurs mainly for the relatively high destruction strength. On other hand, the interface destruction occurs for the lower destruction strength. The destruction strength of the epoxy adhesive layer indicates maximum at 165℃ of heating temperature. The interface fracture is observed for the adhesive sample which has higher cohesive strength. Capacitance C of the samples baked at 130 and 165℃ decreases gradually accompanying a slight periodical step as the applying load increases. This is due to deformation of the cohesive fracture of the adhesive.
In this regard, the fracture model is proposed on the adhesion important point view. As the conclusion, this study is analyzed for the destruction mechanism of epoxy adhesive by using the impedance method. as the non-destructive analysis, the impedance measurement for the in-situ monitor of the fracture process of the epoxy adhesive layer is important.
I believe that, the conclusions in this thesis can be applied to the various non-destructive analysis is fields, for example electric devises, display devices and construction.
CSP(Chip Size Package)とプリント基板との接合に用いられる半田バンプの剥離試験方法として,半田バンプをつまみ上げて剥離させる常温式と呼ばれる剥離法があるが,100[μm]サイズの半田バンプに適用するには限界があるとされている。よって,他の剥離法の評価を行う必要があり,本研究では最初に新規の剥離法である共振モードの各剥離法に着目した。
本研究では、原子間力顕微鏡のSi探針を微細ドットパターンに押し当てた後に基板から剥離し、任意の位置に移動することでマニピュレーションを実現した。はじめに、4個の微細ドットパターンを150~200nmの間隔に配列した。そして、パターンの倒壊の抑制と付着挙動の制御により本手法の精度向上を図った。荷重位置をパターンの端部としたとき、モーメントによりパターンがせん断破壊し、倒壊は抑制できた。また、探針とパターン間のvan der Waals力を解析して、パターン移動時の付着力が探針先端を鋭くすることにより制御できることを示した。この結果として、剥離と移動を2つの工程に分けることにより、微細ドットパターンを光リソグラフィーでは作製が困難である80nmの間隔に配置した。さらに、マニピュレーションしたドットパターンがリソグラフィーに利用できることを実証するために、基板との付着力の回復を試みた。140℃で90秒間の熱処理は、熱によるパターンの変形を10%以下に抑えて、付着力を剥離前と同程度まで回復した。
Study for manipulation of micro resist-patterns by using a scanning probe microscope
Since an invention in the early 1980s by Binning et al., scanning probe microscope (SPM) has provided images of solid surfaces with nanometer-scale resolution. SPM, such as the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and the atomic force microscope (AFM), have created outstanding possibilities for manipulation and modification of artificial nanostructures. Meanwhile, accurately defined organic resist-patterns are increasingly needed for fabricating finer integrated circuits such as gigabit order memory devices. However, dense, fine resist patterns often collapse, as they come into contact with each other at their tops during the drying process after being rinsed in water. In this regard, the novel microlithography process, no wetting process, is necessary to resolve this cohesively problem.
The object of this study is to present a novel method that can be moved micro dot-patterns to 80 nm distance by the AFM manipulation. Consequently, I can found a new and simple fabrication technique for the sub-100nm process. Furthermore, this technique serves as analysis for the cohesion behavior of micro dot-patterns adhering on a solid surface.
As the experimental sample, micro dot-pattern with diameter of 177 nm was prepared by meats of ArF excimer laser photolithography. The AFM manipulation employs the noncontact mode both to peel and to move dot-patterns on substrate which is covered with bottom anti-reflective coating (BARC). When the dot-pattern is peeled by the AFM tip, the tip must be advanced into contact with the edge of the dot-pattern. At the contacting point, the dot-pattern was cut from the substrate without the collapse. However, a problem, which is involved in bringing the AFM tip into contact with the dot-pattern, is that the dot-pattern often stick to the tip instead of the substrate after being moved by the tip. Therefore, the tip as sharp as possible is employed in orders to minimize the adhesion force between the dot-pattern and the tip. In this way, I was achieved that dot-patterns could be moved to neighbor pattern at 80 nm in distance. In addition, the adhesion force between the manipulated pattern and the BARC substrate was recovered until the force before manipulation by baking at temperature of 140 ℃ without the significant pattern deformation. Moreover, with an etching experiment, the manipulated pattern was confirmed to utilize as an etch mask.
Furthermore, destruction load of fine dot-patterns ranging from 85 to 364 nm in diameter formed by synchrotron orbital radiation lithography was measured by the AFM manipulation. The destruction load decreases rapidly with the pattern diameter. This experimental result can be explained by the relationship between the applying load and the stress concentration based on the von Mises yield condition.
In summary, I proved the validity of manipulation of micro dot-patterns by using the AFM. The ability to movement of micro dot-patterns into 80 nm distance can be confirmed. This technique would contribute to analysis the cohesively of fine patterns.
Analysis of wetting and drying behavior in vicinity of Contact line at substrate and droplet interface
Since the beginning of 1990s, Atomic Force Microscopy(AFM) can be used not only for observation of material surface, but also for local contact electrification on an insulator material and for manipulation of a nano particle in nanoscopic scale.
Recently, local electrification of a silicon oxide thin film has been studied by the AFM. The thin film surface is electrified by contact electrification with a biased conductive cantilever tip. And diameter of the electrified area is approximately 100nm. Meanwhile, the particles have an interest property which a balk and molecule have not, and the particles size get smaller and smaller, cohesive force gradually become weak.
The purpose of the master's thesis is to control the cohesive force of the organic particles by the contact electrification using an AFM. Contact electrification is performed by a contact between the biased conductive cantilever tip and particles. We expect the cohesive force of the electrified particles can be changed strong or weak by the electrostatic force. The destruction force of the condensed particles can be analyzed by scratching the upper layer of the condensed particles with the cantilever tip. The destruction force of the condensed particles can be detected by measuring the cantilever displacement in torsion and in deflection modes.
In this investigation, as a sample, Polystyrene Latex (PSL) particles in commercial available were used. Particle diameter is 42nm. The surfaces of the condensed particles were electrified into same amount of charge with the biased conductive cantilever tip. The destruction force of the electrified particles were analyzed by scratching the upper layer of the condensed particles with the cantilever tip. As a result, it is possible that the cohesive force of the condensed particles become weak by electrifying into the same sign of charge (positive). In order to confirm and to quantify the electrified charge on the condensed particles, the contact electrification onto the silicon oxide thin film is performed. The details of measurement results are followings.
1)Charge dissipation of the electrified area.
After contact electrification, the peak and Full Width at Half Maximum(FWHM) value of the piezo displacement changed at the passage of time. By this result, the decay of electrified charge on the silicon oxide thin film is confirmed.
2)Dependence on tip- sample distance of attractive force distribution.
Force distribution on the electrified area depends on the tip-sample distance. In this result, the evidence of the electrified area on the silicon oxide thin film is confirmed.
As a conclusion, the fundamental technique, that is, the contact electrification, in order to control the cohesive force of the condensed particles is confirmed.
By this study, cohesive force control of the condensed particles by the contact electrification can be used in the fields of medicine, printing, semiconductor and so on.
材料物性のサイズ効果の一例として、金属微粒子の光吸収波長はバルクの値と異なり可視光域にシフトするという現象が明らかになっている。そこで本研究はこのような金属微粒子の光学的振る舞いを、van der Waals力に代表されるような力の情報として解析することを提案する。そのために走査型近接場光顕微鏡(SNOM)を作製することが本研究の目的である。
このように、本研究で作製したSNOMにより、金微粒子の光吸収時におけるvan der Waals力の変化を確認した。このことからAFMを改造することによりSNOMを作製することができた。SNOMの高精度化のためにはフォースカーブ測定の際のノイズの低減が挙げられる。また、金微粒子と探針間の相互作用力の波長依存性を求めることで、より深い解析が可能であると予想される。
Analysis of mechanicalpProperty of KrF chemically amplified resist pattern by using atomic force microscope
In recent years, a chemically amplified resist and its processing have been optimized for high resolution in photolithography. The chemically amplified resist which is sensitive to the wavelength of 248 nm(KrF excimer laser) can markedly help in fabricating LSI(Large Scale Integrated circuit) due to their high sensitivity. At present, the fabrication process of 150nm lines have been studied. However, a problem with fine pattern is a poor cohesion force, which results in a pattern destruction. On the other side, characteristics of surface force, for example surface tension and friction etc., have been studied by using fine structure. In this laboratory, we proposed a new analysis method of the fine structure fracture by using atomic force microscope (AFM). The method is capable of imaging the fine structure and measuring the force applied to the pattern. However, a serious problem with the method was inaccuracy of force measurement. Then, in this study, the destruction method and the analysis model have been improved and the usefulness of it is demonstrated experimentally.
The accuracy of force measurement is improved by measuring a cantilever torsion with deflection. Moreover, internal stress calculation by finite element method (FEM) is carried out in three-dimensional version. Next, more fine structure(resist pattern) is used to analyze the practical destruction. In this case, 170nm lines and L shaped pattern(KrF resist) are used. The study so far was accomplished by using i line photoresist and two-dimensional FEM.
The mechanical properties of KrF resist pattern, i.e. Young’s modulus, ultimate strength and fatigue destruction, have been studied by using this method. For example, by estimating Young’s modulus, deformation of the pattern edge by tip indentation is observed. Next, pattern deformation is simulated by the FEM on the bases of matching with the experimental value. Consequently, Young’s modulus about 4.5 GPa can be obtained, which is appropriate to regard as Young’s modulus of a polymer material. However, it is necessary to measure the area applied load of the tip and viscosity and plastic strain of the resist pattern should be taken into consideration for precise analysis in future.
Residue of the pattern can be observed after the destruction of 170 nm width lines. That is to say, the destruction of the pattern wouldn’t occur at interface but at slight upper area of it. Therefore, it is safely state that mechanical strength of the resist pattern is lower than adhesion strength between the pattern and substrate.
In this way, the destruction method and the various analysis models were established and their effectiveness was confirmed by analyzing the mechanical properties of KrF resist pattern.
原子力間顕微鏡(AFM)探針とシランカップリング処理した固体基板間のVan der Waals 力解析
これまでに、HMDS処理した基板とレジスト間の相互作用の解析は、接触角測定で求めた表面自由エネルギーより議論されてきた。このような巨視的な議論に対し、本研究では、原子間力顕微鏡(AFM)を用いることによって、AFM探針とHMDS処理した基板間に働くvan der Waals(vdW)力を求める。本研究のオリジナリティーは、AFM探針と表面を極性基で置換した極薄膜層におけるvdW相互作用力の解析を行なうことにある。
Analysis of Van der Waals force between atomic force microscope tip and substrate treated with silane coupling
In LSI process, hexamethyl-disilazane (HMDS) is one of the most useful materials which improves adhesion between substrate and resist. However, mechanism of the adhesion by use of HMDS has not been clarified. Recently, more fine process of the semiconductor fabrication is required in the LSI technology. For the improvement of the LSI technology, it is important to understand the fundamental property of the HMDS treatment. Thus far, the interaction between the resist and the substrate which exposed to HMDS vapor had been discussed with the surface free energy evaluated by the contact angle method. Generally, atomic force microscopy (AFM) is known as an useful tool that could be used to measure adhesion and frictional force between microscopic two atoms. In this study, I propose to estimate Hamaker constant, the character of interactions between two materials, and analyze the van der Waals (vdW) force between the AFM tip and the substrate treated with HMDS vapor.
The vdW force is the static interaction which is induced by the dipoles and always exists in all phenomena. As the vdW interaction depending on the distance between substances, the quantitative discussion of it is preferred to use the Hamaker constant. In this study, the force between the tip and the substrate is measured directly by the AFM based on Derjaguin-Muller-Toporov (DMT) theory. The substrates prepared are exposed to HMDS vapor and their surfaces are covered with non-polar groups such as methyl groups. Hamakar constant of bulk substrate is estimated by fitting with the dielectric constant and refractive index in medium based on Lifshitz theory. However, it is difficult to define their constants of surface which is contained thin layer. So, in this study, the Hamaker constant is estimated by the DMT theory. In addition, I discuss the influence of the HMDS on the interaction by using the Lennard-Jones potential curve.
The followings are experimental results.
For the analysis of the surface treated with HMDS vapor, the wettability of the substrate is investigated by the contact angle method. The identification of the surface groups are studied by the electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) and various optical methods (for example, attenuated total reflection (ATR), reflection absorption spectroscopy (RAS), Ellipsomertry) and the thickness of HMDS layer on the substrate is estimated by the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) equipment.
The interaction between the tip and the substrate treated with HMDS vapor is analyzed by the AFM with two modes, the contact and non-contact. Although the non-contact mode of AFM allows to measure the dependence of distance between tip and sample on the interaction, in this study, the measurements do not have enough accuracy to estimate the Hamaker constants. It was hard to control the tip vibration so that the AFM tip was contacted to the substrate in the vdW region. By using the AFM with the contact mode, the adhesion force between the tip and substrate is measured.
Based on the DMT theory, Hamaker constant is evaluated quantitatively from the force curve.
As a result, it was found that the force interaction between an AFM tip and the substrate depends on the dispersion and polar components of surface free energy.
Study of water-meniscus control to fabricate local anodization pattern of several tens nanometer
Since invention of Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM) in 1982, a considerable number of studies have been made on the application of SPM. Because, it have been proven to be a good possibility for successful on several tens nanometer size for the device development with a great future. It enables designing and manufacturing micro functional devices, for example single electron transistor (SET). Although a large number of studies of the SPM have been an object of the anodization, little is known about nature of water meniscus formed between tip-sample surface.
The purpose of this thesis is to fabricate oxide-patterns of several tens nanometer by meniscus control. Therefore, the originality here is to control the meniscus diameter. The meniscus diameter is defined as narrowest size of water meniscus formed between tip apex and substrate. I focus on two-type control method of water meniscus, (1): relative humidity control during the anodization and (2): distance control between tip and sample surface.
Meniscus diameter can be calculated from the Kelvin’s equation with the following parameters: adsorbed water thickness measured by the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and radius of curvature of tip apex. In addition to these, on comparing the measured diameter of anodization-dot-pattern derived from experiment with meniscus diameter calculated by the Kelvin’s equation, I discuss the effect of the meniscus control on the anodization as follows.
(1): Relative humidity control during the anodization
Both of diameter of meniscus and anodization dot decrease with relative humidity. The minimum diameter of the anodization dot is 39.3nm.
(2): Distance control between tip and sample surface.
The both diameter decrease as tip-sample surface distance increases. The anodization dot of 30.5nm in diameter is regarded as minimum size.
These results lead to conclusion that the meniscus diameter which is reflected in diameter of the anodization dot. Meniscus control shows promising method on anodization for the SET.
Moreover, the diameter of the anodization dot is controlled by the anodizing voltage applied between tip and surface and anodizing time. Therefore, the line width formed by anodization is affected by scanning speed of the tip.
Meanwhile, observing the shape of the anodization pattern formed in substrate is very difficult by using the SPM. The measured resistance of the Nb film pattern after anodization is larger than that before anodization. In this respect, it can be considered that the oxidation occurs not only on the surface but also into the substrate.
In summary, the shape of anodization pattern is controlled by the water-meniscus diameter. By the water-meniscus control, the anodization dot of 30.5nm in diameter is achieved. I emphasize that the reduction limit of the anodization by the SPM is closely affected by the shape of water-meniscus. I believe higher process capability of this method that is able to fabricate the anodization dot in diameter less than 10nm, if the meniscus control would be controlled more precisely.
本研究における湿度センサーは、吸着現象を利用して光学系によりカンチレバーの変位を検出する方式である。検出にはAFM(Atomic Force Microscope)を用いて、カンチレバーの変位を高精度に出力する。しかし研究として注目する点は、水蒸気の吸着現象によってカンチレバーが変位する過程である。そこを詳しく解析するために、まず固体表面の状態を定量化する表面自由エネルギーγの測定、本論文の中心になるQCM(Quartz Crystal Microbalance)を用いた吸着水膜厚の測定、そして実際に湿度センサーとして精度確認のための相対湿度変化によるカンチレバーの変位測定を行なった。固体表面の材料として白金、窒化珪素、金の3種類を選び、それぞれの実験結果をこの3つの物質で比較した。
半導体リソグラフィーに限らず、メッキ技術においても基板とレジストの接着性が問題となっている。SEM観察とXMA解析によって、基板/レジスト界面の接着性の不足が原因でメッキ液が界面に浸入してBird's beak状のeavesを形成することがわかった。対策として疎水化処理を行い、メッキ液の浸入を防ぐことが必要である。
Adhesion analysis of photoresist pattern by direct peeling method with AFM micro tip and by liquid intrusion model
In recent years, lithography resolution for ULSI and other microstructures have evolved to limit of optical resolution. And the poorness of resist adhesion has arisen as a serious problem. Therefore, this study has analyzed for the following two points.
1. As the purpose of this study, I propose the direct peeling method by using the contact mode atomic force microscope(AFM). An i-line novolak resist pattern (0.61µm square shape) is used as the sample. By in-situ measurement of a deflection of the resist pattern, Young's modulus and stress of the pattern can be calculated. The calculated value of Young's modulus is 1/103~1/105 of that of polymers. It would mean so-called "size effect" because the pattern width is less than micrometer. Using Young's modulus, stress is in the resist pattern can be calculated. It means quantitative analysis of the adhesion force. Moreover, the direct peeling method has high sensitivity in comparison with the conventional peeling test. Moreover, by this method, it is possible to collapse the pattern in liquids and to obtain the microscopic hardness distribution or other informations.
For the sub-quarter micron size pattern of the chemically amplified resist, it is effective that the indentation of the tip into resist pattern using non-contact mode AFM. Combining with the finite element method (FEM) simulation, the stress distribution in the resist pattern can be calculated.
The direct peeling method by using the AFM micro tip can be applied to other fields such as micron-size particle dispersion, surface cleanness and so on.
2. Lithography of the thick resist sheet used for plating is available to fabricate the micromechanical components. The technique differs from the lithography for ULSI on the points of resolution of the resist pattern, non-monochromatic light source, contact exposure system. However, it has same problems in the optical processes such as diffraction and halation. The best exposure dose and the development time is required to fabricate the high aspect ratio pattern.
Poor adhesion of the resist is caused of intrusion of the developer and the plating solution. As the result of the liquid intrusion, bird's-beak like "eaves" is formed at the bottom of plating pattern. The SEM observation and X-ray microanalysis(XMA) clarify the mechanism of the "eaves" formation. To prevent the intrusion, hydrophobic treatment is effective.
ギャップ内の高分子膜に生じるViscous Fingering変形と接着性
本研究では、溶剤蒸発に伴う高分子膜の粘性指状変形(ViscousFingering(VF) deformation)に着目し、高分子膜のVF変形と高分子膜/基板間の接着強度の相関について、ミクロで3次元的な解析を行うことを目的とした。高分子膜/基板間の接着強度は、VF変形に強く影響されると考えられる。また、最適の接着強度を実現するために、基板の表面白由エネルギーによるVFパターン形状の制御について検討した。これに加えて、高分子膜のVF変形を非破壊に検出する手法として、インピーダンス法の適用を検討した。
Correlation between adhesive strength and viscous fingering deformation of polymer film interposed by two substrates
Many kinds of polymer have been widely used as a basic material of the adhesives. In particular, it becomes more important to improve reliability of the adhesive joints. In this study, the viscous fingering (VF) deformation of polymer film which is interposed by two substrates is focused during the solvent evaporation.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors of the adhesive strength between the polymer film and the substrates on the basis of the VF deformation of polymer film. It is expected that the adhesive strength strongly depends on the VF deformation of the polymer film. In addition to this, in order to improve the adhesive properties by controlling of the VF pattern shape, the effect of surface free energy of substrate on VF deformation is analyzed. Also, as one of the non-destructive evaluations, the impedance spectroscopy is used to characterize VF deformation of polymer film.
The positive correlation between adhesive strength and gap length is obtained from the peeling test. As decreasing of gap length, not only the size of splitting patterns but also the effective contact area decreases. This is mainly because of effect of the solvent evaporation. Moreover, from the observation of fracture surfaces, it is found that the percentage of the cohesive fracture increases as decrease of size of splitting pattern.
As a consequence of these results, the fracture model for this system is proposed. This model assumes that the stress concentrates in the polymer film whose size is relatively small. The validity of this model is confirmed by comparison of the FEM simulation result with the experimental data. From this model, it is possible to understand the correlation between the adhesive strength and the VF deformation for this system.
In summary, adhesive strength for this system is affected on difference of size of splitting patterns and on the inhomogrneous distribution of the patterns in the adhesive layer. These are major reasons for decrease of the adhesive strength.
In order improve the adhesion between polymer film and substrate, it is important to control the gap length in accuracy, the surface treatment of substrate and the baking treatment.
原子力間顕微鏡(AFM)探針と微粒子間のVan der Waals力の解析
一般に、微粒子の物性値は、形状効果の影響により、バルク値と異なる値を持つと考えられる。付着力の重要な要素であるvan der Waals力は、物質の物性値によって定義されるHamaker定数に比例している。微粒子のvan der Waals力も、物性値変化の影響を受ける為、付着機構に変化が生じることが予測される。従来、Hamaker定数の研究は透過率測定によって行われてきた為、微粒子一個の物性変化の検出が不可能であった。これに対し、プローブ顕微鏡を用いることによって、微粒子一個の物性値変化の検出が可能である。しかしながら、微粒子との相互作用に関する影響は、明確にされていない。
そこで、本研究では、原子間力顕微鏡(Atomic Force Microscope; AFM)を用いて、AFM探針と微粒子間に作用する相互作用力の、微粒子サイズの効果を明らかにすることを目的とした。実験として、AFM探針の先端を球近似し(先端曲率半径40nm)、試料(特に微粒子)との間に作用する付着力をフォースカーブにより測定した。この付着力に含まれるvan der Waals力を、Lifshitz理論、DMT理論を用いて解析し、以下の結論を得た。
(1) Hamaker定数の定量解析
乾燥大気中(4%RH, 20℃)および水溶液中(水、アルコール)で、AFM探針と無機薄膜間の付着力を測定した。Lifshitz理論に基づくHamaker定数を用いて解析を行った。溶液のAFM探針-薄膜間の付着力は、大気中に比べ小さくなっていが、付着力はHamaker定数との明確な相関は認められなかった。一方、乾燥雰囲気によるLaplace力の除去により、付着力は、Hamaker定数と正の相関を示した。これより、AFMの付着力測定に基づくHamaker定数の定量測定の可能性が確認された。
(2) 微粒子の粒径依存性解析
半径21nm~500nmまでの有機微粒子(Polystyrene latex; PSL)を用いて、付着力の粒径依存性を解析した。幾何平均則に従って、付着力は粒径の減少で小さくなっていた。しかし、粒子半径50nm以下において、吸着時の付着力は粒径の減少で大きくなる傾向を示した。シミュレーションの結果、付着力は、粒子半径の減少により、隣接粒子の相互作用の影響を強く受けることが判明した。一方、剥離時の付着力は、どの粒径においても、幾何平均則より大きくなる傾向を示した。PSL粒子のTEM観察像および有限要素法による解析の結果、剥離時の付着力の増加原因は、AFM探針との接触によるPSL粒子自身が変形であることが判明した。
(3) 分極サイズ効果による金属微粒子のHamaker定数への影響解析
Analysis for Van der Waals force between Atomic Force Microscope tip and micro particles
In general, the physical properties of micro particles are different from bulk one due to so-called size effect. Van der Waals interaction, which is one of an important factor of adsorption, depends on Hamaker constant. According to Lifshitz theory, Hamaker constant is defined as a function of dielectric function and electronic vibration frequency of materials. It is estimated that van der Waals force between micro particles would differ from that for bulk materials, because the absorption wavelength of micro particle changes from bulk one. In conventional study of Hamaker constant, it has been obtained by transmittance measurement of each material. However, this approach focuses on many micro particles. Although the probe microscopy has an ability to detect the interaction between single particle and tip, it has not been clarified.
The aim of this study is to analyze the particle size effect on interaction force between atomic force microscope (AFM) tip and micro particle. In the experiments, the adsorption force is measured by force curve between AFM tip and micro particles. From the results of adsorption measurement, van der Waals force is evaluated based on Lifshitz theory and Derjaguin-Muller-Toporov (DMT) theory. Consequently, it has reached to the following conclusions.
(1) Quantitative analysis of Hamaker constant using AFM
Both in immersion medium (DI-water, alcohol and so on) and in dry atmosphere (4%RH, 20℃), the adsorption force between AFM tip and flat surface is compared with Hamaker constant based on Lifshitz theory. Although the adsorption force in liquid medium is smaller than that in air, the correlation between adsorption force and Hamaker constant isn’t clear. On the other hand, by eliminating the effect of Laplace force in dry atmosphere, the adsorption force obtained by AFM shows a clear correlation with the Hamaker constant obtained by Lifshitz theory. These results show the validity of this approach to calculate Hamaker constant by force measurement.
(2) Analysis for adsorption force dependence on radius of particles
Particle radius dependence on adsorption force has been analyzed for polystyrene latex which radius ranged from 21 to 500nm. The adsorption force decreases with radius of particle. This tendency is similar to that of geometric mean radius. However, the “jump-in” adsorption force increases as radius of particle decreases below 50nm. It is considered that the interaction among surrounding particles contributes to the interaction force. Moreover, the result of “pull-off” adsorption force is larger than that of geometric mean radius in all particle sizes. These results are analyzed on the points of elastic deformation of PSL particles by TEM observation and finite element calculation. Since the radius of curvature of PSL particle increases by elastic deformation, the “pull-off” adsorption force is larger than the estimation by DMT theory.
(3) Analysis of size effect of polarizability on Hamaker constant between fine metal particles
Hamaker constant between AFM tip covered with Au thin film and Au particle decreases with radius of Au particle. The transmittance spectra of Au particles are analyzed on the point of size effect due to polarization based on rotational ellipsoid model. As the result, perpendicular plasma frequency of Au particles decreases with radius of Au particle. Hamaker constant obtained by AFM has a correlation with perpendicular plasma frequency obtained by transmittance spectra. Detection possibility of size effect due to polarization is experimentally analyzed in AFM.
In conclusion, it is considered that Hamaker constant between AFM tip and micro particles (around 100nm in diameter) depends on the deformation of particle and variation of plasma frequency of particles. Therefore, the interaction force measurement using by AFM would be regarded as an useful analysis method to evaluate the particle interaction.
近年、LSIに代表される半導体デバイスの高集積化の歩みは目覚ましいものが ある。その中で、有機/無機界面の接着は、現在のデバイスの製造工程上必要不可 欠なものであり、中でも接着テープは、簡単に接着・剥離が行えることから、現 在、様々な用途で幅広く使われている。
この接着テーフの特徴としては、上記の簡単接着・簡単剥離の他にも、被着体に 残留物を残さないこと、被着体を破壊しないことなどが重要な性能のーっとなって いる。
しかし実際には、微小な残留物の残存、パターンの破壊などの損失があり、その 低減・除去が重要な課題となっている。
そこで、本研究では、テープの剥離の際の残存有機物の量を接触角法を用いて検 出・評価し、剥離メカニズムを解析する。また、それに基づいて、有機/無機固体 界面の完全分離のために、接着/剥離プロセスの最適化を行うことを目的とした。 本研究では、自作の剥離試験器及びラミネーターを用いて、①ラミネート荷重依 存性、②剥離荷重依存性、③剥離角度依存性の3つの項目について、剥離速度を 測定し、純水の接触角を測定し、Cassieの式に基づいて解析を行うことにより、そ れぞれの特性の観測を行った。
その結果、②剥離荷重依存性においては、剥離速度は荷重の2乗に近似した傾向 をとり、荷重の増加に伴い接触角が減少するという特性が得られた。剥離速度につ いてはGlass基板による実験によって再現性が証明されているが、接触角については Glass基板はSi基板と異なる特性を示した。なお、①のラミネート荷重については依 存性は認められず、③の剥離角度特性についても、剥離速度は剥離角度に対して直 線性を示したが、接触角の角度依存性は見られなかった。
また、本研究では、剥離角度の依存性について、有限要素法によるシミュレーシ ョンを行った。その結果、剥離角度によって接着挙動が変わるという結果が得られ た。
これらの結果から、有機物の残存量は剥離速度に大きく依存し、ラミネート荷重 及び剥離角度については依存しないということがわかった。
このことより、有機/無機界面の完全分離を達成するためには、剥離速度を上昇さ せることが最も効果的であると思われる。
1. 湿度4%の環境に於いて、理論値Fと実験値Fに正の相関があることを確認した。これは、理論式の2つの成分の相乗平均の項において、探針と試料の成分の相互作用を反映したものであることがわかった。これで、提案式の妥当性が証明された。
2. 湿度40土15%の環境に於ける力測定には、試料表面の水の吸着層によりラプラス力が大きく影響し、試料の本来の力測定は行えていないことがわかった。
3. 力測定上の誤差要因を明らかにし、最適化した。
Analysis for surface free energy of solid using an Atomic Force microscope
In recent years, the material identification of condensed matter has become one of the important theme for the advanced study of an atomic force microscope(AFM). Many researchers have reported about the study for adhesion force between a cantilever tip and a sample on the bases of surface free energy. According to the DMT(Derjaguin, Muller, and Toporov) theory, the adhesion force F1 between a rigid sphere and a flat surface is proportional to the adhesion work W, as follows.
F1=2πRW (1)
The symbol R represents a radius of curvature of the sphere. Subsequently, Burnham used the formula (γtγs)1/2 as the adhesive work W. The adhesion work W can be represented by introducing two components of surface free energy, dispersion γd and polar γp, on the bases of van der waal's interaction. Hence, I'll propose the following modified equation of the DMT theory, which contains the two components of surface free energy.
F2=2πR[2{(γtpγsp)1/2+(γtdγsd)1/2}] (2)
The subscripts t and s denote tip and sample, respectively. Therefore, the purpose of my study is to clarify the correlation between the adhesion force F obtained by the AFM and two components γp,γd of surface free energy obtained by contact angle method.
The seven kinds of substrate, Si(100),Glass, gold, titanium, chromium, copper, aluminum which have different γp,γd value were used. These samples were baked at 300°C for 5 min after deposition by using a hot-pi at. Two cantilever tips which were made of silicon nitride and gold were used. The adhesion force and surface free energy measurements were carried out at the same circumstances.
As a result, it was clear that the measurement of adhesion force by the AFM was very sensitive to the surface condition, such as the amount of the contaminant, oxidation and so on. Consequently, by using both tips, positive correlation between theoretical and experimental forces can be observed in 4%RH. On the other hand, in the condition of 40%RH, the correlation between two forces cannot be detected. For the reason of this, it can be considered that Laplace force would be affected in this case. Moreover, positive correlation between the adhesion force and surface free energy were confirmed.
As the application of the AFM, it can be considered that the two surfaces which have a same surface free energy can be identified by roughly using the two components of surface free energy. Because the validity of the equation (2) is confirmed.
フォトリソグラフィー技術を用いて、Tetraethylorthosilicate(TEOS)膜に格子状の幾何学的な凹凸を形成した。表面粗さは凹凸のアスペクト比で表し、粗さに対して、液滴の観察と接触角測定による濡れ挙動解析を行った。また、基板としてSi,SiO2,a -Si,Si3N4,Al,TiN,WSi2,MoSi2を用いて各表面にレジストパターンを形成し、表面を構成する材料の面積比に対する濡れ挙動解析を行った。液滴としてDeionized Water、Diiodomethane、Ethyleneglycol用いた。
Wetting behavior of liquid drop on geometrical rough surface
In recent years, wetting behavior of liquid on a micro rough surface has become important for the semiconductor device manufacturing. Usually, wettability of solid surface has been studied by using the contact angle method. the relationship between contact angle and surface roughness has been analyzed by Wenzel. Contact angle on rough surface decreased as surface ratio between actual and smooth surfaces. Cassie has analyzed for the contact angle on the surface composed with two materials. Newman has studied for the time dependency of contact angle after making drop on a surface. In recent study, deformation of a drop shape was affected by anisotropy of pattern shape on the surface. Although many studies have been conducted for the wetting behavior on micro roughness, contact angle on micro roughness can be changed by deformation of a drop depended on surface pattern. In this study, the surface roughness defined by aspect ratio using photolithography. A wetting behavior of liquid on micro roughness was studied. The anisotropy and roughness of surface pattern were defined by changing the pattern geometry, such as aspect ratio. Deionized water, diiodomethane and ethyleneglycol were used for these experiments, as the test liquids. The liquid spreading is prevented by the pattern anisotropy. In the case of lower wetting liquid, the drop shape became square, and the contact angle increased as the aspect ratio increased. In the case of higher wetting liquid, the contact angle decreased. Moreover, the liquid thin film was formed around the droplet. When both the aspect ratio and wettability of liquid was high, the liquid thin film could be certainly confirmed. The cause of the liquid film can be considered as the capillary phenomenon. Also, the relationship between micro pattern and the contact angle on the surface composed with two materials was analyzed. As a result, wettability and anisotropy of the surface pattern have an effect of the contact angle on the surface composed with two materials In conclusion, the contact angle is prevented by the pattern formed as higher aspect ratio. But, the wettability increased with higher aspect ratio in the case of high wetting liquid. Also, the liquid thin film was formed around the droplet in the case of high wetting liquid. It can be considered as the capillary phenomenon. The micro roughness and wettability has strongly affected for the spreading behavior of liquid.
Cu薄膜のAl膜に対する接着挙動解析 ~レジストを接着剤として用いた引っ張り試験~
1) ガラス/レジスト/ガラス系でのベーク方法による接着強度変化の測定
2) Cu/Al膜に対するレジストの接着強度測定
3) 接着強度に及ぼすレジストの接着面積と応力の影響
Cu薄膜のAl膜に対する接着挙動解析 ~レジストを接着剤として用いた引っ張り試験~
The analysis for adhesion and destruction mechanism of the polymeric layer interposed with two surfaces during heat treatment has become important. In this study, the photoresist was used as the polymeric layer. The resist contains a novolac resin, a sensitizer and a solvent. The boiling temperature of solvent is 156°C. The cross-link between novolac resin and sensitizer occurs during heat treatment.
Adhesion and destruction mechanism of two interfces, resist-glass and resist- Cu/Al film were investigated at the baking temperature ranging from 150 to 300°C.
1) By changing the heating rate (rapidly and slowly), adhesion strength between the resist and the glass was measured. As the adhesion test, the pull method was preformed. Adhesion strength increased with the baking temperature. Moreover, adhesion strength by heating at slow rate was larger than that by that at rapid rate. By the optical observation of the destructed surface, the contact area of resist by heating at the rapid was smaller than that at slow rate. It can be concidered that the rapid evaporation of solvent in resist film would bring about.
2) Adhesion strength between the resist and the Cu/Al film was measured as a function of baking temperature. The Cu/Al film was made by the following two methods. One is the continuous deposition of Al and Cu films in a vacuum. Other is the deposition of Cu film after exposing the Al film to air. In the latter method, adhesion strength decreased as the baking temperature increased.
By the observation, the destruction at the Cu- Al interface can be confirmed. By exposing the Al film to air, an oxide layer was formed on the Al film surface slightly. Therefore, it can be considered that the inter-mixing between Al and Cu layers would be prevented.
3) Influence of contact area variation and stress in the films on adhesion strength was investigated. Adhesion strength of resist increased as the effective area decreased. The reason of this is that the inner stress of resist is relaxed by the void formation in resist layer. The void formation occurs by the solvent evaporation. Therefore, it can be considered that adhesion strength improved.
In conclusion, the contact area and stress of resist affects strongly for adhesion strength. Moreover, solvent evaporation of resist has an effect for changing the contact area and its stress. Stress strain between resist and Cu film become lower than that between Cu and Al film. Therefore, it can be considered that destruction between Cu and Al film occurs for Cu/Al film exposed Al film to air. Since stress concentrate around the void, the destruction of deposited film would bring about.
近年、LSIの高集積化に伴うデバイスの信頼性向上のため、基板材料表面に対する高クリーン化がますます要求されている。現在、一般的に利用されているX線光電子分光法(XPS)やオージェ電子分光法に代表される分析法は、高精度で表面情報を得ることが可能であるが、これらは真空中での測定、及び測定領域が狭いという欠点を有している。また、大面積基板の表面状態を得るには、試料の細分化などの煩雑な作業を要する。一方、VigとLe Busにより、基板表面に微小な液滴群を付着させて生じる光学的干渉縞の有無により清浄度を解析する方法が報告された。しかし、この報告は定性的であり、液滴群の成長過程と干渉縞発現との相関が不明確であった。そこで、本研究は、表面汚染の異なる基板上での液滴群の成長挙動と干渉縞発現メカニズムを表面汚染の違いにおいて、明らかにすることを目的とした。
Condensation property of micro droplets on solid surface and contamination analysis by the optical fringe method
"The optical fringe method" is one of the analytical technics of surface contamination on the substrate by observing the variation of an optical fringe images. This phenomenon is caused by scattering an incident light at large amounts of water droplets on the substrate. The nature of the optical fringe has strong dependence on the surface contamination, however, it's mechanism hasn't studied clearly. Therefore, the aim of this study is to clarify the correlation between condensation of micro droplet and optical fringe, experimentally and theoretically.
In the experiment, two methods, the condensation and the vapor methods, were used for the condensation and fringe observations. As the condensation method, the observation of growth behavior and the fringe image on the cooled substrate surface were carried out. As the vapor method, the substrates were exposed to the droplets flow. For analyzing the fringe phenomena, the scattering simulation of a normal incident light at the water droplet was also performed.
As the results, the following matters were obtained.
1. The observation of droplets condensation on the cold plate.
As the surface contaminants, three different organic tapes were used. To make the condensation of droplet uniform, the temperature control should be performed precisely. As a result, it was found that the fringe mode of the cleaned silicon surface was different from those of the contaminated one. The fringe image on the cleaned silicon surface showed that the fringe colors were observed narrow red around blue until it turned out to the fog mode. On the other hand, the clear fringe colors can be observed on the contaminated silicon surfaces.
2. The observation of droplet growth on glass substrate by vapor method.
It is found that the variation of surface free energy of the substrate is one of the dominant factors for explaining the difference of droplet growth. The water droplet shape on the clean glass (γ=68mJ/m2) is deformed easily during exposure the substrate to the water vapor. On the other hand, no deformation of droplet shape was observed on the contaminated glass (γ=48mJ/m2).
3. Scattering simulation of normal incident light at the water droplet
First, by the simulation, a range of scattering angle was increased with contact angle of droplet. Moreover, a fringe diameter is getting larger with a contact angle on substrate.
Next, the experimental fringe diameter doesn't correspond to the theoretical one. The difference can be taken account by the following reasons.
1) Interference due to the slight inclination of normal incident light
2) The effect of size variation of droplets by condensation.
However, by the simulation, the irregular change of the fringe color would occur at the same time of the contact angle variation in the experiment. Because the irregular color change in the experiment corresponds to the region of fringe color mixing in the contact angle ranging from 40 to 65 degrees. By this comparison, it can be considered that the rapid change of fringe colors shows the surface information such as contamination. From the size dependency of droplets, the decrease of contact angle of water has tendency to decrease the fringe diameter. From this result, the observable mode of optical fringe strongly depends on the contact angle variation caused by the surface contamination.
In conclusion, the optical fringe method has a possibility to analyze the surface contamination in high sensitivity. Therefore, in order to detect the surface contamination of substrates in large area, this method would be useful in comparison with the other analysis method for the electronic device manufacturing, such as LSI and liquid crystal.
原子力間顕微鏡(AFM)によるフォトレジスト膜表面の摩擦挙動解析 ~周期パターンの歪検出~
まず、フォトレジスト膜の表面摩擦ということで、摩擦の原因と言われている表面凝着力と表面粗さを中心に、それぞれの要素とされる試料表面に堆積している水吸着膜の厚さ、表面自由エネルギーおよび表面の軟化点について測定した。これらの実験は、表面白由エネルギーは接触角法を用いて行い、その他は全てAFMで行い、試料表面には力を加えずに測定した。この結果、表面凝着力は水吸着膜の厚さに影響されており、表面粗さはフォトレジストの軟化に影響を受けていることが分かったO フォトレジストの軟化とは、フォトレジストの成分であるノボラック樹脂のベーク反応によるものであり、約150℃でもっとも軟らかくなった。フォトレジスト膜の表面特性も、表面白由エネルギー以外は全て150℃付近で極小の結果を得た。つまり、これらが真の摩擦の原因として考えると、150℃付近でもっとも摩擦力が小さくなると思われる。